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Codes, Game Shark, Strategy, and Reviews!!!

The Spice Girls, now has a Movie and two albums and now they have a Video Game!!! Spice World, the Video Game came out in America in August of 1998 on the Sony Playstation. In this game you learn all it takes to be a Spice Girl. You can mix their music and make routines for each Spice Girl. The game also includes a "Spice Network" option with recorded interviews, rare footage, and generally cool Spice Girl things.

By W. Chan
Please note that this review was not written by staff of Playstation, or developer of this game
Click Here to see Review

The following are codes for Spice World for Playstation

Alternate Title Screen At the globe screen, hold Start and press Circle, Triangle(2), Circle, then hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Start + Select. This shows the spice girls naked behind chairs

Big Spice At the globe screen, hold Start and press Circle, Square, Circle, Square.

Hand Bag Mode At the globe screen, hold Start and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. Now there will be new moves at the dance studio.

Secret messages At the menu screen where a Spice Girl walks across a planet, hold Start and press Circle, Triangle(2), Circle. If you entered the code correctly, the code will be displayed. Then, hold Start + Select and press Circle(4) for the first message. Hold Start + Select and press Triangle(4) for the next message. Hold Start + Select and press Square(4) for the final message.

(The following codes are fore Game Shark)

Have Alternate Title Screen Enabled
8008D220 0001

Have Handbag Mode Enabled
8008D218 0001

Giant Ginger Spice
8007629C 2710
800762A0 1450
800762A4 2710

Giant Scary Spice
80076664 2710
80076668 1450
8007666C 2710

Giant Posh Spice
80076848 2710
8007684C 1450
80076850 2710

Giant Baby Spice
800760B8 2710
800760BC 1450
800760C0 2710

Giant Sporty Spice
80076480 2710
80076484 1450
80076488 2710


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Some codes may work only with SCEA.
This Website has no affiliation with the Spice Girls, Virgin Records, Sony Computers Entertainment Inc., etc.