Selenian (1:08:42 PM): Hiya! I'm Charles, Nain's player. I was just wondering if the game was still on since no one seems to be in the room.
crazylikeamalk (1:09:49 PM): Two of us there--me and Puck. Still on as far as I'm concerned I'll give it another ten minutes?
Selenian (1:10:06 PM): Okay. *nod*
Selenian (1:11:15 PM): Did you get a look at the revised sheet I PMed you?
crazylikeamalk (1:12:09 PM): will go. Was collected photos of NPC's
Selenian (1:12:17 PM): Ah, excellent. ^_^
crazylikeamalk (1:13:37 PM): Looks good. Yeah, Yves is a popular guy. Really must figure out why he's so interested in this plot
Selenian (1:13:57 PM): Destiny is just ineffable that way.
crazylikeamalk (1:14:18 PM): LOL
crazylikeamalk (1:16:31 PM): I don't know if I have to Refresh the room or not
Selenian (1:16:27 PM): I'm doing some mental readjustments to have Nain be a Master so soon. The way I kind of see it, this is a Lilim who has been very good for a very long time at climbing the ranks. First she made Baroness of Corruption, then Knight of Oblivion, then survived being a Renegade for centuries. So I'm thinking that, although she lost a lot in her Redemption and Geas-stripping, she still has some level of drive in her. In character, I was planning on having her try hard to impress Yves enough to get his backing for the Word of Intuition.
crazylikeamalk (1:18:26 PM): Or Yves may realize that having been proper Lilim so long, she's mastered the art of deception and camoflauge (sp?). The Distinction not so much a reward as an enhancement of her natural talents
Selenian (1:20:32 PM): *nod nod* That too. Celestial Charm is her only remaining Song, but she used to be a sneak-and-peek type with a lot of stealthy Songs and skills at high level, plus maxed-out Int, Will, Precision, and Perception. Even as an angel she's more comfortable with roles where she blends in.
Selenian went away at 1:25:46 PM.
Selenian returned at 1:26:20 PM.
crazylikeamalk (1:37:48 PM): Okay, so where are you looking?
Selenian (1:38:28 PM): She'd possess a pigeon or something and scout the meet out from above first, try to get a feel for the area and who might be dangerous.
crazylikeamalk (1:39:30 PM): Typical day in a tourist town. Anaheim is the home of Disneyland. Lots of ordinary tourists, but an unusual number of 'goth' kids walking around
crazylikeamalk (1:40:52 PM): in the middle of the day. They've got to be roasting in all that black
Selenian (1:41:06 PM): She'd follow one of the goth kids from up high then. Nothing unusual-seeming. Just a bird flitting from building to street corner like any other bird.
crazylikeamalk (1:41:20 PM): Very
crazylikeamalk (1:42:17 PM): Kid--boy we'll say--walks from Disneyland to the Doubletree Hotel. Stops to smoke a clove outside and commune with a handful of similar kids, then goes inside.
crazylikeamalk (1:42:28 PM): Festive
crazylikeamalk (1:42:36 PM): Well, gloomy festive
crazylikeamalk (1:44:07 PM): A few kids still hanging outside
Selenian (1:44:09 PM): Nain flitters up to one of the windows and tries to peek inside from the angle where she last spotted the kid.
crazylikeamalk (1:44:44 PM): Looks like a bazaar in there. Vendors with racks of black and period clothing
crazylikeamalk (1:45:01 PM): posters, jewelry. A table with raffle tickets
Selenian (1:45:52 PM): Ugh. I remember when half of that poseury crap was current fashion! Why do kids always want to go backwards?!
Selenian (1:46:01 PM): ((Italics are her thinking. ))
crazylikeamalk (1:46:11 PM): kk
crazylikeamalk (1:46:43 PM): Kid you were following shows a badge to someone, and enters a room that's otherwise closed
Selenian (1:47:56 PM): Being a cautious sort, Nain notes the badge, then flutters up and away around the hotel. She's scouting for anyone who looks like they don't belong, any signs of security or spies in the area other than herself. She's trying to get as much of a layout of the building and the surrounding neighborhood as she possibly can.
crazylikeamalk (1:48:31 PM): Spies--not unless more PC's show up
crazylikeamalk (1:48:45 PM): Security is pretty typical for a tourist town
crazylikeamalk (1:49:15 PM): Don't belong...hard to judge under the circumstances. Well, there is this one guy...see main room. He's headed towards where your body's at...
Selenian (1:49:57 PM): ((Question: How many Forces does it take for her to animate her body? She's not a real Kyrio so I'm not sure of the rules for her. And, I thought we were at Mitchum's place.))
crazylikeamalk (1:50:29 PM): I'll treat that body as a vessel.
crazylikeamalk (1:50:41 PM): as for the pigeon...1
crazylikeamalk (1:50:49 PM): if that
Selenian (1:51:03 PM): ((So she can still be mostly in the room and still have her consciousness out scouting.))
crazylikeamalk (1:51:44 PM): Oh that's right...Kyrio. Pigeon for free, but vessel will be a little woozy
crazylikeamalk (1:51:55 PM): distracted seeming
crazylikeamalk (1:57:52 PM):
Selenian (1:58:36 PM): ((Hey, Hellborn Lilim, centuries of justified paranoia. Hit first, ask questions later is just ingrained into her. ))
Selenian (2:01:17 PM): ((Is anything else up at the meet? Her pigeon is still hanging about.))
crazylikeamalk (2:01:50 PM): Nobody followed Corat anyway
crazylikeamalk (2:02:10 PM): the goth bazaar is crawling with people. There aren't many allowed in that private room, but there are some
crazylikeamalk (2:03:26 PM): Alas Corat is an angel and not a man, or he'd be flirting...
Selenian (2:04:13 PM): *L*
Selenian (2:05:44 PM): So how do I handle her attempt to possess someone on the VIP list?
crazylikeamalk (2:06:04 PM): How is she going to know who is on the VIP list?
Selenian (2:06:40 PM): Wait until she sees someone being allowed into the back and then go for an insta-possess on them.
crazylikeamalk (2:07:29 PM): hmmm. I'll have to check...I don't remember if there's a distance on grabbing a body
crazylikeamalk (2:08:06 PM): You'd have to be near and fast
crazylikeamalk (2:09:00 PM): Damn, not in the book.
Selenian (2:09:45 PM): Okay. She'll leave one Force in the bird, pull five out and have them drifting in celestial form nearby, and leave the rest in her vessel. If what I'm reading on p. 103 is right, she should be close enough to grab a host then.
crazylikeamalk (2:10:53 PM): Works nicely, thanks for the pg #
crazylikeamalk (2:11:59 PM): Time for the diceroller I think
Selenian (2:12:06 PM): No problem. I'm loving this Bright-Kyrio. Maybe she should go the Word of Rubbing It in Kronos's Face.
crazylikeamalk (2:12:20 PM):
crazylikeamalk (2:12:57 PM): Two ways you can do this. Will vs Will in either case. If you let that Celestial form appear, I'll put your NPC opponent at 1 Will. Otherwise you have to deal with them at full power
Selenian (2:14:17 PM): She's a pretty willful lady and wouldn't want to expose herself in true form at a sorcerer's convention. She'll risk them at full power.
crazylikeamalk (2:14:37 PM): kk let's try the dice roller
Selenian (2:15:02 PM): How do I do it?
Selenian (2:18:53 PM): I have a 4, 2, and 3. Her Will is 8.
crazylikeamalk (2:19:29 PM): Win, at same check digit. You now have the body of a 6'0" guy who is carrying way too much metal
Selenian (2:20:04 PM): So her new host is in the back room now?
crazylikeamalk (2:20:25 PM): He is indeed. True, you need description
crazylikeamalk (2:22:01 PM): A girl at the door looks at your badge and says "Hi Gideon"
crazylikeamalk (2:22:38 PM): Part of the room is curtained off, and you can hear a number of people there. Some are in conversation, some seem to be taking lessons in Latin i.e. they're speaking it repetitively and badly
Selenian (2:25:44 PM): Nain nods to the girl. "Hey yourself." Masculinity was always so...odd for her to wrap her mind around. She restrained herself from an eyeroll at the horrible Latin being spoken. She easily remembered the glory days of Rome and noted to herself ironically that her once Prince Beelzebub and her once Princess Mariel would have been proud at the corruption and ignorance of modern-day people. In Gideon's body, she took a quick look into the girl's eyes. It never hurt to scan for Needs after all.
crazylikeamalk (2:26:52 PM): Approval. Power. Lust. Being wanted.
Selenian (2:27:39 PM): ((Do any of her Needs lead to her Destiny or her Fate? Bright Lilim of Destiny pick up on that when they resonate. Also, can she still speak to her friends in her vessel?))
crazylikeamalk (2:28:31 PM): (her vessel is unconscious at the moment. Spare a Force to speak...)
crazylikeamalk (2:28:58 PM): as fpr Destiny/Fate...none of those point north...)
Selenian (2:32:29 PM): Nain checked a sigh at the girl's Needs and made a note to herself to have a few Forgetful Words with the girl before she left. She then got on with the task at hand. "Pretty full house out there. How're things back here?"
crazylikeamalk (2:33:32 PM): "Not bad. They haven't started the summoning rite yet, just learning protective circles right now."
crazylikeamalk (2:33:46 PM): "I see you brought your sword. Cool."
Selenian (2:35:40 PM): "Never can be too careful with this sort of thing. I don't know about some people, but I intend to be around for a good long time yet. You sure those guys back there can handle the protective circles?"
crazylikeamalk (2:36:27 PM): "um, well let's hope so!"
Selenian (2:39:06 PM): She nodded in Gideon's body, taking a casual look about like a guy who knows he's in charge of the situation. "You keep me informed, would you?"
Selenian (2:39:19 PM): ((Does she see anything unusual?))
crazylikeamalk (2:39:54 PM): Unusual is relative...
crazylikeamalk (2:40:52 PM): What would a bartender note...well, that's not the strongest divider between this little screening/prep area and the place where the supposed summoning is going on
crazylikeamalk (2:41:15 PM): "Let's hope so!" is not a great approach to summoning...whatever it is they're summoning.
Selenian (2:42:43 PM): ((One Force will be going back to her vessel now, leaving the bird behind, while in Gideon's body she heads towards the divider.))
crazylikeamalk (2:43:03 PM): kk one sec main room
crazylikeamalk (2:44:41 PM): One Force goes back to her Vessel, and she notes that she is alone, lying in the back seat of a car.
Selenian (2:48:08 PM): In Gideon's body, she looked at the person leading the others in practicing their protective circles. She did the standard Need-resonance as well as trying to size him up. He might be more important than her host and someone she'd need to act deferential towards.
crazylikeamalk (2:50:22 PM): That involves going inside the ritual area, which you're welcome to do. Right now you're in a sort of 'lobby' where the girl is double-checking you
Selenian (2:50:52 PM): She headed right on into the ritual area, bold as you please.
crazylikeamalk (2:51:24 PM): ooc one sec multitasking
crazylikeamalk (2:55:34 PM): And gets no resistance. Inside it's properly Halloween. Candlelight only, wax dripping on the floor. Large rug over the floor with a pentagram printed on it. A bunch of goth kids around it. Some, standing outside it, are talking to each other. Some alone, some in pairs, speaking bad Latin. A few standing alone in medidtative poses. A couple of people including Asian man in ordinary albeit dark-colored street clothes, lean against a wall.
crazylikeamalk (2:57:20 PM): Okay, you can bilocate. Just need a sense of how much of you is in which
Selenian (2:57:40 PM): ((Four forces in her vessel and five in Gideon))
crazylikeamalk (2:57:50 PM): kk
Selenian (3:03:52 PM): He walked over and took up a casual pose against a wall, scanning everything, saying nothing.
crazylikeamalk (3:04:34 PM): and will blend in very well that way. Some goth guy, taller and more dignified than most, claps his hands to get everyone's attention.
Selenian (3:05:48 PM): She looked up at the guy, doing a Need scan as soon as she made eye contact.
Selenian (3:06:31 PM): ((Might be a tad slower. My grandmother's leaving in a few minutes so I might be doing more multi-tasking than Nain here. ))
crazylikeamalk (3:06:40 PM): Control. Power, but on a different scale than the girl.
crazylikeamalk (3:06:49 PM): kk. I'm overdue for lunch myself.
Selenian (3:07:31 PM): ((*nod* Would fulfilling his needs lead him towards his destiny, his fate, or neither?))
crazylikeamalk (3:07:53 PM): (he has no Destiny)
Selenian (3:10:06 PM): It was only many years of experience that kept her from revealing her reaction. As far as she knew, everything and everyone had a Destiny. Even demons did, or she wouldn't have been able to Redeem. Someone with no Destiny at all was someone to be watched very carefully.
crazylikeamalk (3:12:52 PM): (my mistake, but I'll roll with it and write it in later)
crazylikeamalk (3:13:02 PM): (but this is one dark man)
Selenian (3:15:17 PM): She affected a pose of teenaged cool indifference, folding his hands behind his head and resting his head on the palms. "Is it time?"
crazylikeamalk (3:16:15 PM): the Dark Man looks at Gideon with a toothy smile. "Yes, it is time. Gather around children of the night--today we summon angels!"
crazylikeamalk (3:17:00 PM): and the kids form a circle. The Japanese man stays out of the circle but stands watchfully
crazylikeamalk (3:17:39 PM): He pulls two jars out of a bag on the floor, one medium-sized, one a tiny bottle
Selenian (3:19:39 PM): Nain made Gideon take his place, her/his heart hammering. She'd been around before Kronos became a Prince, but she knew enough about Sorcery to know that it usually was nothing good.
crazylikeamalk (3:21:24 PM): A couple of the kids, apparently oblivious to even the Dark Man, are yapping on one corner. Someone steps out of the circle to pull them in. Meanwhile others are distracted, some are trying to get the ones in meditative states to wake up. In short, herding cats.
crazylikeamalk (3:23:20 PM): Dark Man calls out "CIrcle"!
Selenian (3:25:06 PM): Knowing what was coming in, she barked out. "Hey! I thought I heard something out there! You bunch, come with me and check it out." She pointed a finger at seeming random towards some of the kids responsible for the protective circle, drawing her sword as she went towards the doors.
crazylikeamalk (3:28:13 PM): He looks at the other kids and they fall in line, back to the circle. He's the alpha male here.
crazylikeamalk (3:29:20 PM): quietly---"Gideon. We begin."
Selenian (3:30:39 PM): Great. Just great. And she was Kyrio, couldn't leave her host in a worse condition than she found him. She reluctantly started back, looking for all the world like a tough guy who'd just been brought to heel by a tougher guy. Mentally, she was going over what her host had and what could be used to stop the ritual.
Selenian (3:33:57 PM): ((What does he have, besides the sword?))
crazylikeamalk (3:35:03 PM): ever see a guy at a goth club? Dressed in chains and various fabrics, wallet, keys, common objects. The sword is the only weapon and you're not sure it's weapon-quality.
crazylikeamalk (3:36:25 PM): and the Latin--roll 2d10 and let me see if Nain notices
Selenian (3:37:06 PM): I have an 8 and a 5, and her Perception is 8.
crazylikeamalk (3:37:37 PM): roll in main room please
crazylikeamalk (3:37:49 PM): opps
crazylikeamalk (3:37:50 PM): you did
crazylikeamalk (3:38:31 PM): the Latin is junk. Crap. It sounds interesting but you've heard better in movies
Selenian (3:40:45 PM): Nain prevents her eyes from rolling again and prepares her host body for an attempt at stopping the ritual. The tricky part would be doing it without landing her host in major hot water.
Selenian (3:42:10 PM): ((This room is still in the hotel proper, right?))
crazylikeamalk (3:42:30 PM): yep
Selenian (3:42:50 PM): ((Would Gideon happen to have any cigarettes or weed on him?))
crazylikeamalk (3:43:49 PM): LOL that's luck. roll 1 d 10, even he has cloves, odd he doesn't
Selenian (3:45:22 PM): ((Nope. Oh well.))
Selenian (3:48:02 PM): ((She's emoting that cig request BTW))
crazylikeamalk (3:48:24 PM): I know. Waiting on the perception checks
Selenian (3:48:39 PM): ((So I put my Perception number in the box and then let it roll?))
crazylikeamalk (3:49:07 PM): no--put 3 in the box. I have your character sheet in the other window
Selenian (3:55:11 PM): How close is Gideon to that jar?
crazylikeamalk (3:55:41 PM): Sounds like an Agility question. A few feet, but people in between.
Selenian (3:57:02 PM): ((And a Kyrio gets the host's stats when they possess someone?))
crazylikeamalk (3:57:21 PM): physical stats, yeah
crazylikeamalk (3:57:46 PM): Agil 5 in this case.
crazylikeamalk (3:57:56 PM): +1 because he somewhat knows how to use that thing
Selenian (3:58:41 PM): Gideon screams out "No fucking way!" He draws his sword and charges towards the intruders "accidentally" tripping over the jar as he goes. He tries to "accidentally" smash down the hilt of his blade onto the jar as he goes.
crazylikeamalk (3:59:12 PM): Jar is in Ryuki's hand
Selenian (4:00:27 PM): Then Gideon's one clumsy bastard, because she's going to try and trip and tangle him as she falls.
crazylikeamalk (4:00:57 PM): weeeeeeeeeee!
crazylikeamalk (4:01:26 PM): okay, giving Ryuki a chance to dodge. Agil vs Agil, use the full d10, see how it goes
Selenian (4:01:33 PM): 3 in the box again?
crazylikeamalk (4:01:44 PM): yep
Selenian (4:03:06 PM): Do I do perception to try and find a fire alarm?
crazylikeamalk (4:04:34 PM): Sorry--just saw your number. You succeeded with a high check digit.
Selenian (4:06:47 PM): Gideon's going to hurl the jar at Corat, shouting "Take that, halo-boy!" Of course, his aim will suck and he'll long-bomb the whole thing into the nearest unoccupied wall or ceiling in hopes of shattering it. Is that a Strength or Agility roll?
Selenian (4:07:17 PM): Oh, never mind.
crazylikeamalk (4:07:34 PM): damn. That was comedy
Selenian (4:08:16 PM): LOL! Too bad we didn't have a Kobalite around to properly enjoy this scene. :P
crazylikeamalk (4:08:49 PM):
Selenian (4:09:28 PM): "Uhh...hey! Watch were I'm going!"
crazylikeamalk (4:09:57 PM): Angel!!!!!!
crazylikeamalk (4:10:07 PM): says the smoking man
Selenian (4:11:00 PM): ((Her admirer?))
crazylikeamalk (4:11:56 PM): yep
Selenian (4:12:33 PM): Gideon lets out a primal bellow and shouts for the girl who was checking badges. "Hey! We've got halo gatecrashers in here! Get some guys to help us out!"
Selenian (4:14:36 PM): ((Song time! Celestial Charm on one of the bruisers at the door. ))
crazylikeamalk (4:14:53 PM): good idea
Selenian (4:16:27 PM): ((What do I roll?))
crazylikeamalk (4:17:19 PM): sorry, dealing with other thing at the moment. Charm...Will, I believe
Selenian (4:19:31 PM): Gideon points to Ryuki and the Dark Man. "That guy sold us out to the halos! And he's working for them too. It was a fucking set-up!"
crazylikeamalk (4:20:36 PM): That is also near the exit, where your vessel is charming the bodyguard
Selenian (4:21:16 PM): Hehe. The joys of multiplicity. So it's always a 3 in the box for me, right?
crazylikeamalk (4:22:11 PM): ?
Selenian (4:22:31 PM): Don't I have to roll something for Celestial Charm to take effect?
crazylikeamalk (4:23:16 PM): yeah--Will. put the 3 in the box..heh heh, yeah, always 3. I get it now
Selenian (4:25:19 PM): Gideon takes his sword and waves it about manically, "accidentally" slicing into the carpet over the pentagram symbol. "Fuckin
Selenian (4:25:37 PM): "Fuckin' hell, get those halos!" He points at Ryuki and the Dark Man.
Selenian (4:30:20 PM): Suddenly, Nain withdraws from Gideon, returning all her Forces save for one to her vessel. One Force goes to another pigeon to scout the way, while she notes the girl and Gideon for future Destiny interventions.
Selenian (4:38:29 PM): I've got to go too. Wasn't planning it, but something just came up. I'll PM you later to go over some post-game ideas.
crazylikeamalk (4:38:43 PM): sweet!
Selenian (4:38:55 PM): Talk to you later! Great game!
crazylikeamalk (4:39:08 PM): Thanks! Later!
Selenian signed off at 4:39:34 PM.
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