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Faith Means Not Having To Think About Stuff

feet to the fire

Stephen Colbert vs. Congressman Lynn Westmoreland
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ten Commandments Congressman can't name them

In this video, Stephen Colbert nails Georgia Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Congressman who' co-sponsored a bill to require the display of the Ten Commandments in the House of Reps and the Senate. After bantering with Westmoreland for a couple minutes, Colbert says, "What are the Ten Commandments?"

  • Stephen Colbert: What are the Ten Commandments?

  • Lynn Westmoreland: What are all of them?

  • SC: Yes.

  • LW: You want me to name them all?

  • SC: Yes.

  • LW: Uhhh.

  • LW: Ummmm. Don't murder. Don't lie. Don't steal. Ummmmm.

  • LW: I can't name them all

    Well, that's not the half of it. Westmoreland seems to have no idea what the commandments are and what they mostly deal with - which is not mainly such practical suggestions against murder, theft and mendacity, but first and foremost about religious conformity, restrictions on freedom of speech and faith, and laying down the foundations of patriarchal rule. (Check them out HERE )

    It has been argued in Westmoreland's defense that in fact, he got all the way up to seven but that his answers were editied to make him look stupid.

    No need for that! His delivery seems devoid of any notion of the language employed - and precious little of English, for that matter.

    I beg you, do see the video to get the full impact of this theocrat's 'dumbth.'

    Colbert v.Westmoreland (R-GA)

    June 16, 2008.
    Now that the California State Supreme Court has struck down laws against gay marriage (at least for the time being) the defenders of heterosexual-only marriage, who apparently fear that their own bonds can't survive the threat of equality, are out in dumb force again.

    At the marriage of an elderly lesbian couple, one protester said, "I think God is going to destroy this nation, not just...California. Look at all our jobs, our jobs are going overseas. God is judging this nation. It's going to get worse."

    So, God is sending our jobs overseas? So does that mean that the actions of our treacherous government in signing 'free trade' agreements were done at God's behest in order to punish Americans for an excess of tolerance or what?

    As Mark Twain used to say, 'that's too many for me.'
