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Wesley Strick, screenwriter on his trip in a Land Rover driven by Val through the pitch black African night - "I called my wife a day later; she asked, 'Have you seen any wild animals?' I said, 'I've seen wildebeests, and giraffes, and rhinos. But the wildest animal I've seen is Val."
-Premiere Magazine, April 1997

This is a fan site dedicated to Val Kilmer, the man. While there are several Val Kilmer fan sites published on the Internet, it is our goal to focus on the positive contributions Mr. Kilmer has made to both his profession and the world community. We support Val Kilmer throughout our site, without giving a forum to the negative press, as it is not our ambition to be objective journalists, but instead, partial fans.

While Val Kilmer is one of the finest actors of his generation, gifted with a magnificent voice and resplendent on the eyes; what makes Val Kilmer unique and worthy of adoration is not his ability to perform, or his pouty bee stung lips, or even his dreamy voice. Val Kilmer is a role model because he believes in integrity to both himself and his craft. And because he generously reaches out a hand to help others in many ways.
From people in need of food and medical supplies in Iraq, to the wild animals of Africa and important environmental causes; Val Kilmer is an example of someone who doesn't just talk about what should be done, he demonstrates what can be done, to make the world a better place.

We have chosen our African Safari theme for our web site because of a shared love for this part of the world; it has been a pleasure to build this site and to incorporate so many fun little creatures. If you like any of the art featured here, check out Witchee's Resources, or the supplied graphic links. Except where otherwise noted, the art design has been provided by Barefoot Graphics.

We hope you enjoy our small tribute to Mr. Kilmer, and that you will be inspired to help support one of his causes, or to choose one of your own.

~Witchee Woman and Staff


His Biggest Fan!
2001 Calendar
AOL Chat
Inside the Actor's Studio
African Adventures
The Sentinel
Batman Art Set
Willow Art Set
Principia Student, Heather Blamey Interview
Val Visits the Principia
For previous Holiday Pages, go to Jumanji.


  • The Official Salton Sea Web Site You can download the trailer.

  • Hear Val speak in a Christian Science Radio Interview at this link: Looking Into the Heart of Success

  • Rumor has it that Val may sign on to be a villian in the next Austin Powers movie.

  • Release date for Salton Sea has been pushed back to 2002.

  • Val is on the cover and is featured in the September Issue of the Santa Fean magazine. We have had mixed reviews about the article. We cannot give an endorsement to this article. If you are interested in getting a copy of the article you can contact the publisher:
    Santa Fean
    444 Galisteo, Suite A
    Santa Fe, NM 87501
    Price is $4.00 for the magazine and $2.00 for shipping in the United States.

  • Tombstone Director's cut to be released on DVD January 15, 2002.

  • Willow to be released on DVD November 27th.

  • The Hollywood Reporter reports Val Kilmer is in negotiations to star in New Line Cinema's "Killer Instinct," to be directed by studio co-chairman and co-chief operating officer Robert Shaye from a script written by production president Toby Emmerich and his brother Noah. There is no start date for the project as of yet.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

Our love and prayers go out to all our soldiers and their families, as they continue to protect and serve our country.

val kilmer film festival - click here for more information


Disclaimer: Kilmer Safari is a celebrity site created and maintained by a staff of Val Kilmer fans for recreational purposes only. We DO NOT have any affiliation or association with Val Kilmer or any of his representatives. Kilmer Safari respects any and all requests from Mr. Kilmer with regard to content on the site, and will not post derogitory tabloid materials. All photographs are presented for your personal enjoyment only, said photographs remain the property of their respective copyright holders. Except where noted, all graphic design belongs to Kilmer Safari. Linkware belongs to the respective artists, see their terms and conditions of use before taking any graphics from this site. Any original written work appearing on Kilmer Safari is Copyright Kilmer Safari 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.