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29 Nov 00
Well, the baby has finally arrived, and now the girls' page can include an extra girl. Her name is Breanna Meghan, and she weighed in at 6 lbs, 13 oz. She was 20 inches long, and she has her daddy's hair, and probably his nose, too. I think she will end up with my ears...Her birthday was the 27th of November, and she was born at the discusting hour of 2:42 in the morning. Since we were put into a room with another new mom, that first night I got no sleep...My roommate's husband snored, she kept telling him to shut up, and their baby kept waking up and crying. At least Breanna slept through it:)
Her eyes are blue right now, but that's subject to change:) She is very well behaved...She only cries when she's hungry, and she sleeps a lot. She's got her sisters wrapped around her little finger...Sam is incredibly possessive over her. Rebekah has been a big help...She takes dirty diapers to the trash, and she fetches things that we inadvertantly forget to grab. Sam mostly wants to hold her and interact with her...Sam's having a hard time realising that she doesn't really interact much:)
Well, I think this closes this saga...I'll start putting Breanna's info on the girls' page. Hope you all enjoyed what I managed to keep track of here:) Bye:)

04 Nov 00
Well, I went to see the doctor on Monday. We're doing pretty good...I gained about a pound and a half, and the baby's heartrate was around 150. My belly was measuring around 35 cm. Since I was at 36 weeks, and they were going to swab me anyway, I had them do a pelvic exam. I'm about 2 cm dialated, and 50% effaced. The baby really is banging against my pelvic bone-this one's at a -2 station right now. But it's still bouncing...Not fully engaged.
Anyway, I ended up spotting because of the pelvic exam. So, off we went to the hospital, where they reassured us that some spotting is normal after a pelvic exam (how'd I miss it with the first two?) And they ordered an ultrasound just to make sure everything's fine...
Yesterday, we got the ultrasound. Sam got to come and see the baby, who is measuring right at 36 weeks, so I figure, sometime around the beginning of Dec. And we found out this one's a girl, too. So, BreeAnna Meghan (we may adjust the spelling). And we got her a cute take home from the hospital outfit...It's a maroonish-red top with the same color and cream striped pants. So, now all there is to do is wait. Anyway, I see the doctor again on Monday...Maybe I'll get around to updating during the week, but you'll get the rough details on next Saturday, at least...

18 Oct 00
Well, the whole baby shower thing is still in the planning stages...Who knows? I may not get one, after all...Which wouldn't be that bad...It's not like I had one for the other two kids:)
I've been to the doctor (AGAIN!) Things are still normal...I gained only 1 pound, but the doctor was okay with it, and I'm about 34 weeks with 34 cm, so I'm back to the right measurements. My heartrate was on the high side, but since I'd about sprinted down a hill to get to my appointment almost on time, I'm not worried. After 45 minutes (that's how long it took for the doctor to see me...) I was having a normal heartrate.
I'm due to see the doctor again sometime late, late Oct, or early, early Nov. Some fun. I'd rather not, but I rather suspect that Brent's going to push the issue. For some reason, he doesn't want to spring the whole delivery thing on the hospital without forwarning. And soon it'll be at the every week level. Yuck. On the flip side, the more regularly I have to see a doctor, the closer I am to being skinny (at least a little) again! And being able to sleep on my stomache, which will be great! Wow...I'm at the 6 week countdown...It's starting to pick up speed, and this pregnancy is looking less and less like it's going to last forever. This may also be affected by the fact that the girl in my neighborhood who was due around Halloween had her baby last week, and the first thing I thought when I saw her new baby was "I'm next..." Anyway, see you later:)

30 Sep 00
Good news first...I don't have to take the 3-hour gestational diebetes test! All my results from last appt. came back totally normal, and on the high end of healthy:)
Only one attempt at the blood pressure thing this time...I guess that I'm not getting as peeved that Brent's touchy about doctor offices. So am I...And they are wanting me to start the 2 week appts. now, so I'm going to be visiting a lot more than in the past. On the flip side, I may get this page updated more often, too:)
I'm weighing in at 173 pounds, and my belly measures 33 cm...A little on the big side for being 31 weeks exactly...I think that you're supposed to be about as many cm as you are weeks...This last doctor actually told me what the baby's heartbeat was doing, and he/she is beating at 140 average, with dips to 130 and highs at 150.
The girls at work are conspiring to throw me some sort of baby-shower type thing next week. Wierd...This is my 3rd kid, and the first time anyone's done anything to celebrate my pregnant state...So, sometime next weekend I'll probably update this as to the results of that particular oddity:) Maybe we'll just have lunch and eat cake...
As for the future...After my two 2-week appointments, they are going to want me to pre-register at the hospital so my arrival doesn't cause any more disruptions than normal (aside from if I wander in there without a hitch and ask to be checked because my husband claims I'm in labor!) Then I get the 1-week appointments, and hopefully around Thanksgiving I can answer the burning question everyone keeps asking...Is is a boy or a girl? See you all later:)

27 Aug 00
What do you know...Brent made me call the clinic, and remind them that I'm supposed to be seeing a doctor, they squeezed me in, and reguardless of all my fussing and pleas, I ended up doing the gestational diebeties test, anyway. Yuck. And it's most likely going to come up abnormal, since I had eaten breakfast less than an hour before they gave me the orange drink stuff. Whatever.
Well, for the doctor type stuff...They've started taking my blood pressure twice every time I'm in there. This time, I'm confidant it was pretty normal...I actually managed to get Brent to tag along, so I wasn't in a tissy about that. But they keep checking it twice...Wierd. I'm about 169 pounds now...Not a huge gain, but enough to make the doctor happy. My belly measures at 27 centimeters, which is right on target for the 26 weeks and 2 days the doctor figured me to be. So, everything's normal. They sent me down to the lab, and I gave up my 3 little vials of blood, and now, hopefully, I'm done until sometime past Thanksgiving. Except the doctor visits...
There's a heartbeat, and the baby kicked a few times for the doctor...Sam didn't want to hold the nifty machine that does the listening for us, but she watched, and was pleased with the whole baby idea. So, I guess we're all excited (though, no one more excited than me...This is the last week I have to work normal hours!) And of course, in about 3 months, I get to start being skinny again!
Well, that's about it. I'll let you know when I see the doctor next...The schedule is only out to the 8th of Sept, and the doctor wants to see me again around the 20th. So, I guess I have to call and remind them again:) See ya later...

19 Aug 00
Well, I don't know if there's going to be an apointment this month. Last month, they said they'd call when the schedule was available, and get me an appointment for this week. Hmmm...No call yet, I think they may have forgotten me. Which I don't mind at all...It's getting close to the gestational diebeties test, and while I doubt I've got it, they still want to test for it. As long as they don't see me, they can't send me off to the lab:) Since the baby is still moving on a consistant basis, and the only problems I'm having they are just going to tell me are the result of the baby applying pressure to some tendons/ligaments, I'd rather just avoid the doctor from now to delivary! Yeah, I know, and Brent tells me all the time...Not going to happen, not good for the baby, not good for you...But I'd rather avoid the needle stickings they are going to want to start again. Oh, well...In a perfect world...
I guess I'll call sometime this week, and remind them they are supposed to see me occasionally. But until I have an appointment, the baby's still in there, moving lots, and we're doing fairly well. I guess I'll let you go now...And tell you when and if I get another appointment:)

25 Jul 00
See...This time the report is like, on time. The same day, even:) Today we counted in as being at 21 weeks and 5 days...About 6 more weeks, and I get 8 hour days!
Yup, you guessed, another doctor apointment. Believe it or not, there's still a tiny little creature floating around in my belly. And it's alive...I know, I know, not funny to joke about that kind of thing, but the heartbeat's the last thing you get froggy about when you can feel the little thing bouncing around at all hours of the day:)
Well, I'm up to 167...The doctor was pleased, until she found out that I was 163 the month prior to testing positive for pregnancy. Then she got that kinda funny look on her face, like, this isn't enough weight gain comparatively, and I had to explain that in my family, it's totally normal to lose weight the first trimester or so...I also seem to be having my blood pressure taken an aweful lot...Three times today, and twice on my last visit. Maybe I should stop fighting with Brent about if he's going to come to these appointments with me so that I can bring Sam along to hear the baby's heartbeat?
My belly is measuring at 22 cm, which is normal, I guess...It sticks out horribly, if you ask me, but no one has asked yet, so maybe this time I'm showing like a normal person (the horror!) Anyway, Rebekah got to come and hear the baby's heartbeat. It took forever for the doctor to find it. After she finally found it, the monitor kept shorting out, so I dunno if they got a good count, or recording, or whatever they do with the thing. Then the doctor tried to figure out how the baby was laying by poking around on my stomache...She agrees with my verdict, that the little thing is lying sideways. That might be why I felt it so early, and why I already look pregnant (imagine that?!)
Other than that, I got the normal lecture about eating the cursed prenatal vitamins, or at least a children's multi-vitamin (they are all discusting!), and the iron pills. Which I'm partially excused from, since I have such a high iron count in my blood, and I eat a fairly well balanced diet, so I'm pretty good. I guess most pregnant people don't eat or something...
Speaking of which, the doctor said that I should maybe bring up the fact that I don't exactly feel normal contractions around the 36th week, so that they can start checking to make sure I don't suddenly show up having the baby at the hospital when I mentioned that Brent knew I was in labor before I did with Sam...Whatever. Like, it'll make the baby come any sooner if I know that it thinks it's ready to be born. And who knows, this whole pregnancy has been so bizarre in relation to the other ones, I may actually feel the wonderful things called Braxton Hicks and contractions (shudder!)
Well, that's about it. See you all later...We didn't manage to set a date for the next appointment (the schedules not available yet) so it should be sometime around the 22-25 of August that I get looked at again. And maybe I'll update it then, too:)

17 Jul 00
Here goes...Yeah, I procrastinated again. Sorry Z...But, hey, I'm getting a round to it now:) Anyway, here's the latest...
We had an appointment on the 26th of June. Yes, the baby is still there...I no longer have to go to the doctor to find out this info, however, since the child has gotten big and active enough for me to feel it on a regular basis. Like, every day now. It also likes to sleep sideways, which is the absolutely most painful thing a kid can do. Anyway, I took Rebekah to that appointment, and she was awesome. Quiet as a mouse, and really amazed at the baby's heartbeat. We're somwhere past week 20 now...I don't get to stand in formations for long periods of time, which mostly means they keep me inside answering the phones during the few formations I hear about. I can't go out and shoot guns, because the baby's ears are developed, and they haven't come up with wrap around the belly hearing protection. So, it's starting...Soon I'll be at the \send me home at 2:30 everyday stage...
Lets see, what else? We finally decided on a name if the baby goes off and decides to be a little girl. If the baby's a girl, we're going to call her BreeAnna Meaghan...Sam can say that one really well, and it only occurred to me after we decided that's a cool name that it's kind of a rip off of the neighbor's kid, whose name is RheeAnn. Whatever. We'll be gone before the baby is old enough to think anything of it, I don't think that Sam will remember, and I don't think Rebekah will make the correlation. So, that's the story, I guess. See ya later...I may actually get this updated after the next appointment, which is the 25th...

04 Jun 00
Okay, okay...A little late, and I still haven't furnished! I know, I know...Sorry about that, been busy with other things:) So, let's at least discuss the last appointment, shall we?
Yes, we have had another...This latest doctor says 14 weeks, firm. Who knows? At any rate, it's 14 and a half now...That last appointment was the 31 of May:) There is still a growing something in my belly...We hope for a human baby! Maybe even a boy (knock on wood). For me, because I don't want to have to dig up another girl name! If it's a boy, we are calling him Logan Orion...With a name that odd, who needs to spice it up with weird spellings!
Sam and Brent came with me to the appointment. They got to hunt for the heartbeat with the funny little machine...Brent was the guidance system, but Sam had her hand on it, too. Sam looked kinda loopy...She'd been drugged up with Dimetap, and suffering from a cold. Brent was like in a state of awe. They were very good at finding my heartbeat...But a little nervous about the baby's. I think because they were hunting at the belly button for the baby heartbeat, and it's much lower! Also, because the baby is only about the size of my fist, you kinda have to press hard to get the heartbeat (there's a lot of space for it to squish around to). I think Brent was a little worried he'd hurt me or the baby:) That's so sweet!
Lets see, what else? Ugh, still dry heaving. Try real hard to eat, but the weather out here has been discusting, and food is really the last thing on my mind...The result being I lost another pound. Awesome! If I wasn't pregnant...But I am, so I guess I'll have to try choking down more food. Everything else was normal, I guess...My triage nurse was rather close mouthed, and with the additional participants in the office, the doctor kinda rushed us through.
Anyway, life goes on. I'm still in before the pregnancy clothes, but the other day, the neighbor's daughter looked at me and was like "Oh! You're finally getting fat!"...I guess I am, but it was kinda a shock to hear it! On the flip side, I don't show as much as the rest of the pregos in the neighborhood, so I think she may have been trying to compliment me. Like, not looking about ready to pop the whole nine months is a bad thing...
I think that's it. See you all in a month or so:)
06 May 00
Well, here goes. We have a baby! We think...Anyway, we have a heartbeat, if nothing else. Nic, healthy, coming in at 140 beats per minute, which is really fast for a person in the world, but just right for a baby in-utero (spelling?) Anyway, I got out the the pap smear, but they did a pelvic exam, and I guess everything feels alright down there:) No protein in the urine, which is a sign of something bad, and normal in all other ways. Lets see...The 24/7 nausea is starting to ease up...Still do the dry-heave stuff, but it's gotten better. No news on size or sex, but they think I'm about 10 and a half weeks, which puts my due date right on schedule... Let us hope I can make it to Thanksgiving dinner! I'm thinking maybe duck again...That was really good last time...But a lot of work, so maybe not. Anyway, I'm rambling. The baby is healthy, as far as they can tell, and we hear the heartbeat again on the 31st of May. See you all then:)

10 Apr. 00
Okay, here's the beginning of some kind of organised record on this little baby thing:) We have moved all previous entries to here, and we will start to date them in the appropriate manner. Anyway, maybe this will keep a few people entertained:) Oh, yeah, and the proper decorations will show up as I find them!
Let's see...So far, I've suffered terribly from constant morning sickness (yuck!) that doesn't make me puke, and doesn't go away when I eat. This is rather different from the prior pregnancies, because with both of the girls, I would vomit, feel better, or eat, and feel better. I have a supervisor who says that my not puking is a sign that this one's a boy(yeah, right). Which it may be...I'm certainly due one:)
What else? I'm enrolled in pregnancy PT now...That means no more running, except as I wish. Oh, yeah, and water aerobics on Fridays! And on Tuesday and Thursday, I get the same classes I got with both of the girls (just in case I've forgotten). Today we watched a 15 minute video on what kind of service civilian women recieve, but I didn't get asked if I wanted to deliver on my side or sitting up, so I guess it's not a routine that military doctors go through:)
Well, I guess that's it. It'll probably be a while, but have fun, and I'll make sure to update it after we go see the doctor:)

*Here's the latest update in the baby's progress-We have a due date! Okay, estimated due date, but better than nothing, huh? Anyway, the little round chart says that I'm due the 28th of this November. So, sometime in May I go in to hear the heartbeat and talk to the doctor. Until then, this is all I know about the little one:)

This is a test to see who visits, and how often my site is looked at. I am confidant that only people who know me look here...As a result, you may tender your congradulations to me via e-mail or the guestbook (if it chooses to work*grin*). And, yes, for those of you who are not familiar enough with my style and need EVERYTHING spelled out for you...I'm happily pregnant with baby number three. Anyway, we'll see how this goes, and when I get tired of it, I'll start calling people...Which will probably be in the next hour or so. But any well wishes are certainly appreciated:)