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The Story of the Girls...Pt. 5

The Story of the Girls...Cont.

This cute little devil will take you back to my wierd little world...

First entry...29 Jan. 03
Well, the family has reached it's max size. We now have four delightful little girls, in ages rainging from almost one year old to nine years. For those of you who haven't looked through the older pages...Here's who they are. I think this time, I'm going to set up a seperate picture page for actual viewing...
Rebekah is the oldest. She is nine years old, and in homeschool for the first time this year. What a delight! I know what she's learning, and what she needs more time on. I also know what she can just whiz through! She is lots of fun to be around.
The next oldest is Samantha. She just turned five, and next year she is going to join Rebekah in homeschool. She is beginning to grasp the concept of reading, and I know she'll learn it faster at home than in the local public schools.
Breanna is number three, and she is two years old right now. What a handful...Her sisters got bad during their threes, and so having a real "terrible two" is eye-opening! I hope she outgrows this soon!!!
The baby is Katrina. She turns one year old the day after Valentine's Day. She recently got a couple teeth (Yay! I was a little afraid she's actually hit her first birthday and still be toothless!)
Anyway, I'll try to get around to doing this a little more often than once every six months...It looks like all systems are go now, so it shouldn't be as frustrating as it was the last time I tried to update! See you later:)