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Ofanite of the Wind, IST War

Ryuki Watari
Banking heir and sorceror

the Corps
Archangel Michael's Special Forces

Corat's Cabinet

M'ranoch Atel
Habbalite of The War

Impudite of Dark Humor

Baron Samedi
Petro Loa

the Gothic/Magick community

the Archangels


In Nomine: the Mile Higher Club

Impudite of Dark Humor
Attempted to win the favor of Baron Samedi

lucky, patient, ambitious
dimwitted, shortsighted, sadistic

Allied: Baron Samedi, the demon Prince Kobal
Associated: the Goth kids, the Breckenridge family, the Samingan 'W', Gavin Russo
Hostile: Corat, the MHC, angels, Jordan

A walking example of what someone can accomplish in the right place and the right time when others underestimate you.

(See also link for the Gothic/Magick community)

Inspiration: Chris Kattan as 'Azrael Abyss' (pictured), from Saturday Night Live's 'Goth Talk'.
Appeared from beginning through post #587

Baron of Hysteria, Captain of Repartee

He slithers into town ("curse the Disturbance, otherwise such a perfect entrance!")to check on his charges, quietly mocking with understated sarcasm or simply standing there saying nothing at all. A walking parody of zoot suit culture, his favorite weapon is the watch on the end of its oversized chain, one edge sharpened to a reasonably effective blade.
Appeared in
"Homicide, Genocide, Rivercide" chat session only.

Inspiration: Edward James Olmos in zoot suit, though played as parody rather than a straight figure. The word "vato" simply means "dude".

Kobal's gambit: the Sick Puppy

So Corat wildly underestimated him. In hindsight, here's why:


So much of what I do with MHC--with any kind of serialized writing--is back-engineering. In other words, all these characters are here doing what they're doing; how'd they get there, and why them? So I thought to myself, this little comic-relief Pepito has turned out to be anything but a piece of fluff. Despite himself, he'd become a formidable villain. What if this was no accident? What if it was all part of Kobal's plan? While most of his servitors are smart, maybe there is room for dumb luck in his organization?

Start with the assumption that angels, his opponents after all, have an inherent 'weakness' They care, about people, about souls, about the quality of mercy. To most demons that's nonsense, at most a way to grab a hostage. To Kobal that's an opportunity, at first to torment Jordi and then to bigger prey. It starts with a puppy.

Puppies are adorable things. Like all animal young they're made that way, to get their physical needs taken care of by parental figures.

So Kobal or one of his minions leaves one such puppy on a doorstep. It's cute, as all puppies are. Sure it chews things, that's what they do, who can blame him?. It even messes the carpet--isn't that adorable? And when he's sick, he's so pathetic, he cries. He whines for you to hold him, mooching attention from your other dogs who suddenly want petting when little Parvo is around.

He is Kobal's secret weapon because you see this dog is sick. ("It's not his fault! He's innocent!" Dark Humor claps in glee.) Dangerously, virulently sick, and your only hope of saving your other dogs is to separate all of you from each other, to decide which dogs can be saved with aggressive measures and which will die no matter what you do. Can you afford the medicine for the sickest ones? And then, while they're gone, you have to scrub everything. You will lose in all of this, it's a question of what you lose and how much.

Isn't he adorable? Surely you can't let such a sweet innocent die a slow ugly death? But you're no killer, so you can't bring yourself to take him to the bad man who will inject the fatal drug. A dozen agonizing dilemmas, because some little creature is cute. An innocent living being.

Magnify that by a child.

In western European folklore they called them changelings, and they were the enchanted offspring of fae folk put in place of human children. Kobal's version is simply a demon in a child's vessel, a demon not smart or witty enough to pass muster on his other assignments. All he has to do is be a child. Raw selfishness hides nicely under immaturity. Poor jokes are expected of one so young. The only joke he has to tell well is the one to the passing angel--hey, I'm a demon, with an overprotective mother. Whatcha going to do about it? Ah-ah-ah, kill this vessel and Mom will be heartbroken, and blame God. And then I'll just pop up somewhere else.

Peers, siblings, ripe for corruption. Teachers, other adults, throwing valuable resources into saving a demon while real children languish in silence. Careless evil written off as misguided. Cruel accidents overlooked as clumsiness. Parents tormenting themselves with self-doubt--how could I possibly do so wrong?

Isn't he cute?