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My Personals...

This graphic came from Rowan Sterling...Click here to visit her lovely site:)

Tad Rainey
Soldier, Mom, Individual
23 going on 5 or 40, depending on the day
Blond hair, Blue eyes
Enjoys Rollerblading and Bicycling, not running
Strange outlooks, odd ideas, and wierd philosophies
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Welcome to my page. This is most likely to be a rambling set of things that I think, believe, have heard, or wonder about. Visit lots of you like, but it's probably going to be rather bizarre and possibly difficult to follow. This is going to be on things that happened to me, and don't fit into the girls diary, and is on the more peculiar side of my existance.

26 Feb. 00
Well, another year older, and deeper in debt...I heard that on a song once upon a time, and it seems to be true. Yes, I have turned the age clock again. Now I'm 23 years old. Wow. Who'd have guessed that I'd be here still, huh?
Along with the anniversary of my birthday, I took me sometimes delightful husband off to a marriage retreat. We had lots of fun. We rode in go-carts, on a canoo in a bayou and got snagged twice on under-water stumps, and goofed around a lot. There were seminars on personality traits and how they affect a marriage, and how to fight nicely in a marriage, and how to manage the finacial side of a marriage. It was lots of fun. It was really nice to have an entire day to ourselves. There was a "daycare" facility, monitored by a certified child care provider, and staffed by volunteers from singles in our battalion. We left Sam with them, and Rebekah went home with a friend after school. We were totally free. We did check up on Sam every so often, but she seemed to be having as much fun as we were...She had lots of other little kids to play with, and she loved it. In addition, we got a couple things to take home with us, other than the paper pass outs we got at registration...I got the pot of miniature roses that was the center piece for our table at dinner, we got a financial management workbook. It was lots of fun, and we got back around 8 PM, just in time to tuck Sam into bed.
Anyway, for my birhtday, in addition to a day with my husband, I got a lot of Tupperware! It's so awesome. I got a Tupperware dish that can be baked in the oven! And it works really well. I got a bunch of recipe cards with it, and I'm posting the one that I used the first time I used my oven-safe Tupperware. I also got a Tupperware bowl with a lid that has a hole in it for an egg beater, so it doesn't splatter my whole kitchen. Anyway, it's neat.
I guess that's about it for today:) See you all later!

05 Feb. 00
Same thing again...This is on the girls' page, so skim:) We got more snow! 6 inches! And it's taken 2 weeks to melt enough that we aren't getting ice every morning! Way cool! I got almost 3 days off in the middle of the week. It was awesome.
However, now I am back to the normal work schedule. Yuck. This means I get to go out to the field starting tomorrow. Absolutely horrid. I should be gone until Friday, at which point I will be coming back home. I have all the stuff that I'm going to need out there together, so it shouldn't be too bad. With any luck, this will be the last time I get to do this! But I found this remarkable heating thing that heats water. It's wonderful...I am bringing a stash of hot chocolate mix and a mug...I'm going to have hot liquids out there, at least. Also hot sponge baths! Yeah!
Other than that, I think life is still doing about what it usually does. We're all doing well, and can't wait to go back to California. We'll see you all then:)

22 Jan. 00
For all those who don't read my girls page, we had snow on the 18th!!! For those who live where snow is a common winter element, I suppose this isn't a big deal. However, we don't get much snow here...Last winter we got flurries that only stayed snow while they were airborne, and melted when they touched the ground. So, snow out here is really exciting, and I totally loved having it. Not to mention that I got a day and a half off work because snow is so rare around here that they don't have the equipment to deal with it, so they close down the whole post:) I made snow angels, and threw snow at all the neighborhood kids:) It was great.
I got my flu shot. I think this is the first one I've gotten in the Army. It wasn't too bad. It stung a little, and I was the only person who insisted on sitting down, but it didn't hurt much, and it's still not really painful, the day after. I am pleased to say that all my fears concerning the flu shot were just that, unsubstantiated fears. With no basis in fact.
Other than that, we finally got our car back! Yeah! It's so nice to have transportation again. Of course, there's still a little work that needs to be done on it...The brake cylinder needs replaced, I need new tires, and there's some valve that needs to be fixed. Oh, yeah, and the heater went out yesterday, so something needs to be done about that, too. But we do have our car back, for better or for worse, and it's so wonderful!
I'm counting down the months...Seven and a half, and I'll be free! Isn't that great? So, like, on that happy note, I'll leave you:) See ya round...

02 Jan. 00
Welcome to the new millennium!!! All who are reading this have made it too! Congradulations to you...The end of the world wasn't so bad, now, was it?
All jokes aside, it is kinda nice to be here, alive, and with all the ammenities of the modern world still at my fingertips. I know that I did secretly heave a sigh of relief when the power didn't flicker, my computer didn't crash, and there were no explosions, other than the fireworks my neighbors were setting off.
So, what did I do for New Years? I went to a neighbor's house and played a game called Phase 10 (it's the game you end up with when you cross Rummy with Uno) and we played with Sparklers and Snaps(which are little things that snap when they hit the ground. You throw, they snap. Very cute), and drank some Orange Dream and Apple Pucker. Very yummy. It was pretty fun. We hugged and kissed, and went to bed.
Our car is still broken. Which has me rather bummed out most of the time. The parts have finally come in, but the check from the insurance co has been delayed in the mail, and I am still waiting for it. The mechanic thinks that he'll have room for the car in his garage so he can work on it tomorrow. If there is any luck or compassion in the universe, I'll get that check tomorrow, too. But I have no idea. So, I'm mostly crossing my fingers and hoping for good things:)
Sadly, tomorrow starts full day scheduling again, which means I'm probably going to be a bit hungry at lunch (kinda hard to get a lift then) and not likely to get home before 5 or 5:30 PM. So, like, this is getting rather depressing, so I think I'll get off, and let you know when it gets better. See you then:)

11 Dec. 99
I have just come home from the field. Yuck! For more on that aspect of my life, go see my military page...I don't want to repeat myself, and it's a yucky subject to me, anyway.
Other than that, the car situation looks bleak. We may just get the poor thing totaled. The axle damaged the frame, and it's going to cost a bundle to fix. The insurance person came out and looked at the car, and told Brent to take it to a mechanic and that the insurance would cover the repairs, but the mechanic wants to get ahold of the insurance company and make sure that they are aware of what needs to be fixed. If the repairs cost more than 25% of the car's worth, they have to total the car, and pay me what it's worth. So, I'm kinda looking at used cars again...
On the flip side, I have discovered that I can walk to the PX and the Commisary...It's a long walk, but Rebekah can make it, and so it's not to bad. For big shopping trips, we ask a friend for a lift, and for transport to and from work, I bum rides. I'd rather have my car, but we're surviving.
So, life continues. It's very hectic, but I'm feeling better about the whole car thing than I was. I can get a little shopping done of my own, and what I can't do on foot, I can get rides from friends for. I guess that's the end for today:)

04 Dec. 99
Well, trials come into everyone's life, and mine is no exception. Last Tuesday (that wouold be the 30 of Nov.) my loving husband ran into a curb, and about wrecked my car. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and our car was the only vehicle involved. The insurance will pay for it, but first they've got to come and check out the damage. We think that the axle may be bent, and that the struts or shocks may be broken. They are supposed to come on Monday (06 Dec.), and then we have to get it to a mechanic and get it fixed. Not too bad, but it's been a real trial for me.
And right before I go out to the field, too. Which is also going to happen on Monday. At least it's only for 5 days...I'll be back Friday (10 Dec.), so here comes another fling of over clingy children. I'm taking leave the following week, though, so hopefully they'll get their clinginess out. Then we have half days until after New Year's.
I am so anxious to get out. Before I can, they are going to haul me off to Ft. Bliss, TX, and make me stay there for a month. That'll be in June or July next year. I don't think I can get out of it. So, right before they say goodbye to Daddy for a few months for training, they'll have me taken away for a month. My poor kids are going to be so upset.
Well, I guess those are the breaks for soldier moms. I will be so glad when I'm out...Anyway, I guess that's about it. See ya 'round:)

26 Nov. 99
Well, I have survived another Thanksgiving. It went pretty well. I did most of the cooking (baking, really) and it turned out pretty good. We had cornish game hens instead of turkey...I fixed twice as many as we ate, so we also had them for dinner tonight. They were much better the first time around...The legs dried out when we re-heated them:) I baked four kinds of bread...We had banana nut, cranberry-orange, white, and corn breads...Yummy! I fixed rice stuffing to go with the birds, and Brent (bless him) made awesome mashed potatoes. He also made his trademark killer cheesecakes...Weep all who have tasted them, and weren't here this week! I made pumpkin pies and a peach pie, but I think that I need to work on the recipe for the peach pie. I also made a "Golden Broccoli Bake" which was fantastic...Very similar to the green bean bake I tried last year, but Brent liked the broccoli version better. And I fixed corn. We had cranberry sauce (from a can, I'll only go so far...) and cookies (the girls helped to make them...). And I think that about sums up our little munch fest...It was all very, very good.
Other than that, I've decided that putting up with the Army, even part time, isn't what I want to do. So until I find out where we'll be stationed, and what babysitters will be available, and then I'll decide if the money is worth the time and the headache...I'm sure it'll be a headache! So, that's up in the air at this point.
I have been spending, spending, spending on the whole "Tupperware" thing...Too many people I know are having parties:) So, I've finally gotten one of those pie mats that show how big you need to roll your pastry for each size of pie tin...That was a real lifesaver for Thanksgiving! I also got a neat thing for stuffing my packets of things like cool-aid and marinade mixes. I have a couple freezer-able containers coming because we've decided it'll be better to freeze our leftover spaghetti sauce than eat it for the next 2-3 days. And a stuff sack for putting all my plastic bags into! So, we're working on this whole idea of organisation. Weird, huh?
I almost forgot to mention! I've finally started the whole Christmas shopping thing. I found the cutest hobby horses for the girls...They are a few shades different in color, and I think I'll print names on the handles, so they can tell them apart. I got Rebekah a glitter bath set...It has spray on gel, shower gel, and lotion, all thouroughly glitterised:) I picked up a couple books...Sam is getting board books, and Rebekah is getting her very own callendar. I also found a cute alphabet book for Rebekah...To help her with letter identification. Then we found a couple boxes of crayons...One for Sam, one for Rebekah. We'll see how well these ones work:)
Well, that's about the whole of it. I hope that everyone who visits had as wonderful a holiday as we did...The fun was non-stop! And I'll be back to do this again sometime later:)

12 Nov. 99
Well, what do you think of the new picture? I think it works much better than the prior one. I found that lovely tree on a website with lots of other and similar pictures...And more may pop up on my pages as I go along.
I am contemplating the things to do when I get out...I am getting out, you know. I start Terminal Leave in Sept. As I begin the drive out to California again, Brent will be shipping out to Basic Training. I'm going to be a college kid, and he's going to be my supportive husband. Also on the agenda is the possibility of the Reserves or National Guard, and maybe selling stamps...
Oh, yes! I haven't told you about my stamps! I had a stamp party for my sister in California, and since she was there and I was here, I ended up with demonstrating it as well as hostessing it. Which wasn't too bad, except that it was too much for me to do. So, having successfully sold almost $300.00 singlehandedly, I am thinking about doing that in my free time for a little extra money while I'm in college. Besides, it's fun. And I like showing people that it's really easy to make neat stuff all by themselves:)
So, I'm excited about the whole "Get out of the Army" thing, and I'm so, so ready for it. I'll keep you updated about the whole thing...But for now, I must rush off...I have more pages to tinker with, you know!

16 Sept. 99
Well, I am totally losing any respect for hurricanes that I may have ever had...My second one that I remember, and it also trickles off into the sea...Of course, everyone is saying that it was a fluke and that we are incredibly lucky, but I wanted to see a natural disaster, not a wind and rain storm. Yeah, we had a few power outages...We had a little flooding...But an inch or so of standing water in the front lawn, and a few houses wihtout electicity isn't what I thought we were supposed to be in for. I was expecting blown down trees, torn off roofs, busted out windows...You know, all that good stuff...
Anyway, I'm also starting to think about the Stamping Party I am going to give on the 1st of October...I'm a little nervous, actually. It'll be the first time I ever demonstrated any kind of product. At least I'll be in front of friends when I make a complete idiot of myself...I'll let you know how it goes after we do it.
Other than that, I am amusing myself on most Saturdays playing Shadowrun with my husband at a friends house. We drag the girls along, and they play with Steve's kids. So much fun. Not quite a break, but it's nicer than spending all Saturday at home alone with the kids while Brent is off playing WarHammer...
I guess that's all for now. Catch you later:)

16 Aug. 99
There hasn't seemed to be much time for me to do this page lately. I've been busy trying in California, taking the girls to the fireworks, and going to work. Then we had to get Rebekah ready for school. So, here I am, finally pulling together some time for myself. I've decided that I need a hobby. I think that I'll start to make clothes for myself. And the girls. But not the average, run of the mill, normal, modern day clothing that you can buy at Wal-Mart. I think that I'll make myself a wardrobe of renaissance style clothing so that I can go and play at Rennfests and SCA events and all those other fun, make believe things.
We (Brent and I) are about to celebrate our 3rd Anniverary. It's a big step. Seems quite a while ago that we got hitched. It's been strange, kinda hard sometimes, easy as a breeze at others. We seem to be doing all right just now. Brent has maybe *crosses fingers, knocks on wood* gotten himsself a part time job, and so things won't be so money scrunched around here. Anyway, it'll get him out of the house more.
THat's about it. I forgot, another big stumbling block on this page is my rather boring and repetitive life. It's not that great to write about, and I guess it's not all that to read about, either. See ya next time, I hope:)

27 May 99
To all who know me as "Rainey, the long-haired blonde" or any other such lable, I have done something horrible... I chopped my hair off. It now brushes my shoulders. I like it, it's easier and faster to put up in the morning, and it doesn't tangle so much. Brent says it looks good, too, and also that his is the only opinion that matters, so I guess I look alright. I look like I did in 5th grade. It's funny, in 5th grade I thought I looked so grown up, but now I think I look like a 12 year old.
The news on the Army side of things is that they may put me up in the front office for a while. That's what I got told last week, at least. Today they thought that maybe I wasn't going, but I don't care...I'll be gone for most of June, anyway. Three more work days and I'm outta here! I can't wait to be back home and see everyone again!
I discovered a nifty thing on one of the pewters in the front office. When you type ":)" it gives you a cute straight up and down smiley face. Like on a Wal-Mart commercial. I thought this was incredible, but one of my far more computer literate friends claims it's a program that does it for that expression and a few others. Oh, well. It was neat, anyway.
I think that's about it. Mostly what we are doing now is anxiously awaiting the 5th so we can begin our long drive. Bye, now:)...(Obviously, my pewter doesn't recognise the things...)

15 May 99
For those of you who have knowledge of this bizarre event, as well as those of you who do not, my candle party was a great success, and I had a great time. Most of the people I invited were able to attend, and by the time everyone left, I had about six oreos, a handful of chips, and a few glasses of juice left. That's what I call a good party...When everyone is comfortable (or hungry)enough to wipe out the snacks! Or maybe it was just the kids, but I saw that most of the adults had refreshments in hand, so I don't think it was only the kids...
Anyway, I have a big shipment of candles coming to me, and lots of them are actually for me...Kinda...I ordered a lot of stuff as gifts for other people. So I had a great time, and I think everyone else enjoyed themselves, and I may do this again...Next summer, sometime...
Mother's Day was good. I went to a Mother's Day Tea with Rebekah, and her class sang beautiful songs, and they served us cake. I have hit a major step in being a a mommy...I have finally gotten a "Handprints" poem from my baby...It still is bringing tears to my eyes when I think about it...Too true, she will someday be far bigger than to be making handprints on my walls, and concoctions in her bedroom...*sniffle*
I guess that's it...It was a lovely day, though, and well worth the stress of getting it together. See Ya:)

05 May 99
Oh, exciting news! And hopefully no one in my company knows about this place...But the allergists and dermitologists are all convinced that there is nothing wrong with me, and because I do want to stay in, I am advised to let my profile run out, and go to the field again. If it gets so I can't handle the itching, I guess we are at step one again, but for now I still have some job security.
Furthermore, I have put in my reqest for a leave of absence, and hopefully will be out in California this June! Oh, the joy! To be back home, and to show off my kids, who can be wonderful and adorable...But aren't always. And to be with the normal people again:)
I guess that is the updates for right now. Maybe there is something else that I'm forgetting, but I know it not. I'll see you 'round...

02 May 99
I have had a pretty cool weekend so far...I went to a friend's candle party and won the door prize, which was six floating candles and a couple votives. Also, I have an appointment set for the day that I'm supposed to see the allergist, if nothing else. I'm hoping to postpone appointment to determine if I go to the re-class board or the kick out board until July, if possible. I want to go home this summer:)
Brent got the new release of "Heroes of Might and Magic: III", and it's neat. We each have a single player game going...Mine is a single senerio, and Brent is doing a campaign. Then we are on opposing sides in a mega-battle, and I guess he'll win, because he's got a better sense of strategy than I do. But it's fun, and the graphics are neat, and any of my friends who check this page out and are interested in that game, it has my full recommendation...
Anyway, Brent is pestering me to leave so we can play some more, so I'll come back and finish this later...Bye!

21 Apr. 99
Well, the doctors are still confused about my case and my health...I am free of the field for another three months, though, and I guess that's worth the hassle of worrying about my future emplyment...
I met the most wonderful people this weekend...They are from California! It's such a relief to find reasonable people out here...Mostly I meet people with no sense of humor and with very little taste. But I have once again found a few people who can connect with me, and so I hope that I stay in the military long enough to form a good friendship with them, if nothing else. They have a cat that looks kinda like Mushu, and I think that's cool, too. Also, Brent likes them...And the husband is a stay-at-homer, so he and Brent connect on that level, too.
Mushu is getting big. He falls out of two hands at this point. I figure it's about time for his shots, and that'll happen the first of May, I think.
I have read this book called "Hart's Hope", by Orson Scott Card, and it is wonderful! It's written in a format that I usually don't read, but the story was lovely, and when I finished it I had many tears in my eyes...So, it's a great book, and if you like fantasy, you should consider at least picking it up and seeing if it's the type of thing you like...And maybe reading it even if it doesn't seem your type, because you might find out that it is...

04 Apr. 99
Today was lovely...We did an Easter Egg hunt with the nieghbors, and the girls both got big stuffed bunnies... Along with enough candy to keep us all on sugar highs for a week. Rebekah has aquired a slight sunburn...Time to break out the sunscreen again.
I think that Mushu has stripes...Light grey on slightly darker grey, but still, striped. Very cute. And he is very well litter trained...We have had no problem with him at all. He is taking fairly well to his weekly baths...Still complains a little, but he doesn't leave. He doesn't much like his nails being trimmed, but he submits to that, too.
I have finally gotten the time to read such things as books...It is a lovely thing. Mostly it's been adult fairy tales...I still haven't managed to outgrow the things. I am also gradually working on shaping up for the upcoming summer...I do a dance aerobic video with my neighbor every night, and it leaves me sweaty. I guess that's the point...I have also managed to loose about four pounds. So I might be willing to wear a swimsuit sometime...
Well, it's time for dinner. I may get back to this tonight, or it may be later this month, but whenever I do, I'll see you then...

20 Mar. 99
Oh, Oh...And now for my outtake on the new kitten...I am totally, completely loving having a pet again. Mushu, our kitten, is adorable. He stayed up and played with me last night. He also knows to use the litter box. Pretty cool. We got all the basic cat supplies yesterday, around the first sometime, we should get a scratching post and a few more toys. Sam likes Mushu's toys, too, and runs around the house carrying them.
It has been forever since I had a pet...At least since Basic Training, and I've been in the Army for almost two and a half years. Having a cat is great. He's very loving, and has no obvious problems with kids, which is a little suprising to me...In his last home, he was mauled by all the kids, and there were three there. But Sam and Rebekah are very gentle with him, and give him his space, so he gets along well with both of them.
All in all, it is very satisfying to have a pet again. I think that Rebekah is at a good age for a "first pet" of her own, and it'll do Sam good to have an animal around. Plus, he's a very loving critter, and when all the girls are down, he likes to love on me. Very, very fun.

05 Mar. 99
Okay, my heart has kinda stopped the bleeding thing. My kid sister should be able to take care of herself. Besides, there is great news afoot! I have passed my PT test and my 4 mile validation! It is wonderful...I have renewed confidence in myself. The Army knows not what to do with me...I talked to my doctor, and he wants me to undergo another variety of tests to determine if I am genuinely allergic to the woods out here. If the tests come out positive, I may be reclassed! Of course, I may not find out until after my ETS date, and so we go round again...
Anyways, smiles all around! We all want to be happy... Practice being happy on your own, it spreads;-}

27 Feb. 99
My heart bleeds for my baby sister...She has such a difficult time with her life... And I would ask that anyone who happens across this will offer whatever suplications they choose to whatever greater power they desire, to help her through any problems she is experiencing...
If you see this, Lizabug, remember we love you, and hope you come through this without much scarring...

25 Feb. 99
I guess that anyone who actually wanders around my site will discover that I am inserting my Guestbook on all of my pages. This is a vain attempt to induce more responses...i.e., I don't know if my page is getting noticed or appreciated, or if it just sucks. So, I am adding my Guestbook at regular intervals so it is convienient to put your two cents worth in. The book, no matter what I have put next to it, is the same. See one, and you'll have seen them all. Sign one, and you've signed them all. With Many, Many Thanks...I would like to know if anyone knows or cares...
Also, Thank You to those who have already signed, and please continue to leace your opinions in my book...

20 Feb. 99
I have discovered that I have a longtime fan status for a person who's work I had never really appreciated in concert...Just bits and pieces, unconnected. This person's name is Sue Dawe, and she draws lovely pictures of unicorns, some I recall from my 7th grade school folders. Simply beautiful. I can't find the link, but if I do, I'll put it in so people can see what else I appreciate. Other than that, it is rather neat what a little tangent searching will lead you to while on the net...Catch you later!

19 Feb. 99
This is my first entry. HI! I'm Tad, and I hope you find this place at the very least a little unique. I may even try to be humerous, but I don't know. Mostly this is an introduction...
I don't really have anything to say today, but I thought that I'd get this started, so that, someday, when I finally have something to say, I can have some where to put it. That's all...

My e-mail address it Write, I love mail!