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Volunteer Requirements



If you are interested in volunteering for SBCAP as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, you must complete an application. Upon receipt of the completed application package, the Recruiter/trainer initiates contact to schedule a confidential interview. At that time, an opportunity is provided to discuss, more completely, the various aspects of the SAN BERNARDINO CHILD ADVOCACY PROGRAM and to determine the applicants ability and availability for involvement in the program. As soon as the interview is completed, information is provided regarding the orientation and training schedule.

The CASA/GAL program takes great pride in its sensitivity to the cultural diversity in our communities county wide. Therefore, individuals of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Those individuals who are interested in this program are required to comply with the program's policy statement regarding discrimination.


There are four different CASA/GAL model types throughout the Nation according to records from National CASA/GAL Association. They are identified as CASA/GAL as Party to the action; CASA/GAL as a Friend of the court; CASA/GAL and Attorney Team; and CASA/GAL as Monitor. San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program is the CASA/GAL As Party to the action model .

A CASA/GAL is a volunteer child advocate who has been approved, accepted, trained and is under the direct supervision of the program staff of SBCAP. The volunteer serves in the privileged position of being recommended to and appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court to represent the best interest of children who are under the court's jurisdiction (as defined by the California Welfare & Institutions Code Sections 300 and Section 602). During the time the child remains under the jurisdiction of the court, the CASA/GAL investigates the child's circumstances, provides factual information and makes recommendations to the Court.

CASA/GALs supplement the efforts of social workers, psychiatrists, attorneys and other professionals involved in a child's case working at all times with the CASA/GAL program's staff to further the best interests regarding the child's welfare by making recommendations to the court.

The CASA/GAL's ultimate goal is to help ensure that the court has the all pertinent information to make sound decisions on behalf of the child for a permanent home within the time frames of the law. This could be return to the parents, adoption, the appointment of a legal guardian, or some other permanent living arrangement that fulfills the child's needs and satisfies the Court. The volunteer CASA/GAL is NOT a surrogate parent and must not involve himself/herself in any manner which would suggest otherwise, directly or indirectly, to the child or other involved parties. CASA/GALs must avoid becoming so personally involved that they lose focus on the best interest of the child.


Screening Process:
Because SBCAP is involved with the Juvenile Court process of providing safety to children who are under the court's jurisdiction, we ask that you participate in a complete security clearance. Part of that clearance will include a fingerprint clearance, letters of reference and interviews. We ask that you cooperate to ensure a speedy process by providing the following:

  • •Completed and Signed Application with attachments of: •DMV Printout; • Names, Addresses and Phone # for three (3) Letters of Reference;
  • Signed Reporting Law Agreement;
  • Release for Criminal Investigations Check;
  • Declaration of Current Insurance Coverage;
  • Pledge of Confidentiality.
  • Personal Interview
  • Fingerprint Card (2)
  • 40 Hours classroom training consisting of:
    •Child Abuse Dynamics/Effects and Impact on Children and Families
    •Establishing Trust/Building a Child's Self-Esteem
    •Family Preservation/Reunification/Permanency Planning
    •Roles/Responsibilities/Job Description of CASA/GAL/Court Conduct
    •Conflict Management/Mediation
    •Investigation / Documentation / Court Report Writing / Testifying / Rules of Evidence
    •Self-Awareness/Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity/Managing Diversity
    •Special Educational Rights
    •Site visits and Court room observation-prep for Court appearances.
    •Child Protective Services and Juvenile Court Systems
    •Oath of Confidentiality/Reporting Law Agreement/Duties as Officer of the Court
    •Stress Management/Maintaining a Healthy Balance

This training is very intensive and is designed to provide the volunteers with adequate and necessary skills, knowledge and supportive resources to be a successful Child Advocate in court.

•Once the initial screening, selection and training are complete you will be issued an I.D. card which must be validated yearly.
•On-going in-service training of ten (10) hrs. required per year.
•Monthly submission of documented hours of service minimum of ten (10) to seventeen (17)
•Submission of quarterly case updates and court reports within the time frame outlined by supervising staff.
•Accept on-going support and assistance from agency personnel.
•Participation in the yearly renewal assessment and submit required documentation to determine continued eligibility of "good standing".

Thank you for your understanding of and cooperation in this necessary screening process. If you have any questions, concerns or want more information, please contact one of the CASA Child Case Managers, at the San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program office (909) 881-6760 or eMail to ''.

Training Program: The training program includes and exceeds all of the area specific mandated training requirements addressed in California Rules of Court # 1424. Forty (40) hours of required training is conducted by the Director and Program Staff three times yearly. The training hours include an additional 4 hours orientation, 4 hours of mandatory court observation, thirty-two hours of instruction time for four week- ends and 16-20 hours of reading and reviewing the mandatory curriculum. The program has adapted and uses the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (NCASAA) training manual as the basic training curriculum and includes other germane instructional material. The screened and selected volunteers each receive the complete manual and other appropriate educational and resource material as a part of the training package. The program also uses the experience and expertise of community professionals (Deputy District Attorney, Parent Attorney, Social Worker, Psychologist, Clinician, and Special Educational Rights Instructor) in the training process. Every effort is made to ensure speakers reflect an ethnic balance to provide an awareness and sensitivity to the cultural diversity issues of the population served by the program. In addition to the initial training volunteers are required to complete ten (10) hours of in-service training yearly. Quarterly in-service training sessions with guest speakers, are arranged by program staff, topics are based on input and need assessments addressed by the volunteers and from staff observations. The staff inform the volunteers of additional training opportunities, given by other private and public agencies.

Volunteer Supervision: The screened, selected and trained CASA/GAL volunteers become Officers of the Court and are subject to the rules of the court. They are sworn in, appointed by and become responsible to the presiding juvenile court judge under SBCAP's supervision. The volunteers are provided with a policy handbook that outlines in detail the this agency's and court's expectations. The volunteers are required to sign a statement of receipt and expectation of their adherence to the guidelines regarding their conduct, role, duties and responsibilities to the child, the court and the program as representatives of SBCAP. Volunteers receive a list of phone numbers for (24) hour emergency coverage through office staff, assigned mentor and/or the CPS hot-line.

The Judges monitor CASA/GAL volunteers' effectiveness through quality written court reports, court appearances, and testimony. Additionally, SBCAP's policies and procedures are in place regarding monitoring requirements by program staff. Staff monitors each guardian and his/her assigned cases according to the mandated standards of the state and local rules of court.

This includes:

A) weekly contact;
B) monthly stats for number of volunteer hours;
C) quarterly case review, case conferences, planning and progress reports;
D) court reports; case logs, and testimony in court
E) his/her participation in required yearly in-service training; and,
F) yearly evaluation feedback from attorneys, social workers, judges and the clients.

Staff evaluate the performance of the CASA/GALs. The volunteers complete yearly evaluations on the staff, program and services and are provided with a photo ID with a yearly expiration date to ensure that updated renewal requirements are completed before their ID is re-validated.

Use of Volunteers: Court Appointed Special Advocate / Guardians ad Litem serve under the State Rules of Court # 1424 and Local Rules of Court as sworn Officers of the Court. CASA/GALs to help define the best interests of children in juvenile court proceedings, including guardianships, actions to terminate parental rights, and adoption. They are evaluated, annually, for compliance. All volunteers serve at the pleasure of the court under the direct supervision of SBCAP; appointment is a privilege and not a right. The Presiding Court Judge or his/her designee has the sole authority and power to appoint and/or remove a CASA/GAL volunteer to or from a case and there is no appeals process. CASA/GAL volunteers commit to two (2) years of 10-17 hours per month, to fulfill the mission of SBCAP.

The trained volunteers are carefully matched to the referred dependents to maximize success for both the child and the volunteer. They conduct independent investigations; prepare detailed written reports to the court covering all aspects of the child's life (medical, dental, medications, school, educational rights, placements, relationships, special needs, etc.); ensure court order compliance, and service delivery; locate resources; give supplemental and supportive one-to-one care, quality time and attention; function as positive adult role models of consistency, dependability, and friendship; and, become the ONE vital factor of continuity and stability in the lives of assigned children. While the primary role is to ensure the safety, well-being and best interest of the child, another important concern is to preserve and reunify the family, if possible, and/or expedite an alternative permanency plan for the child. CASA/GAL volunteers provide the most precious gift that can be given. They give intensely and wholeheartedly of themselves with their care, time and attention. In the course of their non-paid work, they positively impact the directions of and outcomes for children whose futures were previously destined for failure.

Eighty four percent of our volunteer pool are employed full-time. Eighty-five (85%) of the volunteer force are post graduate level professionals, volunteering to serve abused children. They have made a significant difference in the lives of children and their families.

Email Sbcapi


Snail mail us at:

San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program, Inc.
P.O. Box 30936
San Bernardino, CA

Our physical address is:
1635 North D Street
San Bernardino, CA
Phone us at: (909) 881-6760

or fax us at : (909) 881-6764

Honorary Board Members Sbcap Success Stories

Precious Moments Border is courtesy of Leah's Border Boutique

Leah's Border Boutique