Quotes & Thoughts

Hey ya'll! This is where you can find the little poetic thoughts that go through my head and quotes from both famous people and my friends, along with song lyrics. There may be a few inside jokes that are funny to only certain people. Also, there are quite a few Fred Durst quotes. That's cause I'm a big LB fan and I like some of the stuff he's said. So, here's the quotes and thoughts:

"As I hugged my knees to my chest, the events of the previous week flashed through my mind. I smiled to myself. Life was starting to look up."
---Kristen L. B.

"Savor that warm fuzzy feeling. You only get it so much."
---Kristen L. B.

"Dweebs are bigger, tastier, and juicer than nerds."
---Ariana Green (she was talking about the CANDY!!!)

"I'm starting to remember what it feels like to be happy again."
---Kristen L. B.

"It's not that I can't live without you, it's just that I don't even wanna try."
---Backstreet Boys, Back To Your Heart

"Sometimes laughing is your only defense."
---Kristen L. B.

"I wished on a star for the perfect guy. So far, I haven't found him. I wished on a star for the perfect life. I don't have that either. I wish on a star for happiness. Happiness I found."
---Kristen L. B.

"You don't have to pull down your pants to show someone you love them."
---Alta Miles

"I thank everyone who has made me suffer, without you I would have no reason to express myself."
---Fred Durst

"In my mind is where I live and my mind never sleeps."
---Fred Durst

"No matter hwo much fortune and fame comes into your life, at the end of the day all you have is you."
---Fred Durst

"I'm a weirdo and there is nothing I can do about it."
---Fred Durst

"I think the key is to realize that life is temporary and spending life questioning life is a waste of life."
---Fred Durst

"Music is the key, it's the way we're set free from all this world is throwin' at me."
---Limp Bizkit, Just Like This

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