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The Story of the Girls...Cont.

This cute little devil will take you back to my wierd little world...

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Who They Are...
These pics were taken at Wal-Mart Studios, on the 14th of January, 2000

Number Sixteen...05 February 00
We have had even more excitement than 4 inches of snow... We got almost 6! This time it stayed for much longer than a day...We still have patches in the woods and places where it's shadey. And we got the snow on the 25th of January! So, it's been about 2 weeks. Which is totally unheard of in this area.
Which means, of course, more snow days. Rebekah got almost a whole week of school (she was right when she said it was just like Christmas) and we made more snow angels, had more snowball fights, and built (with the help of lots of neighbors) a giant snowman. It took 4 guys to put the middle ball up, and 3 to put the head on:) After it was knocked down (we didn't want any kids to get squished if it fell on it's own), Rebekah tunneled through the bottom ball. It was huge.
Rebekah and Sam were both getting the hang of walking on the ice by the time the ice finally melted. Sam still needed assistance, but Rebekah was out skating around on it, and having a blast. She's changed her mind about it never snowing again...
Sam is starting to develope a good vocabulary. She speaks in tiny sentences. Mostly she knows more words, and she uses several together to get her point, needs, or dislikes across. She's doing really well. She also tries to escape outside...Especially to go play with Rebekah.
Speaking of whom, Rebekah doesn't seem to have suffered any damage from completely missing almost a full week of school. I was a little worried about it, but she seems to be readjusting wonderfully. She's very eager to try homeschooling next year, but she isn't rebelling too much against public school yet:)
Well, I guess that's about it. See you all later...

Number Fifteen:)...22 January 00
The most exciting thing happened on the 18th...It snowed here! We got about 4 inches that stayed for the whole day:) It was great. Rebekah and Sam went out and played in it...Rebekah made snow angels and had a few snowball fights, and Sam just walked around in it. It was really fun. Rebekah got a six day weekend...Four days for the Martin Luther King holiday, and another two for school closings because of the snow! Thursday morning sent another inch or so of snow, but it was gone by noon...But the first batch was great.
We had one small problem...We were running through a parking lot with Brent chasing Rebekah and I, and I hit a big patch of ice, slid all over, and crashed into a car...Rebekah hit the ice, and fell flat on her face. Needless to say, she didn't like the experience. She was crying for about 15 minutes afterward, and saying she hates the snow and wanted it all to go away. I took her through some patches of snow, and other patches of ice (at a much slower speed) and I think I changed her mind about wanting to never see snow again...We'll see.
Rebekah is teaching Sam all of her little tricks...Sam has given one of the cats a hair cut (just a little snip, but it's enough to be noticed), and she's begun to play dress up at least as much as Rebekah. They are trying to have slumber parties (mostly in Rebekah's room) and I think they are getting to be pretty good friends. Which is very nice, since I was starting to wonder if that would ever happen. They still fight some, but nowhere near as much as they used to:)
Rebekah is doing very well in school. She recognises most of the alphabet by sight, and she has the rhyming concept down really well. She reconises her numbers, too, at least up to 10, which is where the report stopped. She can put sequencing pictures in the correct order, and she can match sets of graphics. I think she's doing great!
I think that's about the most of the exciting things that the girls have done this last week...We are hoping for snow again this weekend, which will be a blast. See you all later:)

Number Fourteen...11 January 00
Rebekah has done it again. What, you ask? She chopped her hair off, that's what. It's now kinda feathery... Almost '80s style, but needing badly to be cleaned up. She's going to get her hair styled this Friday, probably. After that, we may go get those family pics I've been promising forever:)
Sam has said her second word on the telephone...This time it was "Hi". Her first phone word (I don't remember if I've already said this) was "Meow". I was so excited. She said it to my best friend, Laurel. It was neat. She now knows how to communicate via the phone...
I guess that's the lastest leg breaking news. Pics will be coming soon...We are going to get pics taken at Wal-Mart studios, and if they are anything like last time, we'll have copies on disk and I'll be able to post them soon. If not, off they get shipped to California, where hopefully someone will get them scanned for me. So, like, later:)

Number Thirteen (my very favorite!)...02 January 00
Well, here we are, in the new millennium. My kids have been around to see the change (I don't know that they'll remember it, though!) We had lots of fun...The girls stayed up to see the new year come in, both of them! We were SO supprised that they made it. And even more supprised (and horrified) to find out that they wanted to get up at the normal time the next morning (7 am!). At midnight, we played with sparklers and little snap things (they are wrapped in tissue paper, and you throw them on the ground, and they snap), and hugged and kissed, and went home and tucked everyone into bed! All in all, it was pretty fun.
Sam's birthday was very quiet. We baked a cake and decorated it, and she blew out the candles all by herself. She's getting SO big! She got a cute little outfit, and some jewelry, and a Winnie the Pooh memory type game. And, of course, books. It turned out pretty well, even though we only had her immediate family there.
Last night, we went and saw the Poke'mon Movie. The girls both loved it. Sam was much more enthusiastic about the short before the movie, called "Pikachu's Vacation", then the actual movie, but I think it's because she really just likes seeing Poke`mon, and she doesn't really have the attention span or the comprehension for a plot. The movie had a really good message, though, and I liked it, too. I think you'd have to keep up with the tv show to really get the movie...I'm not sure that the card game is enough.
As I was shocked and pleased to learn that Rebekah actually can walk the ten miles to and from the PX and commisary, I was equally shocked and pleased when Sam walked the ten blocks to and from the little minimart up the street from us. Actually, she sat down and scooted on her bottom about halfway home, so I picked her up and piggy backed her, but I was really pleased that my girls are so fit and willing to be big girls and walk places. Aside from the fact that being without a car is getting really old at this point, they are helping to ease the strain of being wihtout one.
And now, as we start the countdown to when Mommy gets to stay at home and cook and clean, and Daddy gets to go to work, we look back on the last year and find that it was pretty good all around. There were some rather bumpy places (the girls still are walking about everywhere), but all things considered, we've done very well. And with that note, I'll leave you until next time:)

Number Twelve...26 December 99
Very much fun was Christmas...We got lots of things and especially lots of candy. Bounced off the walls and stayed up way past our bedtimes. And ate lots of good food. The girls got lots and lots of stuff. I am astonished to say this, but I think both of their favorite gifts were the hobby horses. They got computer games and Poke`mon and clothes. Sam got a pair of skates, and Rebekah got a movie...And they got oodles of candy. We ate turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and baked broccoli and cranberry sauce and more! And after we let that settle, we had pumpkin and cherry pies (not together) and cheesecake. It was wonderful. It was fun...
Well, as things go, we took down the Christmas tree today. It was pretty fun while it lasted, but it was shedding needles everywhere, and the cats were removing ornaments at every chance (have you noticed what wonderful cat toys they make?), and so we have removed it. Which means it's time to pack away all the decorations that were out...Some fun. At least we won't have to do that during Sam's birthday...
Which should be the next update, or maybe after New Years. See you then:)

Number Eleven...19 December 99
Some fun! Rebekah's party was pretty neat...We had a lovely cake, it had a picture of Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Vulpix, Charmander, and Meowth. Rebekah and her friends loved it. We played "Pin the Tail on Pikachu" with a Pikachu I drew, and they really loved that. Rebekah got lots of things...She got many coloring books, and some crayons, and some jewelry. She had lots of fun. One of her friends spent the night, and that was pretty fun until they started getting cranky and obnoxious around 9am (Since they finally fell asleep after midnight!) Some fun:)
After we had the party, we had lots of fun decorating the Christmas tree. Once again, I have managed to pick up a tree for $10.00. Part of it is the wonderful art of waiting until mid-December. All the ornaments are on the top of the tree...Sam has decided they are neat and she needs to inspect all of them time and again. The cats don't help, either. So, we are a bit top heavy on the tree this year. No presents underneath, either. I know that would be way to tempting for Sam. So, we have the gifts hidden away.
We are starting to think about Christmas again. It takes a while to switch gears...Now I'm thinking about what I'm cooking for dinner, and how I'm cooking it, and what kind of recipes I need to be hunting down...This will be added to when it's all over:)

Number Ten, a big fat hen...16 December 99
Well, Rebekah is now six. We didn't do very much yesterday as far as celebrating goes...She gets her party and presents on Saturday, the 18th, because trying to do a party on a school night isn't my idea of fun. We did take cupcakes to school (in the morning, there's a little boy in her class that has the same birthday, and he brought cupcakes in the afternoon). Rebekah helped make the cupcakes...We put the batter in ice cream cones, and then frosted them. Most of her classmates liked them, but a few just ate the frosting and then threw the rest of it away. We also went to eat at the Burger King on-post, hoping to pick up a few more Poke`mon balls. The girls each got one, but the Burger King on-post isn't affiliated with the corperate ones, and isn't selling the balls individually. Which means that Brent and I went without. So, tonight I go off-post and pick up a couple Poke'balls for Brent and I, and also a few for stuffing stockings:)
Speaking of which, Rebekah has gone totally Poke`mon. She had to have a Poke`mon edible picture on her cake, she needs to catch them all, and she wants to be a Poke`mon Master. I guess it's better than wanting to be Barbie. I also have to get Poke`mon everything for her party...Plates, napkins, cups, etc. I did find a Poke`mon toy that I think no one else she knows has...It's a little play area...Like MicroMachines or Polly Pocket, except with Poke`mon. Very cute.
Well, I'll fill you in later about how the party goes. Sam's big enough to get upset when she doesn't get to open presents...I'll see if she is as easily consoled with a party bag when it's her sister getting all the toys as she is when it's one of her friends. I guess that's all for now. See ya 'round:)

Number Nine (should I start this with "Engine, Engine"?)...11 December 99
The field was incredibly hard on the girls. They didn't get to see me for a whole five days. The poor tykes. Brent says that Rebekah picked on Sam, and I know that they were both clingy the first day home...I guess that they are confident that I'm staying home for a while, though, since today they haven't been stuck to me all day:)
Other than that, Rebekah is learning that she can spell words that are just letters...PX, TV, OK, etc...Very cool. She talks a lot about when we get to go home to California...I think she's excited about Mommy being at home more. And I about wrecked the car one day when she started telling me about her memories of the snow...Our last visit there was the year I joined the Army, three years ago. I was home on Christmas leave, and she told me about the trip we took to visit Brent's family, and the trip to the snow we took. She remembers it all. Wow.
Sam is making her own wierd progress. She likes Pokemon, and thinks that all of them are called Pikachu. She has gotten really good at saying Pika. She sounds just like the Pikachu on TV. Sam has also decided that she likes the phone. She has told a few people "Meow" on the phone. Very cute. If only she'd say more. (Watch me jinx myself...After all, it's a well known fact that we spend the first few years trying to teach our kids to talk, and then the rest of their lives trying to teach them to shut-up...I may be in for some big phone bills!) They are pretty good, otherwise. Christmas seems far away, still, but we're starting with the carols, and when Rebekah's party is over, we'll start decorating for Christmas. So, look for more later:) Bye now!

Number Eight, and going up...27 November 99
Okay, so some of you are wondering, how is Thanksgiving a children's holiday? Well, first and formost, it gives parents around the U.S.A. a perfect chance to sit back and remember what a blessing your kids are, to begin with, and to remember to be greatful for the opportunity to mold and raise them. Mine, however annoying and obnoxious, are lovely souls, and I am greatful for the gift of being their mommy...For however long that title lasts...
It's also a wonderful time to share things with your kids that you may not get around to sharing during the rest of the hectic year. Rebekah suggested we make cornbread for Thanksgiving...It turned out really good, and gave her some input on the "feast". She helped bake the banana bread...I really think she liked mashing the bananas...She doesn't get to play with her food as often as she'd like:) We gathered pine cones, so that we can make birdseed feeders out of them. We stopped and blew dandilion seeds.
Mostly what I am trying to get across is to slow down a little this week, and look at your kids, and remember how precious they are to you. And think a minute before you yell at them, and give them a break every once in a while. I guess that's it. Maybe next time I won't be quite this sappy...:)

And Seven, one of my favorite numbers...10 November 99
Well...Longer than usual time for me to neglect this... We had a wonderful Halloween...Sam was a witch-her own choice...As we were in Wal-Mart, I showed her the witch hats, and she wouldn't let one go...So we found a cute orange calico dress to go with it, and a cauldron for a trick-or-treat bag, and there was our little witch! Rebekah went in for her usual...This year it was a ballerina, but she's always been something similar. We got her ballet shoes and a ballet dresss, and she looked adorable. Much sorrow, the camera didn't work, so no pictures are going to be available:(
Samantha is trying to be in her terrible twos...Even though she is still only one! She won't go to sleep at bedtime, she won't go to sleep at naptime, she gets in to EVERYTHING! And so on, and so forth...The poor cats eat wet cat food at least once a week, the roses Brent brings home get torn apart, and Rebekah wears her ballet slippers about as often as Sam...At least she is still sweet some of the time. She likes kisses and hugs...
Rebekah is working on the letter "K" in school this week. I got to go to her parent teacher conference, and her teacher loves her. She's a big help in the classroom, and she does what she's told (If only she'd do it at home, too!) She is doing at least the average expected of her...The school she's at doesn't have a rating system for doing better, just for if your child is meeting the norm. So I'm not sure if she's excelling, but she's deffinately not behind.
I guess that's all for now. Anything else I think of, I'll put in later. Look around at some of my other pages in the next few days...I'm finally getting back on track with this whole web thing!

Six, six, six...Oops!...16 September 99
Anyway, we have just weathered a hurricane. Both Sam and Rebekah's second. Some fun. We got a lot of rain and wind. The power flickered. The girls liked rushing through the wind and rain to get into stores as we remembered those few, last minute things we thought we'd need...And then back out as we saw the lines and decided we didn't need the stuff that badly. We drove through a part of town where there was no lights at all. Now that the sun's out, Rebekah has been running around the neighborhood comparing her hurricane experience with that of her friends. Sam was just grateful to be allowed outside again.
Rebekah has reached the letter "c" in the alphabet. She's learned the cutest little song about how the shapes of her numbers go. She wants school to open by tomorrow so she can share and tell her little Barbie clock (which is more like a watch, but clock starts with the letter "c", which is her letter for this week.)
Sam has become old enough to want to come with us in the mornings...She throws fits when we take Rebekah to school or when I leave for work. She's also hitting the copycat age, and if Rebekah is doing anything, she's right there beside her, trying to do it too. It's cute, but it frustrates Rebekah to no end...
That's most of the news for now. Grins, and we'll see you after the next hurricane...Joking, joking...

Here's number five...18 August 99
Here we go...Rebekah has been in school for a few days, and she likes her teacher, classmates, and even school, except in the morning when she needs to get ready. Big suprise, huh?
Other than that, we got our new kitten. Male, of course, we want no baby kittens running around beneath our feet. The girls are enchanted with our new addition. Sam doesn't ever want to let it go, and Rebekah is constantly trying to save him from her. Mushu is already making the point that he is the rankingest cat of the house, and tortures poor Gizmo mercilessly. Rebekah put Mushu in time-out this morning for fighting. Yes, she is intervening at all opportunities. I think that Gizmo is starting to adjust to our rather hectic household, though...When I cam home for lunch, he was out in the middle of the living room, not hiding under the couch. The couch provides protection from Sam, and even partial protection from Mushu. Mushu has gotten big enough that he has to struggle to get under the couch, and his manuverability is greatly hindered down there.
Anyway, that's the news for this page. See ya next time:)

Number four...08 August 99
It seems like I'm updating this less and less frequently...I think that'll change once Rebekah's back in school, and I have more things to report. Anyway, July was kinda busy, too. The girls loved the fireworks display for the 4th of July. Sam liked the noise, I think, and Rebekah still points out where we parked that night every time we drive past. She said it looked like flowers in the sky...
Other than that, I think that Sam has discovered the secret of opening doors. We may never be safe again. She has also mastered the knack of eating popsicles... Very cute. She loves to escape outside and play in the heat and humidity.
Rebekah has a new wardrobe for school. She is so excited somedays to be going back, and others, she doesn't want to return at all. She begins shool on the 13th of August...Superstition is telling me this could be a very odd year. She'll be going from 8:30 to 2:30. I guess that Brent will finally get a break from her. Since coming home from California, she has made several new friends, and tries to be outside playing all the time. Mostly in the water. Her friends are off on vacation for the time being...Most of them are going to miss the first few days of school, attending weddings out of state and visiting relatives. So lately she's been rather lonely, but school should help a lot.
Anyway, I'm starting to see why I've been so lazy about updating this page. The girls won't really be doing much until I can start talking about Rebekah's teacher and classmates, and what she's doing in school. Sam's made most of her big accomplishments, so it's probably going to be pretty slow about her, too. I'll probably update this again this weekend, after Rebekah's first day in kindergarten. Until then, be well:)

Third time's the charm?...3 July 99
Well...Rebekah got her ears pierced. As everyone in California knows already, having seen her on our recent visit. As for every one else...Guess what? We went to California for the whole month of June, pretty much. It was very nice...
We visited the girls' granddaddy and Aunt Korrie first. That was fun. We watched Aunt Korrie graduate from high school, and visited lots of Daddy's old friends. We visited Columbia, which used to be a gold mining town, and has been restored to it's former glory. Lots of old stuff, and lots of neat things there. Rebekah got to see a flip picture show for a nickle...Black and white photos in a flip book format, but in a little machine. She stood by it and turned a wheel, and the pictures flippedd to show her a ballet dancer dancing. Both of the girls like Sasparilla, which is like uncarbonated root beer, and looking at the things that aren't everyday items anymore...
After visiting Granddaddy and Aunt Korrie, we went to Chico, and stayed with Aunt Laurie, and visited with most of Mommy's family. We had a picnic with a lot of people...The girls loved having kids around to play with. We went to parks and visited old friends, and just hung out. It was nice. Aunt Bethie did tons of babysitting for the girls, and Rebekah remembers her just fine. Sam also warmed up to her after a day or so.
We went to visit Aunt Zeneta towards the end of our stay in Chico. Aunt Zeneta's dog, Helga, pulled the girl's around in a little cart. We got to see Aunt Zeneta's horses, and Samantha rode both a horse and a pony. Rebekah was too afraid to be on top of the horses and ponies, both...I think it's been to long since she was carried around that high off the ground.
When we were done with the horses, we went camping with aunt Zeneta and Aunt Mary, and their families. The girls had roasted marshmalows, and we hiked to see two waterfalls. It was delightful. On the second set of falls, we saw two men kayak down the falls. It was very fun to watch.
We went back to Chico, and then to Sonora, and finally we started back home. Samantha discovered that she can make herself vomit at will, and we were constantly changing her clothes. Rebekah slept most of the way, and aside from the vomitting, they were both very good.
Now we are back home, and trying to relearn our old routines. So far, the girls have done very well. I think that's about all...See you next time!

Now there are two...27 May 99
Today Rebekah got her hair cut. It's now in a chin length bob all the way around, instead of being a kinda raggedy shoulder lenth bob. She's cute. We were also going to get her ears pierced, but she got scared. Later I found out that she thought that they were going to use a needle to pierce her ears, and so tomorrow we will go back and try again. But tomorrow is the last time this year we are going to try it!
She has learned so much this year in school. She knows her alphabet, and her numbers up to 20, and all the colors. She knows how to spell "stop", and I fear that the "secret language" of spelling is not going to be a secret from her much longer. She colors inside the lines most of the time, and has become a wonderful snitch, which is good sometimes, because we get told when Sam is getting into the CDs...She's getting so big now.
Sam has mastered getting dowm the stairs on her own. This is not neccessarily a good thing. While it makes it slightly easier when trying to get her downstairs, she now has considerable freedom that she didn't used to have. We have to close he door to get her to sleep now...She spent the first night after we found out about her new talent walking up and down the stairs until 10 pm, when we shut her into her room and she finally crashed. So, it's cute, but, like all parenting issues, highly over-rated.
Sam has also learned how to get into our area with the CDs...They are no longer safe. We have them in a corner with the couches making the walls, and she climbs over the couches and takes them down...I guess it's time to just teach her to not play with the things...
I have to scamper now. The kids are doing great, despite all the inherent problems of them growing up, and at least Rebekah is excited about being able to go to California and see her family.

In the beginning, there was one...15 May 99
Hi again...This month has been full of goings on, and I have been neglecting this page! Big suprise, with everything else that's been going on...
Rebekah has had her first ever Mother's Day in school... It was wonderful. The Mother's Day gift that her class made was a paper teapot with a tea bag enclosed, and a note that said:
"Here's a gift for Mother's Day.
I'll try my best in every way.
But when you get upset with me,
Relax and have a cup of tea."
And, of course, I love you. It's adorable. She also gave me a tissue paper flower...I had a blast. Mother's Day was wonderful.
Samantha has been moved from her crib into a toddler bed. She looks adorable in it. She is so tiny...I guess no smaller than in the crib, but without the walls, she kinda looks a little smaller. Her room has become the toy room...After cleaning Rebekah's room and finding a new form of concoction, I have decided to remove all things she can hide concoctions in or under, except her bed. We'll see what happens, we may not let her have anything in her room again.
Both of the girls are healthy and happy, for the most part...Rebekah is a little upset about her loss of toys, but she isn't letting that stop her from enjoying the yard and her friends. I guess it'll all work out. See ya next time...
