The strutting bird, with feathers flared,
Bursting upon this gentle scene,
Hey, James and Bambi, Jezebel and Neon!
Long memoried Neon left nothing to chance;
Then curious Black Cat sneaked a peek ‘round the house;
But the one most alarmed by this shocking intrusion,
For right down at his level came this mite of a devil;
Frantically flapping, eyes out in a bulge,
As the light of day dawned, the poor bird was agape;
While a cleaver strikes fear in a tom turkey’s breast,
The movies that entertained, inspired and regaled with adventure....
For that, I am Thankful.
The embodiment of ideals that demonstrated life could be richer.....
For that, I am Thankful.
The example of gentleness, forgiveness and service to fellow man....
For that, I am Thankful.
The wonders of far off corners of the world, now visualized with rapt
For that, I am Thankful.
The inspiration to look within oneself for a more meaningful quality of
For that, I am Thankful.
The wellspring from which friendships were made, bonds forged and
kindred spirits united.......
For that, I am so very Thankful.
preens himself with a puffed up air,
while ponies impatiently paw the ground,
and buffalo, grazing, seem bored all around.
a wild-eyed creature with a squealing scream,
whose chubby legs move at amazing speed
whipping up the excitement all little boys breed.
Did my buddies miss me? So wong I’ve been gone!
Your fwend’s at the wanch for Thanksgiving Day,
so wets start havin’ bawuls of fun wike always!
snorting hello, to his stall wisely pranced.
The buffalo pals lacking full circled moon,
decided the excitement was by far too soon.
Screeching out loud, she hurried back to her mouse.
The barnyard was suddenly the scariest place,
all creatures held hostage by one small laughing face.
was newcomer, Kaz Turkey, who drew one conclusion;
what first he had thought was a turkey’s delight,
with no warning at all became one hellish fright!
proud Kaz knew at once he would soon be disheveled,
by the chasing and grabbing of fistfuls of feathers,
‘til he no longer resembled himself, the bellwether.
poor Kaz found his neck was quite squeezed in too snug.
The last words he heard were as though he’d been drugged,
"wook Daddy wook my new fwend wants a hug!"
he thanked dad with one squawk, and made a belated escape.
As the dust settled ‘round, and the feathers floated near,
one thing at once became crystalline clear…
and a glimpse of a roasting pan insures cardiac arrest,
a sweet loving boy is an unrivaled way
to scare the stuffin’ out ’a turkey on Thanksgiving Day!
In Thanks
A special Kilmer Safari Thank You to Blackat's Free Web Graphics for the adorable artwork.