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This Is My Life...

This frog will take you back to my wierd little world...

If you're here, you asked for this...I tried not to inflict it on people who aren't losing sleep over my interpretation of my life... I'm an Army brat, pure and simple...I was born in Ft. Hood, Texas...The fourth girl and yet, oddly enough, still not the baby. I have three older sisters, one little sister and one little brother. Any links I can get permission to will be attatched, so check them out for their interpretation of life. And their wierd little worlds...We all have them. My parents got divorced after the last baby (that'd be my sister Beth) was born. A few years later my dad got lost somewhere in Colorado, and I've seen him twice since. I think that's why I have such a bizarre perception on authority. I dropped out of seventh grade, and went back to school halfway through my tenth grade year. During tenth I got pregnant, and I graduated at the end of my eleventh grade year as a Teen Mom. Yeah, capitalized...It counts as a stereotype and as such is a proper noun. I went on Welfare when I turned 18 and attended a semester of school at my local junior college, then dropped out because of personal reasons in my second semester. I got myself hitched that summer, and joined the U.S. Army. I was in Basic in Nov., and AIT in Feb. Now I'm assigned to Ft. Bragg, NC, and am serving my time. I also have another beautiful bouncing baby, who was born shortly after I arrived at Ft. Bragg. Now we've hit the present... I have a lovely five year old who turns six right before Christmas. I have a a lovely one year old who turns two right after Christmas. And I have a pretty great twenty four year old who turns twenty five right before Thanksgiving. I'll probably add links for the kids...My husband can do what he chooses.
