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Tad's Weird Little World

So, you've dared to enter my weird little world? Here's what to expect on your visit... I'm setting in a link to various poems and such that I have indulged in creating... Most likely they will be in groups determined by mood rather than as individual poems...That way you can choose to be cheered up or bummed out...I can do both, I've been told. I'll probably also link up with friends and family from back home.

This Is My Life...

Current News on The Girls...

4th Edition of The Girls' Diary

3rd Edition of The Girls' Diary

2nd Edition of The Girls' Diary

Diary on The Girls...Edition 1

More Ramblings:)

Old Ramblings by Me...

Things I like to cook and then eat!


I didn't write this one, but it brought tears to my eyes...

These are things I wrote...I wasn't in a cheery mood, but some are a little pretty.

These are by me, inspired by kids...Mostly my own, I guess...

This is my thoughts on the Army...Like the Army, this is a kinda unpleasant site...

Links To My Friends and Family

Miss Elwood

Rustee, Friend Married to Army Person

Jen, Army Friend

Little Bro

Beth-a.k.a. LizzaBug

Z...The Oldest of my Sibs

Here's some of the older parts of my site...I'm thinking about taking them out...

As promised, here are pics from Laurel's wedding...

Wedding pictures page 1

Wedding pictures page 2

My Beautiful Photos

T-Baby's 9 month spotlight!

Fear greatly...I have finally found a site by someone I have absolutely no contact with to post, that I haven't found via someone already linked here...There may be more here at some point...

This link goes to a wonderful site...I saw the artist in question live years ago, and would have loved to get his cassettes and support his habit (playing Celtic harp), but at the time I was a starving little college kid, and couldn't afford much more than the $6.00 the tickets to see him cost. Anyway, it was a wonderful performance, I plan to take the girls to see him as soon as I can, and I recommend him to anyone who likes stories, celtic music, and the thrill of being entertained by as close to a bard/troubadour as our modern lives allow. His name is Patrick Ball, and I hope you enjoy his talent as much as I did:)

I can't claim that I found these two sites on my own...A co-worker brought in a couple catalogs today because he thought I'd like them:) Boy, was he right. I bet you'll like them, too, so here are the links to get to the wonderful catalogs I saw in hard copy this morning:) Actually, the links are better than the catalogs...I found stuff on them that wasn't in the catalogs!

Windstone Art I've seen this stuff in various little stores all over, this is the first site I've seen with it...But If you like dragons, gargoyles, unicorns, and other such critters, you'll love drooling over these pretties:)

Swords and things This one has such lovelies as armor for display, beautiful swords and daggers, some flintlock type firearms, and the occasional piece of jewelry. Very, very nice, but definately a save up for site:)

This one is totally delightful! Any of you who have memory roots as deep and far back as mine may remember a late night sit-com called "Beauty and the Beast". It was definately a grown-up show! But it had some very lovely music, and the soundtrack that came out for it was one of the best:) Anyway, the following site has all the music from the first sound track for download, and the poetry! It's a wonderful, must see/hear site... I hope you all love it as much as I did:)Beauty and the Beast Soundtrack


I have discovered another...This one greatly reminds me of my mother-in-law, who passed away a couple years ago. Especially the fairy realm... Fantasy Realms...

This is a neat one for those of you who are interested in historical re-creation. I am, and I found a few other sites, but most can be found through this link. The Garb Bag

This is a neat place...I like the writing and the puzzles...

This wonderful site has lots of yummy coockie recipes! Thanks Z, for sending it my way!

Witch's Brew Somewhere on this site is a recipe for bath salts... Other than that, it's a pretty neat site, and rather informative, if you suffer from curiosity about magic stuff...

Sweet Bunches This is a wonderful site by a teen mom...Maybe I'll get around to doing my own someday, but until then, here's this one:)

These flowers will take you to the beginning, where my counter and guest book are...Please leave your mark there...
