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Recipes I've Tried and Liked:)

This little off site is being made because I've gotten quite a few requests for some of my recipes. I figure that if you heard about one from my page, maybe I should put it there. No, I don't have anyone's permission to publish these, and most are from real cookbooks, or else another site on the web, so please don't use them for anything other than you own home, family, and friends. If you see something you like, go ahead and pass it on, but don't sell any of it, because that's rotten. So, I hope this goes over well:)
I'll try to say where the recipe came from. Most of the books are in my own cookbook library, and I'll give credit when I can...Besides, that way, if you find a lot of recipes from one book, you can buy it yourself:) Here goes:)

Tuna Noodle Casserole

Chicken Divan

Vegie Dishes

My Favorite Breads
The BEST White Bread

There is already an incredible cookie page on the net. You can find the link to it on my wierd world page. I'll list the ones I've tried and recommend:)
Mayonaise Cookies-these end up like sugar cookies, but they take almost no time, and don't need refrigeration. Plus, you can eat the dough without worrying about food poisoning:)