Brian paced the floor, wondering what to make of the last few days. He missed Mark. Although Mark wasn't his biological father, Brian couldn't stop himself from thinking that he was his father. The other man hadn't raised him, taken care of him when he was sick, helped him with school, so why should he have the title father?
Brian felt a wave of dizziness come over him. As he reached out to balance himself on the wall, his knees buckled and the ground rushed toward him. However, time slowed, thick like mud and Brian was hurled into darkness.
Alan saw the whole thing happen, and he rushed to Brian's side. "Brian? Brian?" he gently shook the boy. He examined the young man's pale face for a sign of life. He was rewarded with a low, shallow breathing. Without hesitation, Alan picked him up and carried him through the camp to the infirmary.
The few medics they had there, examined Brian. A wave of relief went through the tent when Brian slipped back into consciousness. However, he was weak and they were afraid that his frail body might give way if he was to go back into the camp.
Alan took it upon himself to visit the tent that Brian shared with Jeff and Sam. He knew that within the last few days, the three had become close.
"Hi Alan," Sam greeted.
"Hey," Alan replied.
"Sup?" Jeff asked.
"Well, it's Brian," Alan started.
Sam picked up on the regret in Alan's voice right away, "What's wrong? What happened to Brian?" She demanded.
"I don't exactly know, but if you want to see him, I'll take you to the infirmary." Alan said.
Within minutes the trio was in the infirmary tent. Sam knelt down next to Brian. "Brian?" She asked meekly.
He weakly looked over at her. "Hey,"
She noticed the weakness in his voice and how frail his body was. She didn't understand, he had been fine a few hours ago. "How are you?"
Brian struggled to look strong. "Fine."
"Don't lie," Sam said.
"Hey man," Jeff made himself known to Brian.
"Hey," Brian repeated.
"Aren't you glad that I made you bathe earlier tonight? I mean, the medics here had to look you over, and I don't think they would have liked it if you stank." Sam made an effort to cheer her friend up. Brian tried to smile, but he had little energy to keep it long. Sam saw this. She also saw that there was almost no color to Brian's face and his eyes were bloodshot. "What happened to you?" She asked, barely audible. "You were fine a few -" A sob caught in her throat.
Brian took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'll be fine," He assured her, although he didn't quite believe it himself.
Meanwhile, Jeff went in search of one of the medics. "What's wrong with Brian?" He asked.
"I'm not exactly sure, he has an extremely high temperature that we're trying to bring down, and his heart seems to be weakening."
"Is there anything you can do for him?" Jeff questioned.
"I think you'll have to bring him up to a hospital. If he stays here, he could die." With that, the medic excused himself to look after another patient.
Jeff hurried over to Sam and Brian. "Sam, we have to bring him up to a hospital."
Brian's face filled with worry. Sam caressed Brian's cheek, "Don't worry, you'll be ok."
"Sam, I-I'm so-so cold," Brian chattered.
Sam gave him another Blanket "That better?" Brian nodded.
Alan's face appeared above Brian. "Brian, we've gotta take you up to a hospital. Do you want to keep our first name?" Brian nodded. "Ok, Sam get the phone book."
She opened the book on a near by table. She randomly opened to a page and looked away. Her finger landed on a random spot on the page. "Berns?"
"Brian Berns?" Jeff replied, skeptical. "Try again."
Sam repeated the Sam method and came up with an new name, "Smith?"
"No," Alan said.
"Maybe," Jeff thought.
"No," Brian responded weakly, "that was my real name."
"Ok, then," Sam was getting frustrated. "Littrell?" She looked up to see nods of approval. "Brian, you like Littrell?"
"Brian Littrell." Brian repeated. "Yeah, it works."
"Ok, lets head up then," Alan picked up Brian. "Jeff and Sam, you have to stay here."
"Who's gonna watch him?" Sam wanted to know. "The Junta could be in the hospital."
"Um..." Alan thought.
"Why don't you let Sam go?" One of the Medics asked. "She can fight better then some men. Although she doesn't look like it. She can pose as Brian's girlfriend and she can stay in his room."
"I guess so, Com'on Sam." Alan gave in. With that, the trio headed up to the nearest hospital. On the way up, Sam silently prayed that Brian would be all right.