1)(Sundinandcujoarehockeysgods)*Samantha* -Hi, this is my page. Well as most if not all of you should know I am a die hard leafs fan!! Sundin is my favourite player and not to far behind comes Cujo.
2)(Nivvy_17)*Nicole* -Well, she isn't a hockey fan but she is one of my best friends IRL so she has every right to be on this page. Niv's just one cool chick! hehe hey babe aka *niv the quivering member* :P
3)(Welsh_Hockey_chick)*Catherine*-Well i'm sure you all know Cat and what can i say, but she's so unbelievably sweet! She's there as a friend, just to talk to or for advice. She's totally Killer! I have recently inherited this welsh chick as my sis!
4)(Tim_Horton_7)*Carl*-This is none other then Krazy Carl, he is best friends IRL to the great mighty *wyvern70* I have yet to recieve the honour of meeting him but in all good time it will happen!
5)(The_Hockey_Gods)*Shaila*-Well Shai is more of an old time chatter. She is Best friends with *cloud39* Shai is a leafs fan so ever though she's already really cool that makes her wicked!
6)(Jason__97)*Jason*-What can I say, but How'd ya like prom buddy? Jason's a leafs fan but he doesn't nearly come even close to out smarting me in hockey knowledge :P
7)(JasonMack)*Jason*-This is Jasck! He's also a leafs fna but i really don't hear him talking hockey much so does he really know what he's talking about?? Well sure he does! Hes a leafs fan that alone equals hockey knowledge*
8)(cmml_2000)*Markus is a real sweetheart, although he's not totally a leafs fan he does love the sport. He is interested more with *Djurgarden* a Swedish team. *Sundin's former team* :) anyways Iv'e been told to write "Djurgarden is the swedish Champions of 2000 and probably 2001"....hehe there ya go hun!! He's a great guy to talk to!!!!! *hugz*
9)(Kawie_454)*Jeff*-He is one of the first leaf fans i talked to when i first went into NHL chat about 2 years ago. We haven't kept in touch but once a leafs fan, always a leafs fan!
10)(Coolest_Game_On-Earth)*Enoch*-He just likes to bug me about how bad the leafs are doing, even though he's a leafs fan himself...lol well he's pretty cool though he is one person i actually talk hockey with..OMG eh?
11)(Kak_2000_98)*Kathy and I have been talking for...umm like for 3 years or so on and off. She's a really cool chick and she's a leafs fan which obviously means she ROKS!! Kak is a great gal, she just needs some balls to do somethings...go get it done girl it'll be fine *hugz*
12)(mounta_00)*Jeremy is real Sweetheart, I met him in chat and he's been there for me in the good and bad times. He's there for advice or just someone to talk to. Talkig with him passes the time. Jeremy is one of the people online that make chatting worth while!!!! thanx hun *hugz* *he's the middle one at the back*
13)(hebe_daughter_of_zeus)*Ine is a fellow leafs fan, thats on ehting that makes her cool in my books. But there's more then that, yes.....sam like a person for more then the fact they're a leafs fan...hehe Ine is a really cool newbie in chat. She is really sweet but knows when and where to take sides and defend her beleifs. ie *Lindros = NOT A LEAF*..hehe you rok Heberz!!! *hugz*
14)(Ayatollah_of_Rocknrollah)*Kyle*-He's great, he bunked in my room for 3 months and I just got to know him well and i'm glad he's finally found happiness you deserve it hun!!
15)(Kellie1234)*Kellie is amongst the many Wings fans i talk to in Nhl chat. I don't know her particularily well bu from what i do She's known as a sweetheart. She just like s the wrong team...lol
16)(GeOfF)*Geoff*-he's a wings fan, that's one strike against him...lol j/k geofferz he's a really cool guy!! I've noticed he's quite shy, but so am I so it's all good!
17)(Charlie44050)*Charlie*-He's just a sweetheart! Anyone who ignores him for playing us musik on his guitar should be shot!! But he's a wings fan *Uh oh*
18)(Sammy_Loves_Lindros)*Sammy*-She's just got one thing against her she's a lindros fan..wait 2 things against her she's also philly fan...LOL but she's not a cocky one so she's cool!
19)(Hockey_God_Metallica_00)*Paul*- Despite what everyne actually says about him in chat he's not the biggest prick. At times he can be really sweet, he just tries to piss everyone off for no other reason but it gets to you's.
20)(Havokan45)*Joe*-Hav's a cool guy, he's always there to listen to you and he actaully seems like he cares what you're saying he's killer!!
21)(Predatorfan)*Dana*-We used to talk, but we don't really anymore but hell I still saved her a spot on my page. She's cool to talk to!
22)(max_afinogenov_sabres_bitch_61)*Dani is another newbie to chat, since she began chatting as a regualr here I have come to like the little kiddo :) She's really sweet, you'll never hear any shit come out of her mouth bad mouthing anyone...well of course as long as you don't say *Sabres suck* hehe I said it :) But she's a real sweetheart and there's nothing bad in word of mouth in chat about this lil chicklet. Oh yea and little Eric her son's Adorable!!!
23)(tweeterbug_44)*This is Marissa she is one of the nicest chicks in chat. Marissa is well liked by all and adored most by the *artist formally known as vegeta* even if he denies it. marissa is a rockin girl *besides the fact she's a sabres fan* and whoever thinks otherwise can kiss her ass!!
24)(shutans_girl)*Loreta*-We haven't talked in ever:( and she's a buffalo fan. I think the last time we talked was when the Sabres beat out my leafs in the playoffs. *Forgive but never forget*

25)(shark_attackz)*Jody* is one of the chicks in chat that you don't want to mess with, she'll fight anyone and with her knowledge of the game she usually comes out on top. She's a really cool friend that I made more recently then some of the others but a friend that will last a long time! -

26)(belfour_is_a_great_drunk)*Todd is a guy I really just started talknig to eh *cuz* hehe well anyways as you can probably tell by his name he's hilarious, that name is shere brilliant!! He's a really sweet guy to talk to, he's also good looking as you can see from the pic, and girls that's his *ex* this ones *single*
27)(wolf_worship_24)*Although Ali has no picture of herself online, it doesn't mean that she doesn't get a blurb stating how much of a sweetheart she is. ALi and i have been talking for quite awhile now. Ever since she was *hawke* and the old chatters were still around. Now she's got a new name, a new b/f, and well a new *online life* This is a really cool chick, her b/f's a little bit full of himself he's a sweet.. :) ..conceeded bastard...hehe j/k well sometimes!! Anyways chicky, maybe someday the mystery will be solved and the mask we become unvealed......and we'll once see your picy :)

Chat Friends 2
*Islanders, Rangers, Devs, Caps, Hawks, Blues, Sens, Stars, Habs, Bruins, Panthers, Canuck Fans*

My Sundin Shrine
Prom 2000
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