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We thought it would be fun to start off with a little poll. Each of us has dreamed about what meeting Val Kilmer would be like. We may have even imagined what it would be like to receive a little kiss. In the spirit of the holiday, we thought it would be interesting to see what you would pass up for a chance at just one kiss from those incredible lips...........

A Valentine for Val

From Santa Fe in February
with snow upon the ground
the little road winding north
into an almost town
whispers, Fool!
through every curve
you know he can't be found!
Husssh, I know you bear the weight
each and every time he's sought
so do protect him if you can
and know it's all I want
to view the land that cast it’s spell
of ancient mystical allure
with soft-hued grace that shades the day
and haunting moonscapes, stark and pure,
that snared the youthful questing soul
assuring his return forevermore…

To feel my spirit diffuse gently
on the divinity of a desert breeze
and be instantly restored by the
Tesuque sunset that he sees.
To sip the pristine mountain water
privileged traveler on his trips
and marvel in pure wonder
that It once tasted his own lips.
To touch the point of delivery
and know he too has touched
to walk through the door of his village mart
and linger on it's porch.

To strike up conversation
with the friendly FedEx guys
and laughingly decipher
if it's truth or teasing lies.

Winding back to Santa Fe
in deep and quiet thought
there whispers by the softest sigh…
the road?...or my own heart?
Though his face was never gazed upon
over that I cannot cry
in a deep abiding peaceful place
my soul is satisfied.

If you would like to sumit a poem, email us!