Before They Were Porn Stars . . . Oops- ROCK Stars

By Mars

Hey y'all. (hehe that needs to be said in Shitney's accent.) I watched two shows on VH1 the other day entitled, "Before They Were Rock Stars", so sit back, relax, and laugh your ass off.


Nick: The announcer called him "The Adorable One" Um, was that a misprint? Could you mean "The Fat One?" Anyway, back in 1992 he was in this group with a bunch of girls called "Nick and the Angels." (Whoah a fag even then) I could've sworn one of then dancers looked like our friend Brit-Brit!

Brian: "The Romantic One" Ahhh. Back in the day, (I say it like it was so long ago) he was in a class production of Grease, (Go Grease Lightning!) Oh man, his yearbook photo, ew. I bet people would pass him in the hall saying, yo, that boy's gonna die a virgin. Screw that!

Howie: "The Nice One" (Nice=Gay). The announcer called him goodlooking- huh? What was he smokin? It must be good- hook me up! Hehe. They showed videos of his highschool days, and the tight jeans, one word: yuck. He was in this show called "Macho and Comacho" come on now, even the name is gay- it should be called "The Two Gay Butt-Buddies". LOL, the best part was when Howie was in this play and said, "I should be shot!" Well...

AJ: They didn't have much on him except that he was in this short-lived TV show called, "Hi Honey I'm Home." He was still a little greaseball back then with a ponytail and a tough-boy image. I laughed. Hard.

Kevin: Wow this boy was popular, he was captain of the football team, played the drums, voted "most popular", "best dressed", "best looking", "best dancer", and "best look." What can I make fun of here? Nothing! But I will add a thought, wouldn't it be great if he was the best looking when dancing undressed?

NSYNC- (Well actually only 2 of them) The announcer said they were "young and limber" What the fuck does that mean? They san stick their legs over their heads? (I can by the way!!)

Justin- "The Hottie with a Body". (The announcer put a LITTLE TOO MUCH emphasis on that) They showed him on Star Search decked out in cowboy boots, and he sang a lil diddy in a southern accent. Yeehaw. All aboard to Hickville, USA. He was a cutie back then, sadly though he lost to some fugly bitch. Being the good sport he is, he held out his hand for her to shake. It took her 5 minutes and a tap from Ed Mc Mahon before she shook it. I bet she's beating herself up about that now.

Joey- Well, he dressed up as Cher in theater class. Hmmm, no comment. He also play "Wolfman" at Universal Studios, guess what- he didn't even need to dress up! JK, I made that up. The announcer said that, "Joey hasn't had much exposure, but he is always trying to work his way in somehow." Could that be for a reason? Or 85?
