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Dear Frug:

I wish I could turn on the TV and be greeted by your wonderful personality, instead of this new crop of "all flash, no cooking skills"  .... cooks (for
lack of a better word).  I can only imagine what great dishes you are whipping up lately, and I really wish that you'd come back & share with us.
When you did your episode in the Greek market in Athens...  boy did that bring back memories...  My grandfather and I used to go there all the
time...  back when I was younger, living in Greece, and back when my Grandfather used to still be here with us.
So, I would like to wish you the best, and to thank you for all the smiles you have brought to me and my family, first upon watching your wonderful
show, and second when we taste your delicious dishes.
Take care of yourself, and God Bless you.

Ria Parlante
Whitestone, NY



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