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Are you looking for a Tolle?

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The purpose of this page is to try to put together links to other pages that have reference to the Tolle family. Your patience with it's growth, and your participation in gathering the links will be greatly appreciated. If you know of a site that would be helpful here, or if you have made your own homepage with Tolle connections,
please contact me.

~~~This page will be under construction for a long time ~~~~
~~~~~~~~~so please come back and visit often ~~~~~~~~~~

my e-mail

Thoren Tolle Meyers

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  • TOLLE COUSINS ROLL CALL This is a list of other Tolle Family descendants who are researching their Tolle roots. Includes name, e-mail, and Tolle line of ancestry. Join the list.

HOMEPAGES created by descendants of RogerTolle

SURNAME SEARCH sites. Find others with the same branch

FORUMS that include Tolle queries


  • TOLL/TOLLE/TOLE FAMILY Newsletter edited by Terri Vokins. A newsletter for descendants of Roger Tolle. Readers share documents, pictures, and other items with each other. Published 6 times per year. (preceded by The Tolle Family Exchange, founded and edited by Thoren Tolle Meyers 1984-1998)

RECORD SOURCES. Where a Tolle was found in a record.

  • SOCIAL SECURITY MASTER INDEXES. These can be found at both the ANCESTRY and EVERTON sites listed above.
  • CEMETERIES of Grundy County, Missouri. There are Tolle descendants buried in several of these cemeteries.
  • BLM -Bureau of Land Management, Eastern States. This site features a few of the states where the Tolle Family migrated.
  • Sou rce Documents On-Line I am contributing Tolle related documents from my files to this site. You can search and share here too.

PLACES where the Tolle family settled
including a list of some of those areas for your information.