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What's New


The Stupidest Hatemail Ever....people just don't like us lately. Anyway, on a good note, Astro Love is coming along and some AMAZINGLY COOL CHICK sent us a KICKASS funny story. That will be up soon in "Tips and Tricks". Daly, over and out


Hatemail #6 added....Hey Nick fans, send us your opinion on the Nick/Jessica realationship cause the damn quizlet doesnt work for us. Also, I'm working on an "Astro Love" section that should be up in about a week maybe...Daly, over and out.


Well a hatemail update, our first encounter.. Hey you know what, we're just gonna hafta ask you guys for some forced interaction. We're EXTREMELY busy with school and all and you probably are too but if you guys could help out a little, like your probably really funny so send in a review! Make up a top ten list! Even just send in some ideas, anything. So heres the address..Please?? Write us!


Yeah! An (extremely small) update! Check out "This Gift" and send in your suggestions, since its half done. Daly, over and out


A very special hatemail added....that's it...


Daly- a semi-update with a new dream and and a new thought in "Tips and Tricks". Over and out.


Daly here......I'm really really sorry bout the lack of update its just we've been really busy so a new section coming soon bout nick and jeff on MTV...hatemail updated...over and out..


Well....Daly here. A new section up- "Tips, Tricks and Contributions" where you can sound off on basically anything 98°...someone tells their thought in "Can I..."...over and out.


(later)Review for Teen Choice Awards, Making the Video and TRL up. Also a stupid little section on 98° life in movies.

Daly - 1 new thing "Can I Touch You There" Controversy. Reviews coming today or tommorow. Promise! Also a little thing- should we have a fan contibutions area where you send us stuff? I think so... Over and Out.


Daly here......sorry for the lack of updates, it's summer! Anyway, I have a little "vent" section up, where I can complain and you can ignore of them on Loveline and TRL coming soon.

(later)We have our first dream! Thank you to lovely person who sent it to us! Justine's concert review is up Over and out.


Justine here I'm workin on my concert review and my making of the video review, so those should be up soon!

Daly- I added the Dreams and Encounters sections but nothing is in them.....a little interaction with you guys would be nice! Over and out


Daly here again....back from my "vacation". Anyway, hatemail is updated and links are up. Over and out


I never take a vacation from you guys.....a review of "Meltdown to 98 degrees" is up but thats it..Daly, over and out


Daly here again...Justine is in Hawaii...(lucky sh*t) and I've been busy ok! A disclaimer is up...just so we don't get sued..and I'm off to Tahoe a week! Yes, I'll miss you too...anyway Justine should be here updatin' with our concert experiances and other stuff...over and out


Daly here. My review of "Port Charles" is up. More reviews coming soon. I'm, that's it for today.


Well....we spent practically all day here (yes, we have no life in the summer)Anyway, the timeline is finished, all the bios are up, and Daly finished her review! Yeah!


Hey everyone! The site is now up and running..The bios arn't up yet, even though there's a link to them...Daly's timeline is half up and Justine gave us her cd review....mine willl be up sometime today.....Adios y'all