Shooting Star

This short story was written by Athena.

AJ looked down at his sleeping 5 week old daughter, Jenny, trying to push the past away. Jenny cooed at his touch. He gently laid her in her crib, once she was asleep. He walked out carefully not wanting to wake his precious baby. He ran into his room and fell on his knees crying at the sight of her picture.

"Why? Why Jenny? She was so young," he sobbed, hearing his whole voice echo through the house.

He blamed himself for that night, the night when his wife died. His friends kept telling him that it wasn't his fault, but deep down inside he knew it was. His mind replayed that night as he drifted off to a restless night of sleep.

*Flashback to that night*

"AJ, baby, please come home, I only have like a week till I'm due" Jenny pleaded into the phone.

"I'm sorry, I can't, baby I really am sorry," He said.

"Whatever," she snapped, slamming down the phone.

Frustrated, Jenny ran outside to her car. She got in and drove to her friend's house with angry tears down her face.

AJ stared at the phone, distressed. He reached over and dialed the numbers, hoping that she would pick up.

Jenny carefully drove through the green-light.

AJ set the phone down in it's cradle and sat back thinking how to please Jenny.

As she passed through another car ran through the red-light hitting Jenny's side of the car.

All of the sudden a sharp pain shot through AJ's body, sending chills up and down his spine. He winced and knew something bad had happened.

EMT's rushed Jenny into the hospital. Doctors worked on her trying to save Jenny and her unborn baby.

AJ flew up and ran to the adjoining hotel room.

"Brian something has happened to Jenny, I'm leaving."

His friend open his mouth to protest, but stopped. "Ok go I'll tell the other guys."

With that AJ flew out of the room.

Jenny awoke slowly in pain. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. She screamed as another pain shot through her body. She knew right then that she was helpless.

AJ flew into the house he shared with Jenny. He ran thought it yelling her name but nothing responded just a empty silence. AJ ran outside and jumped into his car and drove the way jenny always drove to her friends house. As he passed through a intersection, he noticed there had been a accident. He looked as he passed and saw Jenny's car totaled.

AJ ran in the hospital and to the desk. "Hi, did they bring in a Jenny McLean, she was in a car accident," he rushed out, hoping she was here.

"Yes but she's in ICU, she can't have any visitors", the nurse said.

"I'm her husband I have a right to see her," he said his voice raising a little.

"I'm sorry sir-"

"Please" he begged wiping some tears that fell.

The nurse looked at him then at the screen. "Please follow me" she said stepping from the desk and walking down the hall.

AJ followed hoping it wasn't that bad. The nurse stopped in front of a door and opened it. AJ ran to her bedside, crying.

"Jenny," He said taking her hand.

Jenny looked down. "AJ" she quietly said, her voice raspy.

"Jenny, I'm so sorry, I love you"

"I love you too, but I have to go soon," She said, tears rolling down her face.

"Go where? you can't leave me, I love you," he said sobbing.

"I love you AJ," she said he eyes closing slowly.

"I love you too," he said then stood up and kissed their last kiss.

The machines beeped off as he cried. The doctors ran in trying to save her.

He watched as his wife was lowered 6 feet under. Tears rolled down his face. He took off his sunglasses and wiped them quickly. He put a Red and white rose on top off the casket. They soon covered it with dirt.

Jennifer Marie Williams-McLean
The most perfect daughter, sister, wife and mother ever.
May she rest in peace as a angle looking upon us.
July 22, 1980 - September 24, 1999

He kissed his palm and laid it upon the tombstone.

"I love you Jenny," He said then turned away.

Jenny cried, waking AJ up form his sleep. He walked into the room, gently picking her up and sitting in the rocking chair. She silenced at his touch. Soon she feel back to sleep. He kissed her forehead and then laid he back down.

"I love you Jenny Alexandria and I love you Jenny Marie McLean."

He looked up at the window at the moonless night and saw a shooting star and peace settle with thin his body. He know right then and there every thing was going to be all right.

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