"Sorry," She loosened her grip, but it was still tight.
Aaron's stomach was doing flip-flops. His senses were out of whack. "Angel," he moaned, "I don't feel good." As soon as the words left his mouth, he threw up on the floor.
"I'll go get AJ." Angel got up and slowly made her way up to the cockpit.
Kevin turned his head as Angel entered the cockpit. "What are you doin' up here?"
"Aaron threw up."
"Is this the first time either of you flew?" AJ wanted to know.
"He's probably just space sick." AJ answered. "I'll take care of him." AJ excused himself and headed back to the cargo area. "Aaron?" There was a soft moan to AJ's left. He noticed the mess on the floor. "Where are ya buddy?"
"I don't feel good." Aaron's voice was weak. "I got sick."
"It's okay. You just got space sick. I did too my first time flying." AJ coaxed him.
Aaron looked up at him. "You did?"
AJ nodded. "Just about everyone does. Now com'on, you've gotta rest. You'll be fine in no time." He scooped the boy up and carried him into the sleeping quarters. "Just rest here and you'll feel better."
AJ was about to walk away when a timid voice stopped him. "Could you stay with me?"
"Sure." AJ sat down on a chair. "How ya feelin?'"
"Tired and weak."
"It's to be expected. It'll pass after a few hours. Do you think you can hold up once we get to the ship with your brother on it?"
"I'll try."
"A great Jedi master once said, "There is no try, do or do not."
"Why do you always bring up the Jedi or the civil war in the next galaxy?" Aaron questioned.
"I didn't think I've said much to you about it."
"You didn't, but I have these dreams, and you're there and you're talking about it." Aaron explained.
AJ looked perplexed for a minute. "Do you know how we came to this galaxy?" Aaron weakly shook his head. "Well, we started out in their galaxy but once the wars started, many fled and came here. Slowly, we migrated in. I mention the Jedi a lot because it's in my blood. You have to trace my family back thousands of years, but it's there. Somewhere along the line, the gene was lost, but I like to stay close to my heritage."
"Oh. Is that how you escape the Royals when they try to catch ya?"
AJ smirked, "Somethin' like that."
"What happened to Amalo?" Aaron questioned.
AJ paled at the mention of her name. "She died on one of our quests. How did you know about her?"
"The spacers that come into port. They tell stories about you and her."
"Don't worry about her. Just get some rest." AJ said.
Aaron was silent for a minute, then he announced, "Nick's in trouble."
"How do you know?" AJ eyes the boy carefully.
"I dunno, but one wrong move and he's dead." AJ wondered about this boy. Aaron had mentioned dreams of talking to him and now he was predicting his brother's fate. Perhaps there was more to him then what met the eye.