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What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that generally appears as patches of raised red skin covered by a flaky white buildup. Although the exact cause is unknown, psoriasis is believed to be related to faulty signals sent by the body's immune system. These signals accelerate the growth cycle in skin cells, which pile up on the surface when the body can't shed them fast enough.

Psoriasis is not contagious—no one can "catch" it from another person. It has a genetic component that makes certain people more likely to develop it, but often an external or environmental "trigger" is necessary to make psoriasis appear. These triggers may include emotional stress, injury to the skin, some types of infection and reaction to certain drugs.

The most common form of psoriasis is called "plaque psoriasis"—about 80 percent of people with psoriasis have this type. Plaque psoriasis can appear on any skin surface, although the knees, elbows, scalp, trunk and nails are the most common locations.

There are several other types of psoriasis, and between 10 percent and 30 percent of people with psoriasis also develop a related form of arthritis, called psoriatic arthritis.

Click on the NPF logo above to learn more

Facts and Myths of Psoriasis

Learn about the Social factors a person deals with when they have Psoriasis

Types and Severity of Psoriasis

Psoriatic Arthritis

All information and Graphics courtsey of National Psoriasis Foundation, Portland, Oregon. All rights reserved © 1995, 1999

View The Psoriasis Information Message Board

If you have Psoriasis, know someone who does, want to find out more information, or need emotional support from others who suffer from this skin disorder please visit the links I have listed below

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Click here to visit the Psoriasis community on MSN that I started

A great place for support and a weekly chat about Psoriasis

Yahoo club for singles with Psoriasis

People with Psoriasis are always looking for treatments. There are alot of ad's in newspapers, magazines and web sites that claim they have a "CURE" for this skin disorder. The facts are there is no "CURE" only treatments. Most ad's or web sites you find are about non-medical treatments and are a scam. Or they use ingredients that you can purchase OTC (over the counter) and at a much reduced price. Please visit the link below to learn about some of the companies and their products that are deceptive and misleading. Much thanks to Ed Anderson the creator of The Psoriasis Hall of Shame.

Psoriasis Hall of Shame

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