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Our Mission

What is Bay Area Attitude? Well, thats what we intend to answer in this section of the website.

Bay Area Attitude is a Yahoo club created by bay area sports fans for other bay area sports fans. The founders are Chris Cleary of Antioch and Mike Martinez of Pittsburg. both are dedicated bay area sports fans and proud bay area residents who are always looking for more fellow fans to interact with on sports related subjects. We enjoy sharing our favorite bay area sports experience or memories with other fans as well as having other fans share thiers with us. The Yahoo club was created in order to provide a place where bay area sports fans can gather and discuss sports in an enjoyable manner free of the many problems many public sports forums have. Namely trouble maker LA fans or kids looking for cybersex.

Through bay area attitude we hope to promote bay area pride, fire fans up for thier teams, and promote comradery amongst bay area sports fans, whether your alligences lie in Oakland or San Francisco. We have a small number of members now but are looking to expand our membership throughout not just the bay area but all over North America. We have a member from Michigan and another who currently resides in Wyoming. All we ask is that you are a bay area sports fan. We discourage the Oakland-SF rivalry as well because after all, this is all one market and remember we are all on the same side. Except of course, when the teams representing the cities are playing against each other, thats understandable.

In our club we hope to most of all provide an enjoyable enviroment, so therefore petty rules that exsist in public forums will not take effect, such as swearing. We even encourage anti-LA propaganda in our club, as well as anti-Dallas, Colorado, Seattle talk in our club. It all provides for a more pumped atmosphere. If you have pictures you have taken at a bay area sports event or an encounter with a bay area sports figure, feel free to share them, for our club has a photo area where any member may post new photos at any time. After all, thats why we call ourselves BAY AREA ATTITUDE. Come into our club with the attitude that the bay is the best place in the world to live and let nobody tell you otherwise. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, come and join us. All you need is a Yahoo ID, which is free of charge.

Have one on us at Bay Area Attitude.

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