Sarah and Malakai
My little friend always - I will always
be reminded of the time when you were about 11 years
old and your mom and I were doing something and you
ran in the house at camp to tell me to come outside
and look at the beautiful rattle snake - So I did and
I told you that I didn't want to get close and I
told you that I was scared of snakes and you said to
me "why?" I'll never forget that Aaron - it made me
stop and ask myself why - what were my reasons? Then
about 2 years ago I held your rosy boa - that was the
first time in my entire life that I ever held a
snake - you were right - there was nothing to be
afraid of.
Love you kid,
Marc and Tami (Marc really wanted to show you his new drum. I'm sure you can really hear it now - even better - final peace to you Aaron.)
Linnea, on Outward Bound, wrote in a letter to me after she heard of Aaron's death: "...we were on the adventure course, going across the 3 rope bridge [about 15' above the river] and it was Aaron's turn to go across. He thought the river was pretty, plus he wanted to have some fun. So he put his arms straight down against his side so he would turn over, and I was freaking out, I was next, and when I got over to the other side crying he didn't make fun of me, but he gave me a hug, and told me that the next one would be easier.
"But my fondest memory of him was one night when we were camping on this huge granite slab, with the river below, and beautiful trees all around the place. And since there were no boundaries to hold him back he went practically across the river to this rock and sat there for the longest time, until dinner, but even then he stared at the sunset with a huge smile on his face, one I'll never forget. Aaron will always be a beautiful person to me, and I will love him forever. He wasn't afraid of living his life to the fullest, and loved every minute of it as much as he could...
Linnea Berry
The waters settle
Winding trails.
Light footed
Moving steadily along.
The light is seen
Peace abounds.
In security there is rest,
Love is sent forth
The soul finds peace.
Dear God, Hold him close.
(written by Chris & Amy Hansen)
You came in our dreams, to say goodbye
We must let you go so you can fly,
We feel your Spirit everywhere,
Gentle and loving beyond compare.
The love we shared will always be there
Deep within our hearts,
Where we'll never part.
Now you are free
So the world can see,
The bright Star you are
Shining near and far.
Medicine Wheel
a song by the late Kate Wolf
When the morning breaks
and the sunlight warms my soul
In the East the Eagle flies
and the Red-tail proudy soars
I'm on my way
To the place of the Spirit one
Grandfather hear me now
I am on fire.
Let the sundance guide my feet to your desire
Give me visions for my eyes
and words like gold
that shimmer in the sun
Hy-ay, hy-ah, hy-ah
When the sun goes down
and it grows too dark to see
I look within to the Shaman's mysteries.
I'm on my way
To die and live again
Grandmother Earth I cry
give me rest.
I take my place with the women in the West
Show me the Raven and the Bear,
The way of herbs and the black obsidian
Hy-ah, hy-ah, hy-ah
Turn towards the south
like the water I will run
In innocence and trust
the moonchild's song is sung
I'm on my way
to the place of the sacred plants
My emotions and my will at their command
Where the Turtle's voice
is heard upon the land
Where the wise Coyote prowls
the Rattlesnake will call me to the dance
Ha-ya, ha-ya,hy-ah
In the deepest night
the stars watch over me
Old woman of the North
my mind seeks clarity
I'm on my way
to the place of the northern winds
Let the thunder and the lightning carry me
Lay my thoughts to rest
and send me into sleep
With the Hawk and the Buffalo
my dreams white crystal,
magic medicine
Hy-ah, hy-ah, hy-ah, hy-ah, hy-ah