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Resources to Increase Star performance
The test results are out and the 1999 - 2000 school year is here. With so little time and so many demands, what is a teacher to do? Well, what we always do. Check the results, understand the test makers haven't got a clue and then plan accordingly. As you know the test is NOT required for Seniors but the STAR test IS composed of Senior level Government and Economic concepts. That means - we the teachers - must start integrating major components of Senior level Government and Economic concepts into the the Sopohomore World History and Junior US History Courses. Why? Because unlike the text book publisher and test designer we truly care that our students succeed.

First Take A Look At The CDE's STAR Test Results

To help us both meet the needs of the students and meet the ever increasing requirements of standardized testing, g rouped by subject matter below, you will find some launchpoint resources. If you have a site you would like to see added to this page please e-mail me the url:

Government Lesson Plans

Foundations of American Government United States Government Lesson Plans Civics in State & Local Government
Inaugural Lessons Chief Justice: Constitution Lesson Federalism
The Bill of Rights in Action plan Close Up: Civics Center for Civic Education
Education Planet Lesson Plan Resources Library Spot

Foundation for Teaching Economics

Government Research Sites

California Secretary of State Govbot Database U.S. Treasury
The White House Federal Judiciary House of Representatives
The U.S. Senate Library of Congress Go Vote!

Economics Principles and Practices

Resources for Teaching Economics Teachers Guides and Lessons for Economics How to Design a Lesson
Factors of Production Teach One Fiscal & Monetary Policy
Economics America Debate Topics Online Economics
Baseball Economics & Sprewell Incident Teachers First Editorial Cartoons
Economics for Leaders Consumer: Simulations Statistics Data Links
Environmental Links Investment Simulation Wallstreet Sports Sim

Homepage, Geography, United States History World History Cultures

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