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These Aren't Happy Poems!!!

Some of my family may recognise these...And if they seem to be familar, or you take a shining to one, please respect my attemps at writing and DO NOT copy these. They are personal and sentimental to me... If you want to use one, contact me and I'll probably give you permission, but I don't want them wandering around without my okay. Many thanks...

Panther's Poem

Past tense sightings of Panther

Inspired feelings of pride

As sunshine gleamed

On a gray coat

On the white bib.

Now we observe in fear

Knowing his end is near

But we cannot stop the pain

We cannot stop the imminent.

He loves us, so he clings

To life, to the pain...

Soon his grip will fail

And only photographs and memories

Will keep his love alive.


Do you hurt yourself


To get my attention?

Am I truely

So negligent

You can only touch me through pain?

I see so many

Hurt and scarred

By stupid actions

For stupid reasons.

Don't hurt yourself for me.

I'm not worth the pain.

I don't need proof of love.


In the beginning...

Did you know how much I'd care?

Did you know you'd tear me apart?

Was the life I gave up worth the one I got?

In the beginning...

Do we know where we're going?

Do we know how to get there?

Are we all we were going to be?

In the beginning...

And in the end...

Here we are right now.

We can't see the future struggles

Any more than we clearly see

The struggles of the past.

Our hands touch.

Our hearts touch.

We are one, but not the same.

And we are the beginning.


This frog will take you back to my wierd little world...