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Setting Your Determined

1. Set your determined Idea in positive terms.  Say what you want to happen.  Too often we say what we don't want to happen.  For example don't say, "I don't want to be broke anymore.  Instead say, "I will do the necessary things to build my income".

2. Be as specific as possible.  How does your determined Idea look,feel,smell?  Become fully associated as if you already have accomplished your Idea  The more specific you are the more  you will empower your brain to create what you desire.  Also be sure to set a completion date or time period.

3. Have an evidence procedure.  Know how you will feel, and what you will see and hear in your external cipher after you have achieved your outcome.  Once you have accomplished something check it off.

4. Be in control. Your determined Idea must be initiated and maintained by you.  It must not be dependent upon other people having to change themselves for you to be satisfied.  Make sure your Idea reflects things you can affect directly.  Remember all that is above is caused by the son of man.

5. Verify that your outcome is ecologically sound.  That is, project into the future the consequences of your actual goal.  Your outcome must be one that benefits you and others as well.  Next Page

Determined Idea
Key Components

Positive:        What exactly do you/
                      We Want?

Be Specific:  What will you/We
                          See, Hear,
                          Feel, Smell,
Evidence:      How will you/We
                        know the outcome
                        has been realized?

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