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Are we Locked-In?

By Jennifer Cox


Nearly eighty students attended the California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) Lock-In, over Friday-night, October 2 and Saturday morning, Oct. 3.

"My favorite part of the Lock-IN was when we were outside on the basketball court making s’mores," that is the opinion of Nia Soto, an eighth-grader who attended the Junior High Lock-In.

Seventh-grader, Carrie Young’s opinion differed from Nia’s,

"My favorite part was watching videos, eating candy, and just talking."

The Lock-In was scheduled last spring by Mrs. Bethany Mallory, the CJSF faculty advisor. Many people were disappointed to find out that the Lock-In is only once a year, but that just gave them more to look forward to it.

On a survey taken of Mrs. Mallory’s Religion classes, it was found that the highlight of many people’s night was the game of "Capture the Flag." Some other favorites were the campfire, videos, kick-ball-in-the-dark, etc.

"My favorite part of the night was talking with everyone and watching the movies," said seventh-grader, Nicole Mattteson.

Eighth-grade, Kaitlin Sullivan’s reply to the survey was, "the campfire was my favorite part because I got to talk and laugh with my friends, while I ate marshmallows."