Patsy and the dolls. Below, dolls and dolls and dolls!
From left to right, Dawn (Jayne's daughter), Jayne, Bev, Patsy, Linda and Ike.
The 2nd get-together was held on 1/31/04. We had 14 wonderful ladies at the meeting today. Most of them had to travel long distances to get here, but I'm sure all felt it was worth the trip.
Above on the left we should find (with luck!)Gail, Judy and Joni. On the right, Gay, Patsy and Diana.
Picture on the left I think, is Diana, Judy, Joni and Gay. Right, is Gail and Judy.
Picture on left is Patsy's daughter Marilyn, Gail and Frances. Right, Ike, Brenda and Melinda, busily cutting out aprons for our workshop. Below is Bev, Jayne, and Ike in back, and Brenda and Melinda in front.
Here is a finished apron on Fanny.
If I have your name wrong, please let me know so I can correct it!!