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The drums are beating out the Tribal Law of Kilmer Safari. Why? What do the drums say? Oh no! Not Rules! Yes ladies and gentlemen, there are rules here on Kilmer Safari, regarding the standard of conduct expected of all guests using the message systems. The reason is simple. We have worked very hard to bring you a site that respects Val Kilmer. Without rules a Tribal War would eventually break out, resulting in a blood bath and angering Witchee Woman. You see how she is when she gets angry.............
To insure that there are no misunderstandings, and everyone will have fun and be treated with Kilmar Safari respect, the staff has outlined the following rules. Send us an email if you have any questions about what is and isn't acceptable. We don't want Witchee boiling anyone for dinner, or hanging out any more of those damn weird heads of hers!

      1. Respect for Val Kilmer and other guests will be maintained in all posts. It will be up to the Kilmer Safari staff to determine what is and is not respectful and when to delete offensive posts or to ban offenders from posting. Their decisions are final. We will not condone name calling, cat fighting or slanderous remarks or vindictive comments. There are plenty of other sites on the Internet where anything goes, if you are so inclined, please frequent them.

      2. Kilmer Safari staff members have the authority to determine what subjects are considered appropriate and which are not. General guidelines are based upon what is considered public and what is private and personal and therefore not appropriate for discussion or speculation. The rule of thumb here is this: if Val Kilmer has openly discussed something in an interview or article, then it may be discussed in the same vein. If not, it remains private as far as we are concerned, and is to be respected as such.

      3. If another person associated with Val Kilmer has made public statements, then those statements are open for discussion. Standards of conduct still apply here.

      4. Val Kilmer's children are not celebrities and should be treated with the privacy that all other children deserve. Please keep the references to them to a minimum. Compliments on how cute they are, or the nice stories Val has told about them is fine, but please refrain from further comments.

      5. Please do not post articles, reviews or other material on the boards. If you have a submission to share with us, please email it via the appropriate links and we will happily post the ones that we feel treat Val Kilmer with the level of respect that we wish to maintain on this site.

      6. While we all agree that Val Kilmer is the sexiest man alive, constant references to his physical appearance are not welcomed by all guests and should be shared via the email lists or private email and not posted in the public forum. Please do not post sexually suggestive poetry, dream accounts or other things that Val Kilmer could find offensive. If you wouldn't say it to your grandmother or priest, please do not post it! There are mail lists available, with appropriate age ratings for expressing all those emotions.

      7. Please do not post unrelated information on the forum, it will be immediately removed. This includes disparaging comments regarding other celebrities and their fan sites.

      8. Under no circumstances are copyright protected materials, such as poetry from My Eden's After Burns, to ever be posted. While there is a demand for access to Val Kilmer's poetry, other then the poem he wrote for the Saint, no sharing of poetry via this site is allowed without the written consent of Val Kilmer.

      9. The speculation of the location of Val Kilmer's residence(s) is prohibited. If you are interested in sending fan mail to Val Kilmer, please access one of the appropriate address available on our FAQ page.

      10. Please remember the Golden Rule and treat others the way you would like to be treated.

      Thank you for respecting our rules of conduct and for maintaining a level of decorum that Val Kilmer can be proud to inspire from his fans.

      ~The Kilmer Safari Staff