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This page is pretty much stories about encounters, little comments made by myself or others about Meredith, this page was put up cos of an e-mail friend suggested it so ( ya you know who you are, hee hee!) after I told this wild story, if you have any similar accounts, this page is open to any contribution of this kind, as always, e-mail me, it's easy to remember, , and look forward for some real treats!! Also, I've included little quibbles from me/friends about the wonder that is Meredith, tell me what you think!!!:)

Hey you know how big a fan of Meredith I am??? (I wouldn't say fan, I'd say admirer, look up as a role model), well last year, I had this huge crush on David Duchovny ( you know from the X-files--I dunno why, don't ask!! ), well, a friend of mine asked like early this year, after I bought the album "Blurring The Edges" by you-know-who, ' ok, what if there's two shows, in one, there's David signing, taking pictures and speaking with people, you can go, and in the other is Meredith performing, but very crowded, hardly can see, but can hear her..which one would you go to??' guess what I said, most gals would say 'David!' ( Whilst screaming/fainting at the thought ) I said, 'Meredith!' hee hee, I've never told that story before!
(Yet another friend talk, I really like this one!) While me and my friends were waiting for their bus on Thursday ( 10th sept.)--.( they dragged me to tag along, plus I had nothing better to do ), we all went into a conversation about Meredith/Hanson, since my friends' sister likes them. Anyway, a talk slightly went into an argument, something about her wanting to buy an independent album by Hanson, after I laughed at her and saying '' really? Is it really worth it??'' she's like, ''well at least I don't buy every flippin' album by Hanson like you do with Meredith! Oh yeah, you got the old ones, the soundtrack and live ones, yeah right like you can and I can't??!! ''--I hit back at her by saying ( more like shouting! ),

" Well I know for sure that there's an independent Bitch around somewhere and you don't see me looking for one do ya?! "--for a brief moment, we were like staring out to nowhere as a lady walked past us…..I hope she didn't get the wrong idea though !:) So now, I always say to my friend ( in the politest way of course:) )

" I need an 'independent Bitch' ''---I won't forget that in a hurry!;)

Amanda ( )wrote to me recently and gave me some real cool info on Meredith. . . .read on!!
“You wanna know something really cool! You probably don’t know this at all!! Meredith likes HANSON!!
How do I know this? well, while promoting Bitch she actually came to Norfolk ( where I live ) and did a radio interview on my local station “Vibe FM”. I just happened to be tuned in and was listening along. She was asked “ what was the last record that you bought” and she said, “Middle Of Nowhere by Hanson”. I can’t remember in deatail as what she said, cause at the time I didn’t know who Meredith was, and when she said Hanson, I was like “Dang” and I was in my own little world!! I think she said her fav song was “weird”. But MB loves Hanson!!! Did I just tell you something about her that you didn’t know??
That was pretty cool huh?? why not visit her fanzine named website, “Alien, Braces and Jellybeans”, it’s pretty cool. . . .
Here’s some OUTRAGEOUS funny fan obsession.
read on what this anonymous person does to people when they see their collection of Meredith goodies!!:)
I make them bow down to Meredith 'Goddess on High' and pay homage to her.
And give 5 hail Meredith's (I have to show them who reigns around here!!!!!) (Note: I'm not trying to slander any religions or...) and it works, people actually do it..... Am I bad or what?????

done anything similar?? MAIL ME THEN!!!:)
Welsh trio, Ether who supported Meredith in the European tour, leading front man Rory Meredith ( coincidence??:)) said, " she was a full on American, she told me, ' Hey man, your voice is liks a girls, and that's a compliment.'-what could I say about that?
Once she asked me to join her for a duet with some Led Zeppelin song called Rock And Roll that I've never heard of. When I told her she stormed out saying, ' that song is a way of life!!' ":)

Fan encounters...

MEREDITH BROOKS ROCKS is a special website with fan reviews of concerts Meredith has done, if you wanna read those latest reviews, click here to visit that page!!!

alternatively, you can directly view the reviews, Glenn is lucky enough to see Meredith at the previous concerts, and he's even met her, more than ONCE!!!!! Click on the links to read the reviews and see exclusive pictures of the show.

Corvallis Concert -10th October 1998. Las Vegas Concert -31st July 1998 Seattle Concert- 18th July 1998 ( review to be posted.

London Concert - 18th February 1998( as reviewed by myself. :) ) Belgium Concert- 16th February 1998 ( as reviewed by Pat ( )

Alex has a brief fan encounter with Meredith, here's what she has to say when she saw her in Seattle. . .

"My impression of Meredith at the bite was that she was really hot, tired, and sweaty, and would really like to get into the car with her her boyfriend (they were on their way to a baseball game-I almost went, too) but when she saw me standing there grinning at her, she sighed a little and took a minute to sign my shirt. She obviously wanted to get out of there, but she did take a minute for her adoring fan=)"

This review was originally posted at MB Maina a while ago, I thought it would be appropriate if I got it up here. I've amended a few things as well. I hope you'll enjoy reading it cos it's something that happened to me......

Shepherd's Bush Empire Concert Review -- February 18th , 1998

I'm sure many 'fans' of Meredith Brooks realised, when hearing the album, how extraordinary her voice, talent and wisdom is. When I heard she'd be touring the UK....I just had to go and fulfil my dream of seeing the woman who has virtually changed my life in every aspect possible known to me and my friends.

On Wednesday February 18th 1998, my brother and I went to the gig....much to my surprise I managed to get right up front of the really seemed like a dream as I was so close, closer than anyone would have imagined. I could NOT believe that people were actually sitting on the floor and talking whilst the guard rail was all clear, my brother and I ran towards the stage!! My friend commented on such an experience it would be with so many fans surrounding yourself, and watching Meredith as well which really made me happy!!:)

The highlight I would think is that I think only 2 people including myself took photos which I kinda like!!

First came on the support group, Ether, a Welsh trio who were nevertheless not bad at all, but a little too loud……or was it the darn speakers we were standing next to?? YOU decide then!!

    After a 15 minute change over, at 8.55pm, the band came on, with an announcement,"Ladies and gentlemen......its Meredith Brooks!"

The intro to Shatter came on, she came dancing on, swaying to the beat of the song and playing the guitar. What a sight it was....I mean it was actually her....coming to and fro from the stage, and I was seeing all what I had been expecting for months. Her first words, "Prick of a pppiiiinn, no blood on meeeee" ( her words were really long and I can still recall how she said it!! ) were breath taking I couldn't stop smiling and laughing!!

It was a moment where she no longer was the woman on the album cover, reality hit me and she was performing right in front of my eyes!

The gig was about 2 hrs long which consisted of the following :songs Shatter, My little town, Birthday, Pollyanne, Stop, Every time she walks away, Back To Nowhere, (a song which I haven't heard, she actually said she wrote in last year in Europe and decided to throw it in and was so excellent!--oh before they sang this song, whilst she was explaining it, I kinda whislted REALLY loud and made her look in my direction, I know that was naughty but at least she did notice!!), I Need, Bitch, Down by the river, Somedays, It don't get better, Wash my hands, ....2 minute break where we all started to scream and shout "WE WANT MORE!!", What would happen and finally the cover of Led Zeppelins 'Rock nRoll'. This song was great cos there was a point where Yogi, the guitarist and Meredith were competing with each other.... when he did his macho style of soloing, she did the same...then smugly shined her nails by her breath....then with a laughter she smiled... God what a huge smile she's got!!

Also, right at the end of the song, she came to our side and started to head bang.... right in front of me. I've got a photo where you can actually can see her teeth!

Song such as Wash My Hands, It don't get Better and even Down By The River were esp. fun cos it was so loud and it was a real full on rock show. Her constant guitar solos, especially the one where she lay on her back and start playing was so awesome, I knew that she was a great artist the MOMENT I hit that play button on my CD player when I got Blurring The Edges. Even that new tune, Back To Nowhere was so excellent, and because no one had heard it before, there was silence when we were listening to it. It's such a beautiful tune, it bought a tear to my eye.....;)

I don't remember a lot in the concert now, but after they sang My Little Town, I remember a group of guys chanting, "Meredith- Meredith - Meredith!! ", and what could she say??, " yes, that's my name!! "---ha ha ha!!! There were great points when Mer jumped off stage and start soloing on her guitar in front of people, I remember her walking towards the left, on my side, a guy extended his hand out, she, with one helluva look, licked her finger and smacked his palm, WOW!!!

I think it was me, but I thought that Mer enjoyed the show more than the crowd did!!! I just remember her million dollar smile she has, whilst singing, when talking, it was so great, one thing amongst a billion things I admire about Meredith is that, she never seems to give up.

Although this was my first gig, I reckon its the best one that I'll ever go to. One thing I will always remember is during the ending of 'Every time she walks away', the guys were singing the laa, laa laaa part, and all throughout this period of time, Meredith and I had direct eye contact! You know when a person has eye contact with you.... and I'll never forget that moment. (ok, don't believe me then, but it was a real special moment for me even if she didn't see me, but I think she did ok!!!!:P ) What my brother commented about was that he COULD NOT BELIEVE that I could whistle so loud, I think I defened him and myself!!! ( I wonder what that guy next to me was thinkin'?? ):)

Her final words were, "I'd like to thank Ether for their warm up and support, Virgin Radio for sponsoring us, and you out there, I'll see you next time!" .....and I'm hoping I will see her again in the future.

I AM KICKING myself now when I think about it, why oh why didn't I stay there for at least 10 minutes?? Why are you asking?? Cos Meredith came out to the stage and start talking to people that's why!!!! The only opportunity that I would have got to meet the most wonderful woman ever was gone, I only hope I can get a chance like that again, hope is one thing which I have, and with this in mind, it may happen one day, not sure when, but maybe someday. . . . .

NEVERTHELESS, it was defiantly a night never to be forgotten I still have a high when I think about it now, I've seen my idol, I wanna thank my parents, my brother (Hiya Jed if you're reading this!!), the MB websites for the bitchin' info on her finally, but no means least, Meredith Brooks, if you are reading this, your vibe and energy from your art has given me a strength and confidence in believing in myself.... thank you.:)

A neat story written by A.J Lennon e-mail:
My experience with Meredith!
Well, it was in the Febuary of 1998. I drove with the train to Bonn, wich is two and half hour away from my hometown. After I found my hotel in Bonn I went to the 'Brückenforum' where Meredith would be in concert.
Accidental I found the stage entry of the 'Brückenforum' where stood three or four other guys. One of them told me that Meredith said that she will come out later to give autographs. Then, after spending one and a half or two hours of waiting in front of the stage entry Meredith walked along behind the glass doors of the stage entry. It seems like that she would't come out. But then I knocked on the door and she turned the head. She walked to the doors and her bodyguards or whatever opened the doors.
I was the third in the row and I gave her a booklet to sign. She was a littlebit surprised that anbody in Germany knows about 'The Graces' . Meredith showed the old picture in the booklet her bodyguards or whatever this two or three guys was. At this time she said anything to me, but I didn't understand this. She used a few words I didn't know and my english isn't perfect. Then she asked for my name and signed the booklet with 'to Andreas, Love, Meredith Brooks'.
After that I aksed if I can get a photo of her togethere with me. I gave my photocamera to a person and now I've got a cool picture with her...
After that I went to the concert. Before Meredith began to play there played a UK band 'Ether'. But then started Meredith to play. I stood in the 2nd row and she recognised me in the crowd. The last song she played on the concert this day was a cover version of Led Zeppelin's 'Rock n' Roll'. At the end of the day it was a really cool concert, such a perfect day.
I hope she'll come back to Germany soon!!!

A great story/fan encounter by Gabi Thank you!!:)
When MB visited Brazil I went to her showcase (just for guests) and I had the opportunity to met her.

The show was perfect and I enjoyed every second of it. She was nice and while she played she looked at me all the time and during the show I asked her pick and she came kissed it and put it on my hands then closing my hands. HUAU!

At that moment I really felt special and everybody looked at me and they started to ask for her picks but she keeped singing.

After the show the guys of her band came to talk with the fans at the disco and some minutes later Meredith came to give us autographs. It was my opportunity to met her .I was very close to her and I asked for an autograph first, she gave me, then I called her and asked to take a pic she smile and I said :-"No you and me together." She said: "Just one second", and before she autographed the other CD she made a signal to her security guard let me get closer. She came and hugged me and I asked if my sisters could also join the pic she said no problem and we took the pic, which I´m very proud of..

She treated us very well made jokes and was laughing all the time.

The most important was that it was one of the bests moments of our (me and my sisters) lives.

This story was written by Priscilla who once knew Meredith. ( it's a real nice story to read. ;) )

"I knew Meredith about 12 years ago when she was really getting started.

Friends and I used to go from place to place whenever she showcased and I always asked her to play a song called "Hold On." I believe it was a tune she scripted and it was absolutely beautiful. One of my most prized possessions is a tape of one of her showcases wherein she dedicated the song to me since I bugged her all the time to sing it.

I lost track of Meredith after she formed the group called The Graces, I believe, with one of the girls from the original GoGos. So, needless to say, when I heard Bitch on the radio I had a very big smile because I knew one day, Meredith would really be on her way.
She is one powerful singer."

Here are the competition entries which I feel were so superbly written, I just had to put them up here. First off is the WINNER of the CD on November 1st 1998. well done to her indeed. I really love to hear what other people might have said, so why don't cha mail me and tell me ok!!:) ( if you want your e-mail addie up, them tell me and I'll get them up ok!!:))

She has the greatest gift!

Saturday, 19-Sep-98 23:30:59

I think Meredith has such a great talent. She is such a great and awesome guitarist. She inspires so many people to learn to play the guitar, me being one of them. She has a very good talent for writing songs with power. It's like when I heat one of her songs, no matter which song of hers it is, I am like I am hypnotized by her voice and meaning in that song. Somehow she always has a life lesson or some kind of good meaning that you are to get from her songs.

And another thing to go right along with the package, is her voice.. it rocks.. it just fits her style and ways perfect. I also thing that she sticks to the main purpose, the music! She doesn't even go into her personal life.. she just gets out there and does the job GREAT! She is such an inspiration to me and I hope many, many other people.

I think I deserve this CD because Meredith is such an inspiration in my life.. and because I love her so much.. but even if I don't win at least someone gets to have more of Meredith and all her talent and great spirit and message she brings to our world and the world of music..



Sunday, 20-Sep-98 12:44:42

I don't know why I love Meredith so much. Haven't figured that one out yet. Maybe cuz of her music and what is says, or maybe just cuz of her. I have almost all her stuff that she has ever done. When I changed my room around, my friend was redecorating my walls, and now I have a whole wall dedicated to Meredith Brooks. She totally awed me when I saw her in concert. I know this cuz I don't remember hardly anything that she did. I just watched her through the binoculars the whole time. But I do know that she was the best out of all the people there.

I also love Meredith cuz she made the word Bitch into a good word, and now I don't really care if people call me a bitch, cuz i just say, " Meredith made it a good word, so I don't mind being called that. "


uhh... contest thingie

Friday, 25-Sep-98 23:20:51

I think I would win this interview CD because I think Meredith is the best. She connects with her music, it has a nice tune and catchy lyrics, she is a down-to-earth person, and she is just cool. There is no reason why I really need to have this, but I think it would be cool to have it. I could be her #1 fan, but I am not so sure. I just love her and I feel that she is a great person. I could defiantly use this CD, even though I might wear it out!


crystal clarity

Saturday, 26-Sep-98 12:54:29

I've been a fan of Meredith's work since she first released her debut album. I got to know her through her CD and she's always been a great role model. I've always wanted to play guitar, she really pushed me to get there. She's played a large role in my life as a person with a living soul, quoted from an English essay assignment that I did the summer after I met her;

"Though I had enduringly loathed writing, all in a category of itself, I began to stay up at night when the house was silent and return to my once abandoned journal to write personal songs. It became my most favored way to air out my negative energy and the way I felt. The words flew out from the back of my mind, it was almost like a fall into a subliminal world. "I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed." says the chorus of Meredith Brooks' song "Bitch". I heard this song many times before I realized that this is one of the soundtracks of my life. One day while painting in my afternoon art lessons, I thought about the song and then, a light bulb flashed in my head, my adrenaline went up and about. I was able to connect this song with one I had written the night before and this thrilled me. The song Meredith sings tells us that she is not just one thing, she is "everything all rolled up into one", and this was exactly what I was trying to do. Break the stereotypes and labels that were inscribed in my reputation over the years, because the fact of the matter was, that I am of a thousand faces. I am of a thousand faces. This was the result of my realizations in my personal growth. I climbed many steps to see this in crystal clarity. This unplanned destination that I had traveled to, with no indication that I was on a journey until this moment of reflection. I had no idea how much Alanis Morissette would change my life, and trigger me to perceive new aspects of living. It was a dive into the unknown sides of me, and running out with significant discoveries. And as I look back, I feel as though I know something that the world doesn't."


y i like meredith

Monday, 28-Sep-98 17:31:11

I think I should win the CD because her songs changed the way I look at things. Her music changed my life.


Our Little Town

Tuesday, 13-Oct-98 04:11:20

She has great music.....and I'm from Corvallis too. :) I just went to the Benefit concert at OSU, and was blowned away by her talented guitar playing. I couldn't believe the energy that she can create with her music.


Awesome Meredith

Wednesday, 14-Oct-98 01:12:26

I have followed Meredith for many years. Attended many showcases and have known that she would always be a superstar. A song many of you may or may not know will forever be my most favorite Meredith Brooks tune. "Hold On." You rock Meredith.


i can relate

Monday, 19-Oct-98 08:25:16

heya uzma, well!! i like meredith because not only does she speak her mind without thinking "oh my god what will people think of me??" but i can also relate to it, well everything but the mother bit. Its true everyone needs and there are two sides to everyone, so watch out uz, my other side might come and get ya in sociology one day!!!!!


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