AMERICAN WOMAN MAGAZINE...Special features: 1996 LOVE GUIDE...1997 ASTROLOGY SECTION in Feb. 1997.
DELL HOROSCOPE MAGAZINE...Featured articles 1984 to present: "Crime-Solving Through Astrology".. "Past Lives; Discover the Links Between Lifetimes" .. "Hitting The Jackpot; Is There A Lottery Win in Your Future?" .. "Find Your Perfect Place for Success: The Astrology of Geography".."Get Ready for Your Lucky Break".. "Romantic Times Ahead".. "Marriage & the Sun/Moon Midpoint".."Is There a Job for You in the World of Computers?".. "Let's Go Job Hunting".."Test Your Money Profile".."Times To Reach Out for Love"
SYDNEY OMARR'S YEARLY ASTROLOGICAL GUIDES...1981 TO 1992: Some of my guest articles: "When Will You Marry".."You and Money in 1992".."The 1990 Baby".."Grant Lewi: The Astrologer Who Conquered Time".."Famous Lovers & Their Astrological Chemistry".."Astrology's Famous Predictions".."You and Your Money in 1987".."Astrology's Role in the Medical World".."The Astrology of George Orwell".."The Playing Cards in Your Life".."Cheiro--The Man Behind the Legend".."When Astrology Ruled Modern-Day Argentina".."The Evangeline Adams Saga" .."Remembering Marilyn Monroe".."Carl Gustav Jung--Astrologer".. "My Search for John J. O'Neill."
STARSCROLL (An international publication of Twelve Signs, Inc.) Between 1982 and present, 1000 plus mini-articles with such titles as "Your Hidden Strengths; How To Use Them for Success".."Are you in the Right Location for Love, Money and Success".."Health Secrets for Your Sign".."Love Talk That Will Win Hearts" features such as LOVESCOPE, HEARTBEAT, AND FORECASTS.
AMERICAN ASTROLOGY MAGAZINE...."Drew Carey," "Success, the Way Up"
LLEWELLYN ASTROLOGY CALENDAR...Yearly predictions for each sign, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000...
I've also written for: JOURNAL OF THE WEST, BOUDOIR MAGAZINE, TRUE LOVE MAGAZINE, HALLMARK CARDS, HEADLINES INK (as a publicist}, RADIO STATION KFI (publicity director), THE CANOGA PARK CHRONICLE (a restaurant column entitled "Without Reservations,") and taught advanced astrology at the THE CARROLL RIGHTER FOUNDATION in Hollywood, CA, between 1990 and 1995. My novel, THE SILVER FLEECE, an historical romance about Virginia City, Nevada, was sold to MACDONALD FUTURA in London in 1981. I have recently completed another novel and am working on two more.
I have a B.A. and M.A. in English from California State University, Northridge. My published master's thesis, THE WORLD AS ILLUSION: EMERSON'S AMERICANZATION OF MAYA is available in the CSUN Library under my former married name, Rose Shade.
I'm a member of The American Federation of Astrologers, Romance Writers of America, and Los Angeles Romance Authors (L.A.R.A.).