All bout me (from what I remember)

Alright now let me begin from the beginning. I was born in Saint Bernardines Hospital in San Bernardino. I was born on May 9th, 1983. I was named Elizabeth Christine(like my great grandmas name) Thompson. My parents names are Cecilia and Carl. My mom went into labor with me on Mothers Day. But a few hours later I was born. I still have all the gifts that were given to me when I was born.

I was born with a heart murmur. And if you don't know what that is, it's when you are born with a big hole in your heart. Mine was as big as a quarter. If I cried I could have died in my first couple of months of life. My mom and dad had a pretty hard time keepin me from cryin for at least I'd say a good 6 to 8 months. I am happy that they did not let me cry.

Then when I was around 18 months old, I got a rare ear problem. The first doctor told my parents not to worry it wasnt anything to worry about. But it was something to worry about seeing that I was losing a lot of weight and not eatin right. So my mom took me to another doctor and they said that i needed this lil tube in my ears that help drain them out. So at 18 months old I had to be potty trained. When my surgery was over, from what my mom and dad told me, I was running thorugh the halls, just like all the other times i had been in the hospital. I was just crazy that way =)If I didn't have that surgery, I could have became, excuse my way of puttin this, but I would have become retarded. But now that the surgery has helped me, I have strong hearing, and its very annoying to me and parents.

On my first Thanksgiving, my mom said that when I ate the drum stick (the leg), right then she knew I was going to be left handed on my writings. Which I am. I believe I started walking at 10 months old. We used to live next door to my great grandma (may god bless her soul and may she rest in peace) I would go and walk over there and just spend hours there. I would open the door for myself and everything.

My dad's mom (my great grandma's daughter) got mad cuz I loved my great grandma, so she gave me 3 lil boxes of rasins and made me get the runs. I hate her for that. And many other things too, that will be mentioned later.

When I was about 1 year old and a couple of months my mom got pregant again, with my lil brother. My dad's mom was determined to name my brother cuz she did not have no say in what my name was to be. Thank god!

When my brother was born he was a lil fat ol' thing. He was born on June 19th, 1985. He was named Karlton (like my dad only with a k) Robert Thompson. When my mom and dad brought him home, I called him Dude, cuz in those days I thought he looked like a dude. So his nick name has been that since then. He kinda likes it.

Durning the time that me and my lil brother were growin up my family had a lot of things always stoppin us from living a happy life. When I was about 2 years old, I was always sick. I had ear infections up the butt. This is what i meantioned ealier. But here some more to it. I stayed in the hospital for a couple of weeks. I would run up and down the halls of the hospital playin and just having a good ol' time. The doctors thought I was crazy, but hey I was only 2.

I was a good lil kid. I would never cry or touch anything I wasn't supposed to and I was quite. My brother on the other hand was a pain in the butt. He would get my Barbie dolls and bite their heads off. And he would get my mom's glass cups and break them. And when we went to the store, if he didn't get what he wanted, oh gosh all hell broke loose. He would cry and scream then hold his breath and make himself turn blue and purple. I thought it was dumb. Still do.

When I got to Kindergarten, I met my first best friend there. Her name was Monique. We stayed friends all thorugh Kindergarten. I think we were the best friends in our whole class. She was cool.

When I got to 1st grade I moved and then had to miss school for like a week or so. I dont remember much from 1st grade but thats ok.

2nd grade I had a mean o' teacher. damn it was hell in there.

3rd grade I went to another school cuz my mom wanted us to go to the same school as my cousin. And thats when my friend Monique moved schools too.

4th grade went back to the school I had came from. And I really didnt like the track I was on but i liked my teacher. she was cool. I had never been on D Track before I was always on C Track. But Miss. Corin made it worht being in that class.

5th grade I had to do alot of computer things, it was ok though. No cmplaints from me.

6th grade I was in the schoool newspaper. We had made it really cool. The teacher I had she let me do the class yearbook. It was hard for me to do it all by myself but I did it. I was the first one to make the year book in all of her classes.We had a great big party on our last day of school. Thats when I embarrased myself so bad. I was actually in front of the whole entire class singin a Madonna song. *S* Man it was horrible.oh well.But the song was really cool.. Holiday.. Hey last day of school is always there for embrassment. I was dared. But it was still really cool.

In 7th grade was the first time I had any guy teachers. I was in the school band. I was ok I guess.This is when me and my friend Brenda met and became reallllllllllllly close. I miss her a lot since she moved. She was a really wild person when it was just me and her around. Around others she was very calm.

8th grade I was in the band again only in the advance band. I played the Clarinet.Both years.I met and dated Tim, my first mistake. I should have just stayed friends with him. *L* We all learn the hard way.

9th grade was a better school year for me.Kinda.. I had a bully in my 4th period class.. Girl was mean.. Just cuz I am quiet she would say stuff about me.. and one time she poked me with a rusted ol' needle that went deep into my skin.. I had to go to the doctors to get my blood tested to make sure there was nothing wrong with the needle and I had to get a TB shot for it. I started likin the Spice Girls and all. I had gotten the Spice dolls for my birthday. All 5 of them costed 70.00 even.I started working when i was in the ninth grade. I went to this summer camp that paid me for going to seminars for job skills and many other things.

Durnin the summer on August 16,1998, me and my cousin Libby went to the Spice Girls concert. It was so much fun. I was screamin the whole time. It was the best time of my whole life so far. If you wanna hear about it email me. My addy is on the first page I believe or below this page.

10th grade I got in the Public Safety Academy.. from there.. I parcitpated in the Mayor of San Bernardino First Annual Clean up the Town clean up day... i helped out clean a vacant parking lot in front of our high school.. a very old dirty area... I got an intership job, which placed me at Riley Elem. for 200 hours of work after school. I worked in 3 different classes for like.. 2 weeks, then i stayed in one class.. A 4th grade class. Helped out there, for Lisa.. And went to Cross Country warm- up practices to get in gear for the fall season.. durning the summer. Then in the summer when school ended, I got another Elem. job, at North Park and was a Library assit. there and helped out with other things that needed to be done there. But mostly did a lot of book organizing and stuff like that. And every now and then, went to Riley to voluteer and help out Lisa, even if I was tired from work that had ended 15 mins before each time going in. I got into the Spice girls even more. It is sicking really. But I cant help it. Everyone knows me as Spice Girl or Sporty Spice.I was in a class that had us do things like police do. Like the holds and the phyiscal training. Its a cool class. I liked it. The teacher was funny. We also had a chance to go up to the mountains and do this rope course thing. It was really cool. The best part was when I climbed a 100 foot tree and jumped off.. dont worry i had a cord on.This is also the year that I met Christine.. And got together with my ex boyfriend (thank god he is an ex)Kenny.. What a creep.. I was with him 2 different times that year.. and ugh I should have never been with him.. Even at my b-day party he made me mad.. and flirted with my cousin..

11th grade This year is a bit harder. I was on my school's cross country team. And from like October 1999 till early Janurary 2000 I had this one stalker girl after me.. Kinda sick really.. I mean come on if someone tells you that they don't want to be with you.. You'll leave them alone right? Not this girl... she sent me all these letters saying some pretty dirty stuff.. Then like.. when our school went back to school from holiday break.. she goes and puts all these fliers about me in the girls restroom saying more disturbing stuff. I was really mad.. i mean if you were to barely touch me i may have went off.. But after much talking with Lisa and discussing with my public safety teacher.. i finally got her off my back.. and in trouble... I've started likin other Pop Stars now. Like Britney, Christina, Garbage, Mandy, Swurve, Dixie Chicks, and other singers that I never used to listen to.

12th grade I had gotten into being in the Navy. I just recently did most of the things that i have to to be in it. But really it has been a bit sad because this year a lot of my friends moved away. Only one died.. and that was David. But Megan moved, Christine, and Lisa did too.. I really miss being able to help Lisa out durning the summer.. or whenever I don't have anything really to do. I think that its going to be strange this year durning cross country because I will not be helping her durning my Cross country season.. The last day that she was working at the school where i'd help her.. i cried for abuot 2 1/2 hours.. she is like my best friend in the whole world.. and you know how that goes.. even though we hadnt known each other for years and years.. there was still a good connection.. but now things are a bit different.. unfortunatly....

This summer I am going to be going to see Britney Spears in concert at the Blockbuser Pavillion in Glen Helen. Should be fun. But i hope that it doesn't top Spice Girls concert that i went to in 1998.

I have nothin much to say about my life so far. But when more stuff happens I will update it.

Oh and Kenny if you are readin this you better not make fun of me or I will kick ya ass.And just cuz you were my boyfriend for a long time don't mean nothing. I can take it out on you... you know what I am talkin about.. you damn cheater *L*

March 2003- welll a lot has happened since I was last able to update this. I am currently in the Navy and I don't like it all that much. I'm an active Lesbain so it's hard to have a full out relationship like everyone else can. I'm currently with someone who has done nothing but made my life full of happiness. Her name is Shelly... I am so glad that we met. She's everything that I oculd ever wish for. And i'm really ahppy that she accpets me for who and what i am and what has happened to me in the past. I went through a very abusive relationship for 10 months with this girl patricia and nothing but bad things happened to me. I was raped and i took up a bad habit of drinking. i don't drink that much any more... but if it wasn't for her.. honestly i don't think i would have gotten raped when i did.. and by the person that i did.

Shelly has been really great to me and it's kinda hard for me to get used to. I have always been with people who have cheated on me and wanted to be with my family members.. or abused me.. so it's a big transition for me. I want to do nothing but good for her.. but it's kinda hard sometimes. especially with being in the navy. but that won't be for long. This is my Angel...


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