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Tips, Tricks, and Contributions

Sometimes, you cool people out there are just so bored you decide to e-mail us with the facts/rumours/opinions you have. Here we're gonna post them, so if you have anything to say or add, enlighten us at

The answer to the ever pressing question...what was up with Nick's lipstick in "The Hardest Thing"?
hola. just one coment; the reason nick was wearing so much lipstick in that vid was cuz when they shot it his lips were all nasty chapped split and stuff. it was gross. be glad he was wearing lipstick. -tyke da dawg

Here is a different opinion on 98°
I'm from --,and the only reason I like 98 Degrees is because (i know this sounds weird)but my uncle who lives in Cali (and whom used to come visit me when i was a little girl and when he was still in high school here at -----... and whom I love dearly) looks kinda like jeff..(no joke..i wish i had a scanner!) he too is trying to break into the movie/music business, he's 28, and believe it or not i feel kinda sad for the 98 degrees guys cuz i think they got duped by the whole hollywood/motown thing. (they're from ohio, right?) anyway, the "i do"song was definatly a country song before they sang it, and i get so mad sometimes that all these "urban" people forget their country roots and the true meaning of america.(half the people i talked to in california are originally from the midwest!! weird, huh?) and it also makes me sad that hollywood forgets to acknowledge those roots. I'm in 4-H and FFA (buthave been to NYC so I'm not completly an ignorant hick!) and all my friends are wayyy into country, they all call 98 degrees "the good looking song stealers" and I swear i had to beg my friends to come with me to the concert! but, sorry, to make a long story short, the reason i love this group so much is BECAUSE they are authentic, BECAUSE they don't try to be teeny-boppers, BECAUSE i think just about every girl/woman can identify with at least one of them, and that in one way or another, they manage to get through to them, either because of their talent, song, looks,modesty, or geniune good manners(product of our midwest roots, i'm proud to say!) anyway, i've talked much, much more than i should, so I'll leave it at that -Kaitlyn

Here I (daly) was talking to an extremely cool chica and we got to talkin about Ali...

mitchy8: ali is the 5th degree. SHE MADE ONE VIDEO WITH THEM and now she thinks shes like a total part of tehm. face it doritos girl your not part of the group. jeez if i ever saw her id tell her that .
We couldn't have said it better ourselves....amen sister!

More thoughts on Ali...

I hate that Ali girl! I think in the video I do, she didnt look that pretty at all. She's acting like she's the boys best friend or girlfriend. You could see it in the Teen choice awards. Well I just wanted to teel you I thought she was a slut!