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October 13, 1998

Golf Tournament to Help Abused Kids

The San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program announced today that the Third Annual Jim "Mudcat" Grant Celebrity Golf Tournamis to be held in July, 1999. More information will be forthcoming.

The tournament is held annually to raise funds to help abused and neglected children in San Bernardino County. If you are interested in this tournament call San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program at (909)881-6760.

According to Jim "Mudcat" Grant, the golf tournament director and former baseball great, "I established this annual celebrity golf tournament several years ago to try and alleviate the terrible suffering endured by the many children in San Bernardino County in the Juvenile Court System. It costs over $2500 a year to provide a Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian Ad Litem for a single abused child. The waiting list is so long that I felt I had to do something where many people could get involved in helping this worthy cause."

Grant said that each golf foursome will have a celebrity to play with them.

Following the tournament there will be a dinner along with an auction. The auction will have autographed sports memorabilia, computers, Warner Brothers limited edition items and an all expense paid vacation to maui including airfare for two and hotel stay at the Ritz Carleton. People can come to enjoy the full day of golf which includes dinner, or join us for the dinner only.



May 16, 1998


The San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program is accepting volunteer applications for the following programs: Court Appointed Special Advocates/Guardian Ad Litems (CASA/GAL) and the Youth Empowerment Program.

The CASA/GAL volunteers work with the court to advocate the best interest of an abused or neglected child in the San Bernardino County Juvenile Court System. Currently there are a large number of children on the waiting list for an appointed CASA/GAL.

The Youth Empowerment Program helps teens in developing morals, values and independence.

No previous experience is required. Selected applicants will be trained on courtroom procedures, the social service and juvenile court systems and the special needs of abused children. Enhanced training is offered for the Youth Empowerment Program. We offer weekday and weekend training classes. The next orientation will be held July 11, 1998 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Weekend training is scheduled for July 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th, 1998 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To receive an application and information, call (909) 881-6760 or stop by the agency office at 1635 North D Street, San Bernardino.




January 1, 1998

San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program

•The San Bernardino Child Advocacy [CASA/GAL] program was established by the Presiding Juvenile Court Judges in 1984 under the umbrella of the Y. M. C. A. It was incorporated as an autonomous 501 (3) (c) non-profit program in 1989. The program is governed by committed and concerned community volunteers, who serve as the Board of Directors. The program was established to provide services to children in San Bernardino County who have been placed under the jurisdiction and protection of the court due to allegations of abuse. •Legal, fiscal and program governance for the agency rests, solely, with a volunteer Board of Directors.

•The Board employees one staff, an Executive Director, to oversee the entire operation of the agency to ensure that all policy approved by the board is implemented and followed.

•The CASA Child Case Managers are responsible for the recruiting, screening, training and supervision of the volunteers in the program. They are directly in charge of the clients (children) referred to the program and for ensurance of agency and volunteer compliance with the State Rules of Court and the Local Rules of Court.

•The program utilizes principled community volunteers to serve as Officers of the Court, acting as the court's eyes and ears in the child's best interest.

•Once approved and accepted by the agency and at the request of the Executive Director, the volunteers are appointed to cases by the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court or his/her designee.

•The goals of the program are three-fold: To reduce the residual trauma of child abuse to children in the Juvenile Court dependency system; to advocate for the rights of children in the child welfare system; and to improve the quality of information presented to the Juvenile Court on behalf of the child. This is accomplished by providing a long-term, consistent, supportive supervisorial relationships with screened, trained and supervised principled community volunteers.

•An Advisory Board Committee, chaired by the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court, provides planning and coordination of program services. Professionals from the various disciplines in child protective system, the bench, probation, schools and mental health are represented.

CASA/GAL volunteers come from all walks of life. They have a variety of professional, educational and ethnic backgrounds. Volunteers are selected on the basis of their objectivity, competence and commitment. After being carefully screened, volunteers are trained. They learn about court room procedure, the social service and juvenile court systems, and the special needs of children who have been abused and their families. They are responsible for advocating for the best interest of the children to whom they are assigned as Officers of the Court.

Email Sbcapi


Snail mail us at:

San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program, Inc.
P.O. Box 30936
San Bernardino, CA

Our physical address is:
1635 North D Street
San Bernardino, CA
Phone us at: (909) 881-6760

or fax us at : (909) 881-6764

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