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Other Things

o t h e r * t h i n g s
Here are other things I have for you to look at!

Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!
"Children Are Worth Saving Web Site"

The Net Nerd Farm

This is my NetNerd Charita. Click on her to get a NetNerd of your own.

This is my Guardian Angel Net Nerd Melinda.

And here is my other Net Nerd Sandra.

This is my pet horse Sweety

Click the pic below to see what clubs I belong to!

By the way, the kitten above is Lillian, she says hi.


*Shimmer!* - cheerful and hyprrrrr ...


pink sugar

tWiStEd dAiSy

a true chica

pretty pretty pretty pretty

I'm a sun, click me to see what you are

I'm a Libra

I Live in a Boring Town!!! :)


cool and cheerful



Take a look at this. Click HERE.

Click here to go to my No Doubt page.
