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In Nomine: the Mile Higher Club
House Rules

Bookmark links below

The Mile Higher Club has a few deviants, er, deviations from canon. This is what I call "loose canon", and it's one of the things I find wholly refreshing about working with the folks at Steve Jackson Games. Truly, any company that has built a highly successful game system ("Munchkins") that parodies too-serious gamesters has got my happy attention.
Below then are notes of where, for purposes artistic or practical, that Mile Higher Club has differed from In Nomine canon.


Compiled from the OOC forum with post #'s where appropriate.

The first rule of MHC and me as a GM is consensus. The game exists for you to enjoy and if you disagree with the rules to any significant degree then the game has failed you. I as a GM need to fix the problem, one way or another. You as a player need merely bring it to my attention.

The second rule, something which is mostly my problem is to keep an internal consistency. This (hopefully) will keep us on canon more often than not as it's been built with a bit more thought and planning than this one little story. What it does mean though is that once something has been in play I will fold spindle and mutilate the rules around it to fit. Sure I can retcon and once in awhile do, but I try to avoid it. Hazard of a background in both fanfic and massive-scale game chronicle-- a much bigger ship to turn around then.

If I throw something out there that's completely off-base, it's probably because it fit internal consistency and I was writing off the cuf (or, I got a wild hair and was hitting the bokbunja too hard)f. Send me a page number and book, and I will fix the thing. Just because I own a lot of the books doesn't mean I have them memorized, by any stretch.

My playing style is "loose canon" I stick with In Nomine until it gets in the way of story, adding bits for color.


Bookmarks within this page:

Main statement
Character creation
Divine Destiny and Fated Future
Angelic Language in the Corporeal Realms
Sorcery, Initiation, and Damnation
The Sound of Songs
The Songs of Possession and Exchange
The essential differences between humans, demons, and angels (Will War and vessel mechanics)
Ethereal mechanics
The pantheons in continuity

Character creation

Character creation, post #1

i.e. points and other crunchiness is now highlighted in red below. Please make sure to read the whole post--this is to clarify what I expect, not to leave the impression that the rest is filler. "Minor" additions in blue thereafter.--th

Game: In Nomine
Setting: modern day Los Angeles and environs, and on commercial aircraft
Books needed: IN Core (though if you're quick-witted and willing to ask questions you could almost function without it)
Books suggested: GM's guide, Superiors 1 and 3 books, Corporeal Players Guide, Revelations 4: Fall of the Malakim, Ethereal Players Guide, Authentic Thaumaturgy.
House rules: For the PbP there will be few challenges and thus no immediate need to send a character sheet anywhere. I will accept three posts from any one character before I get fussy about seeing your stats.
I don't have canon memorized and I don't expect anyone else to. Have fun. If I'm way off base on a game mechanic I don't mind if you call me on it, but please don't nit pick. Lawyers go to Hell :D

Contact me at theheretik at earthlink dot net, please be certain to put "In Nomine" somewhere in your subject line. You may also post in my LiveJournal community In Nomine Live
A live/chat game component runs approximately monthly--watch this thread.

Stats and mechanics: Angels, soldiers, saints, mortals--have at it. Mortals with strange powers or massive influence should run them by me first. Zombis, undeads, ghosts, gods, ???--please run them by me before posting. Characteristics should be base character levels, skills up to 12 points, songs/distinctions/non-innate attunements no more than three total. Relics, artifacts and the like should be run past me first. No Celestial weapons please. In addition, take one average Role. Celestials may not take attunements that are specific to other bands/choirs, i.e. all band/choir attunements are Restricted for MHC. SJG has a lovely dice roller , and I usually keep 4d13 (aka a deck of cards) by my desk for randomizing.

PbP Mile Higher Club is linked to an occasional chat game, and a player may play either or both. If you're playing only the chat session, please warn me ahead of time.

Tone, influence, etc.
My background is primarily in LARP, so expect a game to focus on interaction between player characters. Hack and slash will not be tolerated--if I wanted to play an MMO I wouldn't be here. Humor is welcome, charm is wonderful, and dark humor is good. Drama among characters is welcome. If you want to see an excellent example of that, pick up Alfred Hitchcock's "The Lifeboat".
Other movies/books that influence me in things like this:
The Prophecy, at least the first three of them.
Supernatural, the television show on the CW
Jericho, television series set in post-apocalyptic Kansas
Brimstone, a show back in 1998 with John Glover as the Devil.
other movies: Hellraiser, Don Juan de Marco, Coffee and Cigarettes, Liar Liar, Suicide Kings, Devil's Advocate, Constantine,
Death Note and Death Note:The Last Name (Japanese with English subtitles).
works of Ambrose Bierce, Ray Bradbury, and Neil Gaiman
Army @ Love comic book series.
music of Gary Numan and VNV Nation
Thelema and other works of Aleister Crowley



Destiny and Fate: Yves?library

Divine Destiny/Fated Future post #23 (and PM to guest GM)

Yves maintains a library of every soul that ever was, including their destinies (the best, most altruistic they can possibly aspire to) and their fates (the worst, most selfish and degraded they can fall to). Does Kronos, or does he have a card in Yves'? That's not so clear. The Lilim/Destiny PC because she has his favor (he helped Redeem her) has some access to this library. If she takes some time to look at someone, she can 'pull their file' and see their Destiny or Fate as though it were written in script above his or her head, and knows it to be accurate. (A character could also go to Yves?library and look at a celestial book) I picture it like this scene from "Death Note"



When she requested the Dark Man's file, she got No Destiny.That's pretty rare, and it can mean one of a couple of things:

He's an archangel or demon prince.They're classified.
Rank-and-file celestials his numbers aren't so good. You'll get results most of the time, but not always. He's probably not an angel or demon.
He's an undead.They have no souls and thus no destiny. Basically they can't win.
He's an ethereal i.e. pagan god. Yves maintains files on most of them but it can be spotty, especially on the more minor gods.This is what he turned out to be--she was reading the destiny of the ethereal who was possessing Gavin Russo.
Some archangel has put a lock on the file. That would take some effort.
In any of the above cases you'll get the equivalent of a 404 Not Found This Dark Man you got a file, and it was empty. Certainly something to look into.


Angelic Language in the Corporeal Realm

Posts # 26 through #29

Angels can speak their celestial within their corporeal vessels, but only in short phrases and (significantly) proper names. For such short phrases the skills "Singing" and "Humming" are not necessary. The Vassal of War distinction allows for longer and more detailed messages to be spoken and understood. The result, however, lacks the beauty of Angelic spoken in the celestial form. The best comparison I can make is that Angelic spoken in corporeal form sounds roughly like a mynah bird speaking English.
This has the singular advantage of allowing angels to positively identify each other on the corporeal realm, to the exclusion of demons.
What a mynah bird sounds like:



Posts #77, #238 and #239

Drawing primarily from Corporeal Player's Guide and Authentic Thaumaturgy

Above the line, nearly any celestial knows. Below it requires some experience with sorcery/occult.

Sorcery, from the celestial perspective, is demons loaning power to humans (or more rarely, a human who's learned to spend his own Essence). Since demons don't give these things away unless there's a bigger payoff at the end, it's generally held that the sorcerer has made a deal with a demon. It's generally assumed that the sorcerer has signed a contract or otherwise negotiated this deal--straightforward, more or less. The wiser angels--or perhaps those with infernal experience--appreciate that demons lie and lie well. Initiation happens.

Initiation is the ritual that turns an ordinary human being into one who is Symphonically aware--and it's awfully hard to manipulate the Symphony, impose your will on it, when you can't hear it.

Sorcery aka magick is the art of imposing one's will upon the universe, through focus and training. This is the same Will that demons use, the very same celestial force, selfishness incarnate. It can come from the sorcerer himself or be borrowed from other sources. It is the opposite of Perception and unified obedience that drives angels. This generally requires education, practice and patience, things a person inclined to impose their Will rarely has in any quantity. Demons are happy to step in and show you the shortcuts, for a price.

Essence fuels magick but isn't strictly necessary for small magicks. The greater the pushing of reality, the greater the power needed to do so. Sometimes focus is enough, sometimes it isn't.

Passion can also fuel magick, though it also affects focus. It is less potent (and noisy) than Essence but is necessary to work magick. You have to feel something about your target to push your Will against it.

Additional Essence can be used to shore up a weak or poorly constructed spell, or to bypass other requirements of successful magick. However the more power you put in, the greater the effect--even if it's not your intended effect. Trying to power your way past shoddy work is begging for trouble. (See "Law of Perversity" pgs 62 & 63 in Authentic Thaumaturgy)


If magick were a car, focus would be the steering wheel, passion the accelerator pedal, and Essence the rocket strapped to the back.

Sorcery that spends Essence generally produces disturbance as though it were produced by a celestial being. It is less disturb-y by about half, as the person spending the Essence is part of the Symphony but the act of spending Essence is unnatural.

Sorcery that does not spend Essence i.e. is simple Focus or Will can be done in celestial silence.

Sorcery: GM's intent

I've been trying to reserve certain power as 'human only' that is the sole domain of sorcerers. Banishing, exorcism, there is a Song of Banishing but it's secret and rare and I'm House Rule-ing it out. Wards have an analog too, which I haven't set into play yet and don't intend to. Beyond that I'm hoping to draw from Authentic Thaumaturgy and Corporeal Player's Guide, and if that happens to coincide with the numerous Songs in play --shrug--. Any Song/Attunement in the Core book or Superiors books are off-limits for sorcerers, no matter how talented they might be. Distinctions above Vassal are unheard of. L. Reliquarum is an open question as of this writing, May 2008.

Sorcerous initiation

Game mechanics (see also parentheses in italics below): from Corporeal Player's Guide. Pg 28 Attunement, pp 45-46 Special rituals. I am meshing Awakening and Sorcerous Initiation, and using the higher requirements. In other words, once one can Hear the Symphony it is simply a matter of being taught to use it, rather than a separate mystical ritual. However, opening the Symphonic sense is difficult, arduous, and requires Infernal/Celestial assistance. Spontaneous Symphonic sense is theoretically possible, but unheard of. An Ethereal could theoretically assist in Awakening/Initiation, but none currently have the power level to do it.

Initiation into sorcery (in our story) is the means by which Symphonic sense is awakened in a human being, and at the same time a sixth Force--if it is not already there--is grafted on. This is the first and most functional part of the process, and 99% of the time, the one doing the awakening and grafting is Hatiphas, Demon of Sorcery.

Initiation takes place during a specific rite. The details can vary by tradition but it is designed as an elaborate ritual to open the initiate to a new experience. The devil in this case is in the fine print, as not every initiate is entirely clear on what he is getting into. While Hatiphas requires the initiate's consent, consent here requires free will and age of majority. In this case that age is twelve--going by Church law and Night Music page 18, under Christopher Archangel of Children. Demon Princes and Archangels labor under no such restriction, but most are unwilling to cross Hatiphas, her ally Lilith, or Dominic or Christopher or their allies to do it However it doesn't have to be particularly well informed consent. Promises of power and extrasensory perception are offered, a long and drawn out invocation that happens to have her name slipped in it needs only be assented to. Once the rite is complete she comes in her own good time and tears the doors of perception off their hinges, and the initiate hears the Symphony never to know its quiet again.

Sometimes the rite includes a dedication to a demon or ethereal as a supernatural patron, and usually Hatiphas takes no mind of it. This is a separate matter from the initiation itself and carries no game mechanics, though a demon could slip an Infernal Pact into this phase further damning the new sorcerer. Better the sorcerer have someone to cry to than to do himself in too soon. After all he now hears and sees things that no other human does, the very definition of insane. If he was lucky or careful he was initiated by a wiser sorcerer or a cabal of them who can show him how to cope with and exploit this new gift, who can teach him not just to Hear but to Sing.

Does agreeing to accept Hatiphas'gift, even unknowingly, shut him out from Heaven? Technically no. Insofar as most angels want nothing to do with them--insofar as power corrupts and he has just been handed the power of angels--yes. There's no mystical chain, no punched-ticket, but the fact is that none of Hatiphas' children has been recorded as having reached Heaven (CPG pg. 61) However CPG pg 74). It is a question, then, of whether the 6th Force was added by a demon, or whether the person's soul was listed in the contract. And really, do you imagine a demon would leave that out? Even though the Symphonic sense is a mixed bag, Hatiphas will charge for it. After that redemption is extremely difficult, but possible.

Then there is the other 1%. Outside of Hatiphas' rite and the initiate's consent to it, only an Archangel or Demon Prince can open the Symphonic sense. For various reasons, most Demon Princes don't. Archangels like Laurence consider it abusive to open up a human being's senses, willing or not. The human mind simply isn't built for the strain.

Yet Laurence is the one recorded exception. It is he who minds the exorcists. From among the ranks of Catholic and Orthodox priests there is sometimes one of extraordinary conviction; one who cannot be dissuaded from his vocation as an exorcist, and after much preparation is granted this "initiation". He is carefully guided throughout, supported by a massive apparatus within the Church, and his magic is extremely limited in scope and practice. His soul is carefully guarded, though Laurence never says whether any such man met his destiny or fate. (CPG pg. 110, though I am expanding it to include the Eastern Orthodox churches as well as the Catholic.)

If any other being--necessarily an Archangel or Demon Prince--he or she is keeping quiet about it.

Ethereal 'Magic" is distinct from Symphonic, in that the devotee asks the god/goddess to perform a supernatural act, rather than performing it him or herself.(Falls under 'Enchanter' in CPG  


The Sound of Songs

OOC thread #96,

IC thread #401, Spoilers on LiveJournal

Following the underlying metaphor of instruments in a Symphony, I felt that songs (and sorcerous spells) should include music to reflect their creators. While this gives hints about the author of any particular Disturbance I felt the increase in flavor was worth letting slip that little bit of intel.

Angels generally reflect in the instrument of their choir--Seraphim strings, Ofanim percussion, etc. Angelic work nearly always takes on a classical motif.

Demons sometimes reflect in the instruments of rock 'n' roll, though jazz and other 'leaderless' forms are possible. This is intended to reflect their nature as soloists, at least in their own minds. Sometimes they're hard to distinguish from their angelic counterparts, a reflection of their legacy as former angels.

A disturbance is an off-note, something played a little too loudly or off the beat. Corat's slipping out of tune is sometimes described as a 'heart attack rhythm' reflecting both his instrument (heartbeat as percussion instrument, a heartbeat chosen to reflect a loving nature) and the dangerous ramifications of it going out of tune.


See post #96 for the full text.



Song of Possession/Exchange

Clarify again on the question on Possession--I'll set down a house rule, if you think it works (feedback is good). If the host is unwilling, it's canon. If the host is willing, you can possess up to a natural night's sleep. However, while the host's brain gets enough rest, his body does not. He's at a greater risk for injury if the body's been up and around more than three hours. So you either possess a couch potato ;) or don't hang around for more than that.

The ease of Possession is cumulative. The first possession of a host willing or unwilling is difficult, the hundredth almost routine. The Disturbance remains the same but the target number lowers.

Combined with the Song of Exchange, however, a willing host can be possessed for extended periods of time. Exchange allows for extended possessions; frequent Possession of a willing host gives the ethereal spirit better odds of Exchanging with that host, though it is still no guarantee.


The essential difference between celestials and humans

from Sorcery, Purity, and other bits of loose canon
(behind the link is not part of the house rules anymore, simply a look into my thought processes.)

Angels do not (as opposed to cannot) engage in Will wars as individuals because they're instruments of the Symphony. An angel new to the corporeal realm doesn't think of himself as an individual in any sense, and so cannot battle wills with anyone. An angel who has spent significant time in vessels has come to think of himself as himself a bit more, and thus can indulge a will war with someone by momentarily separating his will from that of the whole. An angel who has spent most of his career Earthbound is used to thinking of himself as a guy rather than an instrument, and he might be bluffed into forgetting that he is part of a whole. Such an angel could be summoned, bound, even exorcised as long as he fails to remember his true nature. Doesn't happen often, almost never. Well, not for more than a few minutes anyway.

An angel is a being of spirit. He or she is of no fixed gender, though usually identifies as one or the other. His celestial form may bear some resemblance to a human form or none at all. A human who looks with naked eyes on such a form will have a forceful emotional reaction to it, and often an unpleasant one. We are simply not meant to have close, unfiltered contact with such beings. For this reason Superiors create vessels.
A vessel is a construct of flesh, and at first the angel might regard it as little more than a suit. Outside of breathing, it does not require the usual types of maintenance that a human body does; at the same time it is medically indistinguishable from a human body. Superiors have been making these things for millennia and they're damned good at it. They even take requests--there's usually no point making the angel inside uncomfortable. Usually. Some Superiors have a sense of humor.
Therefore, getting vessel-killed is highly traumatic but not fatal to the celestial. Death hurts, no matter how you look at it, and even celestials have a survival instinct. It brings a sense of failure, which angels seem to take poorly. It tears away the mind from the brain, leading to confusion. Still, the celestial survives, is taken into the bosom of his brothers and rebuilt. Humans don't get that option.

from Ethereal and Essence Physics
(behind the link is not part of the house rules anymore, simply a look into my thought processes.)

In that body is the seat of emotion--overall health rather than just the heart itself. Without its body a human soul risks dissipating, having lost an essential part of its human being. Angels guide such souls to Heaven, demons to Hell, reincarnation is a happy event for most others who find an unoccupied baby in the womb. Very few simply dissipate and not all find this a bad fate; Buddhism posits this as a desirable state, the loss of the very last attachment. So what keeps a soul together? Essence?The nexus of the body and soul.
Simply, a human being in order to be human is both body and soul. In life, they're inseparable. In death the person is not quite whole for very long, clinging to the memories of body like one in a dream. Most long for a time to return to it to complete life's work, though some can relinquish it in peace. Even so, there is something missing in becoming pure spirit, and so they move on.
An angel without a vessel is inconvenienced and upset. A human without a body has lost half of himself.

"Pocket space" aka vessel space

When assuming celestial form in the corporeal realm, an angel or demon has the option of stowing his vessel in a vessel space. This takes a moment of concentration, so a celestial who's been surprised out of his vessel will find that vessel in a vulnerable place. (Demons hate that, as angels aren't vulnerable to exorcisms.) Unless the celestial being loses all his Perception and his Superior is unwilling to help him out, he will find that pocket and be able to re-inhabit the vessel when he wishes.  

Ethereals in function

Ethereals is a slight misnomer here. The spirits you've encountered, that I expect you to encounter in Mile Higher Club are pagan gods. I've played them from instinct and years of exposure to real-life pagan religions. As such many of the rules in Ethereal Player's Guide don't apply, as they've built to balance an ethereal player-character. When in doubt, go with classical mythology. When needing something more technical, look at
Authentic Thaumaturgy (Isaac Bonewits, published by Steve Jackson Games), from which I am also drawing much of the sorcery, as it simply aligns with my own experience. Thus 'strands' and 'elements' are downplayed, though the ideas behind them hold.

The Loa are specialists in possession, and alone among the surviving pantheons are not bound to any place. All other pantheons have at some point in their history been attached to particular sites, temples, mountains, peoples, with the obvious exception of the God of Abraham, who moved with His people. This, one speculates, is why He is as sympathetic to the Loa. Most pantheons that have not been exiled entirely to the Marches have what is functionally a Tether in the homeland of their worshippers. The Hindu gods have it nice this way in that most of their temples are still intact and in use. The Olympians are well known around the world but their actual temples are in ruins and their actual believers few, so they receive less Essence than the Hindus. The Wiccan goddess has yet to solidify a single Image or place of worship, though it appears she is attempting the nomadic strategy within a nature niche.

An ethereal needs a consistent and coherent image, a mask in game mechanics, to gather Essence outside of these tethers, and even that is highly inefficient. Those who remain primarily in the Marches hide their tethers as best they can. Those who remain exclusively in the Marches face slow starvation, as it's difficult to gain worshippers when you can only affect their dreams.
Ethereals do not generate enough Essence to survive without worshippers. EPG pg 19, 'fading' is a constant and real fear for the ethereals.
Dreams however, being fluid things, are continually feeding tiny bits to old gods and creating small and fleeting new ones. As long as humans dream, there will be ethereal beings. The Purity Crusade was ultimately futile, a war against human dreams.
Essence goes to the gods most efficiently at their Tethers by highly passionate worshippers willing to make great sacrifices. Where that Essence comes from, Bonewits puts it well, substituting 'mana points' for 'Essence.' I haven't worked out the math on it entirely, but here's a basic formula for what provides mana/Essence to an ethereal god:

Best: at a tether
Good: at an altar dedicated to that god, with the correct image, in the god's homeland
Nice try: a temporary or incorrect altar, or one too far removed from that god's homeland or tethers

Like sorcery, how much feeling goes into the work affects the power of it.
Best: a physical sacrifice to the god of something the offerer suffered or will suffer a significant loss to part with, done willingly. A living being--the god can claim much of the Essence as it leaves the living being, how much depending on whether the dying being is willing or actively fighting the process. As Thaumaturgy notes, a dying person could use his last Essence to hurl a death curse, both removing his life force from the sacrifice and screwing over his murderers.
Good: Dedication of a revelation, victory, defeat, or other profound experience to the god, with some physical token to remember it by. Abstinence, fasting, or other relinquishing of daily pleasure (or in the case of a sensuous god, indulgence one would not otherwise do).
Still nothing to sneeze at: Bringing the god something the offerer knows the being favors (i.e. rum and cigars to Samedi, a sword to a war god, etc.). Spending some time in prayer or meditation, listening to appropriate music or reading appropriate literature (in a sense, acting like a fan). Active participation in certain rituals.
Nice try: A small financial offering to the god's clergy, a visit to a shrine without feeling, generic gifts. Passive participation in a formal ritual. These things are all considered polite, but they don't actively feed the deity.

The gods in continuity

"In the End" from Ethereal Player's Guide covers my thoughts on ethereals and Purity quite nicely.

"The Old Gods" and "Pantheonic relations" pgs 114 & 116 of EPG was correct as of 1999, and with one exception have not been established changed since. (In other words, there's nothing in MHC contradicting canon.) That one exception is the kami, the gods of Japan. For that see Big in Japan, the tiny bit of fic that I wrote. Even those events are not well known to the Host at large.

There is one other pantheon in play in the background that bears noting. The gods of Hawaii sit in the celestial void left behind by the deaths of Oannes and Vephar, and quietly nudge celestial outsiders off their islands with bits of "bad luck" and ill-timed volcanic eruptions. There is one celestial tether on the islands, Gabriel's tether at Kilauea, and as long as it isn't much used there is a mutual tolerance. This has the net effect of making the Hawaiian Islands a celestial quiet zone, so nearly free of Disturbances that any Disturbance that does happen is magnified by contrast. Outside the islands perhaps the Host is hoping their gods images become too diluted to support.

The Loa

These nomadic spirits of the African Diaspora adapted to the lack of fixed tethers by focusing on the Songs of Possession and Exchange, and work the functional equivalent of a hybrid between the two. They cannot form tethers, and can use few other Songs of their own. They gather Essence through ecstatic rituals, there to possess followers. Those possessed persons provide them with access to their host's abilities and memories to the degree that the host permits this.
The Loa can gather some Essence in altars (as above) to themselves, but by masking with Catholic saints can also draw from saint images where they do not directly contradict the Loa itself.