Representatives of Eastern Brun Order Every three months representatives from various religious chapters and regional leaders convine to discuss and coordinate efforts within this continent. Most discussions pretain to prepare for the Great Invasion. These are the current representatives in the calendar year of AC 968.
- Drak
- Emisary of Our Lady Takhisis (Tiamat)
- Kardipp
- Representative of the Sindian Chapters
- Kaidu Menghis
- Representive of The Matara (Ethengar Chapter)
- Kerain Zondrick
- High Priest of Corunglain Chapter
- Svisth
- Shaman of Malpheggi Tribe (Malpheggi Chapter)
- Appeareance: Lizardman decorated with various painteds and featured staves.
- Svosk Firestorm
- High Priest of the Vestland Chapter
- The Shadow Master
- Lord of Denogoth (Denogoth Chapter)
- Tlochitlan
- High Priest of Viper Cult
- Zhantharium
- Emisary of Set, Lord High Priest of The Greater Temple (Greater Temple Chapter)