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My Personals...

My Personals...

This graphic came from Rowan Sterling...Click here to visit her lovely site:)

Tad Rainey
Mom, Student Again!!!
25 going on 5 or 40, depending on the day
Blond hair, Blue eyes
Enjoys Rollerblading and Bicycling, not running
Interests: Just Weirdness:)
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Welcome to my page. This is most likely to be a rambling set of things that I think, believe, have heard, or wonder about. Visit lots of you like, but it's probably going to be rather bizarre and possibly difficult to follow. This is going to be on things that happened to me, and don't fit into the girls diary, and is on the more peculiar side of my existance.

29 Jan 03
Wow...It's been a while. Laurel is still married...She now has a pretty cute little girl of her own. Her husband doedn't think much of me, and I don't see her as much as I'd like, but I'm working on softening my heart towards him, and I hope that maybe I'll be able to be truely happy for her.
Brent is almost done with his culinary arts training! Today he's down in San Fransisco on a field trip with his class...And he'll graduate before February ends. He's currently working at a local restaurant that serves Japanese food. Soemtimes he brings home the yummiest things!
I'm back in school again. I have two more units to take before I get my AA in accounting, and starting this summer I'm going to start working on my transfer units. What fun! And to think, I actually enjoy this...Oh, well.
I guess some people might be wondering about Katrina, since Bree was supposed to be the last...Supposed to being the key words. The Army wouldn't fix either Brent or me until Bree was 6 months old, and by then, we weren't covered by Army medical. Not that it made a huge amount of difference...By the time Bree was 6 moths, Kat was on her way. Fortunately, California doesn't have such silly rules, and so we finally got Brent operated on, and I can breath a sigh of relief! No more babies!!!
Actually, Katrina was a much better delivary experience than Breanna was, and I'm glad I get to have hers as the most recent memory. I didn't get an epidural...Big suprise, huh? I was supprised. By the time I was getting really antsy about the pain, I was at 10 cm. I got something called Nubain(sp?) that didn't really kill the pain, but it kinda knocked me out between contractions, so I wasn't freaking out between them. That made a huge difference. I also got to break my water for the first time ever! I recall telling the doctor that I couldn't possibly push, because he hadn't broken my waters...He said I'd be able to do it myself, and he was right. I got him totally soaked. Plus all the nurses, and the door to my room. I even got Brent a little, who was up by my head. The doctor promptly took himself off to change, which kind of confused me...After all, we were delivering a baby, not taking pictures! Anyway, my prior statement about never delivering without an epidural is not accurate...I guess it works differently for everyone.
Anyway, got to run. Catch you later...Tad Rainey

15 July 2001
Well, here I am. I was expecting that by this time, Brent would be in the Army, Basic Training at the very least, and hopefully AIT. Didn't work out that way. *Shrug* Go figure...Things change. He got a job working in a very nice resturaunt, and he loves it there. It doesn't pay much, but neither does the Army, and we shouldn't have to worry about moving all the time. And, of course, I get to stay in California, which is generally much easier for me.
I got another bookshelf, and I still don't have enough book space! But I only have a box or two that needs to be unpacked...Not too bad. I want to get the girls bookcases next...Smaller ones, but something to put the kids books on.
The candlemaking hobby got mildly interrupted by my best friend's wedding...I got to spend about 2 months doing nothing but sewing. Lots, and lots of sewing. But everyone looked great, and in a couple weeks I should have pictures posted. I also discovered another fun and interesting thing to do...I can make lovely things with beads. So I also string beads for a hobby.
The wedding was nice...Would have been nicer if I'd been wanting to enjoy myself, but I've been concerned about this union since I was asked to be a bridal attendant, so I didn't have much fun, and it was more of a relief to have it over and know I couldn't talk her out of it than to actually see the event. I spent the whole time rather nauseas and holding back tears, which wouldn't have fallen for the right reason...
On the flip side, I now have some beautiful clothes, and if I can talk Brent into letting me go play SCA, I've expanded my wardrobe a little. Plus started on stuff for Rebekah, if none of the rest of my kids:)
I think that's about all. Check back again in a few weeks-ish, and I'll see about putting some pitures up. They should be great...Aside from that they are from a disposable camera, and so fairy cheap and so on. Catch ya later:)

18 March 2001
Delivering Breanna was horrid! Don't ever let a doctor talk you into labor without an epidural! 2 hours of nothing but pain, and when they finally gave me the epidural, 40 minutes to delivery. Of course, now that she's here, she is a delight, and I love her bunches, and I suppose it was worth all the pain...But while I was in the hospital, I was seriously wondering:)
The move was long and weird, but we have a pretty nice place now, and I'm mostly glad I'm no longer in North Carolina. I finally got all the stuff together to actually make candle-making into a hobby...I'll need ot get wicks as they run out, but I have molds and wax and something to melt wax IN! So, I've been playing with all the various kinds of wax that I've been saving when I burn candles, and the wax doesn't all burn away...
My books are mostly unpacked...Brent got me a couple big bookcases for Christmas, and so I actually have someplace to put them. I think I need one more, though...And I have things on my wall, which is something I never really bothered with in NC.
I guess I'm happier here...The yard sales are better, and the people I love are closer. Plus, for some reason, California people are way nicer. So, I guess I'll enjoy it while I can...Another move is coming up fast:) I'll write again later sometime:)

05 August 2000
Well, things to say that haven't been said on other parts of this site...? Hmm, I don't know who all knows this, but I'm not leaving in a few months as I had hoped...I don't get out of this rat-trap until next February. Sniff...Very, very sad. But I guess I will get used to the idea. The Army is extending me for 6 months, basically so they can pay me for not working the whole time. I'll be on strict 8-hour days from Labor Day until the baby's born, and then I get a month and a half off for convelescent leave. Which brings me to about halfway through Jan. And I'll begin terminal leave halfway through Feb. Not much work, I'm afraid.
Whatever. This came about as a result of me finding out that pregnancy doesn't count as a medical condition incurred while on active duty, and so the Army doesn't feel obligated to pay for the delivery unless I extended. So, I'm stuck here a little longer, and it makes me rather miserable...
Anyway, I'm also ready to have this baby...I'm so huge! But it's not due for another 4 months, and I certainly don't want him/her to come early, so I guess I'll have to get used to the whole huge belly thing. I'm carrying this one different, I guess.
I guess that's about it. The time is rather dragging...I don't suppose it'll get any better while I'm at home for a month and a half, either. But I guess I can look forward to going home sometime soon...Sorta. It does seem a long time away again...Well, see ya later:)

13 May 2000
Smiles:) It's almost Mother's Day, and I know I'm loved. Sam picked out the half dozen pink roses that Brent bought, and I got a nice, green glass vase to put them in. It looks lovely on the contertop:) And Rebekah keeps trying to get me to give her one! We're probably going to go out to eat sometime next weekend...Rebekah and Brent want to take me to Red Lobster, so that they can eat crab:) Funny, huh? Anyway, I don't know if they are going to get me breakfast in bed, but they have been pretty good, and that's enough of a gift, huh? Brent has also kinda hinted around at getting me a bread machine...I don't know for sure, though.
Lets see...Long, hard days at work last week, but soon everybody else will be gone to Texas, and all the stress will go away. The new baby is rather a bit of a pill...Causing me pain when I certainly don't need it, and totally overheating me in general. Yuck. I don't quite remember this with the girls...Funny how selective your memory gets on some things, huh? Or it might just be working normal hours at work...In AIT it was a lot different, and highschool, deffinately more laid back. So, who knows. I may just be trying to push myself more, knowing that I get to leave in a few, short months.
Anyway, that's all I can think of now. I'll try to get to this next weekend and let you know how it goes tomorrow. That should be fun, huh? See ya 'round!

15 April 2000
Well, I went to ANOTHER Tupperware party today. Oodles of fun stuff...I got a couple trays for the girls for on the trip back home this year. I got a big, insulated straw lidded cup for me for at work, and a couple little sandwich keepers which I intend to use to bring snacks to work...Maybe I can stop the constant nausea? If not, I can still use them for the kids, so it's not money wasted! At any rate, I also got about 3 free things, plus a free gift that will come with my order...So, lots of free stuff, yeah!
And, while mommy was having fun downstairs, Sam painted the floor upstairs...And it wasn't our house! So, I'm heading over there tomorrow with some paint thinner and cleaning up...I'd have done it today, but the we seem to be out of paint thinner, so I have to get some. At any rate, it's been a mixed day.
So, like, heaps of excitement, and some strange stuff mixed in. Come see this later, and I'll see what I can come up with:) Bye for now...

25 March 2000
I have survived the first series of blood tests that the doctors want to do to me. I think they should come out just fine...All my other tests have. At any rate, my right arm (the one they drew one tiny vial of blood from so they ould see if I was pregnant) is black and blue and looks like I got it caught in something. My left arm,from which they took 5 vials of blood for other miscelaneous tests, is prfectly fine, although there is a tiny red circle from where the needle penetrated my skin. I don't think I'll ever let that one guy draw blood from me again.
I haven't hit the puking stage, but I have been suffering from nausea on a fairly regular basis...It's kinda yucky, but not something that can't be ignored. Mostly, I keep pretzals and crackers on-hand against it.
Other than that, I have gotten out of the field for the rest of my military carreer! No Ft. Jackson, no Ft. Bliss, no leaving the kids behind while I go hundreds of miles away...I'm so extatic. This is the best thing ever! And I should be going home no later than Sept. So, one more summer here, and I'm free! I can't wait to see everyone again! I guess that's about it...See y'all later:)

22 March 2000
Well, this has been a rather grueling week for me. But, in the traditional spirit of things, good news first... I'm pregnant! Again, yeah, but I'm happy about it, so many grins from my side of the keyboard. At any rate, if I'd known for sure a week ago, I wouldn't have had to do a 12.4 mile ruck march which left me in the possession of one each huge blood blister...Yuck! And it hurt really, really bad. When I popped it, it squirted all over the bathroom (ugh). And it's still bothering me today.
The other really grueling part of this week was today, when I went in to get my doctor verified pregnancy test. The guy who drew my blood was totally horrid! I have never had such a bad experience getting blood drawn, even when I've had to be stuck twice! This time it hurt horribly while the blood was being drawn, and after I left, my arm swelled up like I had a golf ball under my skin. Totally yuck. At any rate, I went back to the clinic, and they just told me to apply pressure and keep my arm above my heart. And that the swelling would take a while to go down. They were right...It's been almost 12 hours, and I'm still a little swollen. And it still hurts, and I know I'm going to have a horrid bruise.
Other than that, we are both (my husband and I) simply ecstatic to be having our last little one. It means (hopefully) that I will get to stay in the rear when everybody else goes to the field. Which will be very nice. It gets me off the overweight program (which no one really thinks I should be on, anyway, considering my size...), and out of unit PT, which is like PE in school. This baby will probably be another Christmas baby, and about 3 years younger than Sam. So, my family will be complete. Some fun.
I guess that's about it. The girls are also happy about having a baby around...It swings a little, but mostly I'm getting positive reactions from both of them. See you later:)

10 March 2000
Well...I hope this works. What happened was, I was happily typing along on my other little ramblings page, and I made this horrid discovery...I would type about three sentences, and then I'd get stopped. One certainly hopes that the problem was an end of space on that particular page, and that this site will work. Until I run out of space here, too, of course.
Lets see, what all needs to be caught up on? I had a stamp party, and got a few neat stamps. I went to a friend's Tupperware Party, and while I didn't get any more oven-proof Tupperware, I did get a really great bread bowl (I think I'll use it someday *grin*), and some cabinet organizers that are really great. I got one to keep my microwave popcorn in, and one for my Bisquick. So, fun. I think that at the next one my neighbors have, I'll order a really cool kids bake set (no, not oven-proof, but it comes with a bowl, rolling pin, cookie cutters, and recipe cards), to play with with the girls. And something else...The bake set is on sale, so I'll have a little more money:)
Lets see...What else? I am generally kinda happy...I want to get out really, really badly...The Army is not worth this to me. Brent tries to make me see reason and that I can make oodles of money if I continue to work in communications, but I'm not really happy doing this, and I don't want to spend my life doing something I don't enjoy. Make sense? So I don't know exactly what awaits me out there in the free civilian world, all I know is I'm ready to find out. I guess that's it. See you all later:)