Cool Stuff People Have Sent in to Us

Since we didn't really know what to do with the info people sent us, we decided to dedicate a whole new section- especially for them. Aren't we sweet?

Sent in by:

The Scariest thing you'll experience at an N Sync Concert:

If your sitting on a balcony, when N Sync say "Jump" you'll see very many "Chubby", "Fat"" girls in N Sync and or Justin and JC T-shirts jumping up and down and I swear you feel as if the balcony will give in and just collapse and like if your gonna suffer a horrible death. So watch out next time you go to an N Sync concert.

Oh Hell yes! Definitely a downside to an 'N Sync concert. Like she said, watch out!

Little girls with N sync posters hoping they'll see them or banners with the guys pictures on them (They know what they look like!)

Yeah this bugs me to no end! I mean, wow. 'N Sync knows what they look like, it's not like you've got to embarrass them anymore by reminding them they had to pose for such a stupid magazine as BOP anyways

More Inevitable Memorabilia

Backstreet boys bras and under wear "So every day you'll be 'supporting'them!"

LoL! I'll definitely be watching for that! Then maybe next time it'll be easier for them to sign my bra!

"I Guess That's Just What Heppens"

Brian has big nostrils

I guess that's just what happens when you live in Kentucky and the only thing to pass the time is by having contests of "who can stick there thumb up there the furthest." I'm guessing Brian won..

*L* Wow I never thought of it that way . . . . .

"Larger Than Life"

I may run and hide
When you're screamin' my name, at night
But let me fuck you now
There are prices to pay, alright
All of our time spent doing you right

All you people can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our sexuality
Everytime we're down
You can make it up right
And that makes it larger than life

Looking at my crowd
Then I see your body sway, c'mon
Wishin' I could thank you in a different way, c'mon
'Cause all of your time spent keeps IT alive

CHORUS - repeat
All of your time spent keeps IT alive
CHORUS - repeat

Yeah, everytime we're down
Yeah, you can make it up right
Yeah, and that's what makes IT larger than life

CHORUS - repeat

Thank sooo muchfor all the submissions! I'll be looking forward to more soon!


"Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely"- Justin's View of Things!

So many hookers for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crowded room
So hard to breathe
Screw with me, and maybe
Nights of sex, so soon become
Wild and free, I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done
Then fuck me...

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to screw with
Tell me why I can't be there in his bed
There's something missing in my pants

Sex goes on, as it never ends
Eyes of stone, observe the tramps
They never stay forever shit
Guilty roads to an endless lover
There's no control
Nick's with me now
His every wish will be done
He fucks me

CHORUS - repeat

There's nowhere to screw
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart, body, and thing
How can it be you're asking me to fuck
the things you never show (you go Justin!)
You are missing in my bed
JC, why can't I be there where you are

CHORUS - repeat

Wow! Interesting Parody you've got there!
Thanks Janeen!

Sent in By:

i suck my mom
by: justin timberlake

i try to sing with all my heart but it just sounds like one big fart. i have no talent as you know but i am hoping it doesn't show.

i try so hard to stay away but its my mom i must lay. when the other boys start to bleed i know now i must pull out from chris,joey,jc and lance.

i have an affrow that is ugly and blond i think that's way i can get any guy. if i could only be like aj from bsb i could have true fans and more then a guy fan base:(

i am getting tried of this shit i might quit n*shit in just a bit. well know you know the really me i have to go and take a pee. this is fag boy saying good guy and i am guy:)

Sent in by Crazie67623 (Rachel)

JC ON LOVELINE: Did you notice, w/ the guy who asked about masturbation, that JC did a lot of talking? I mean, it was kinda obvious, my friend and I were both like 'how the hell would he know?!?!' It was sort of funny, but still kinda weird.

Yup. I sure noticed that. OMG, my baby's quite the educated one isn't he? *L* Oh well. I still love him especially because he has a "handsome scrotum" . . .he he he

Sent in by EZCLEAN

Lance's Favorite Word

lances favorite word was whatshamocolit
Thanks for telling us! See, I missed that part on TGIF and I only got to see Justin's word . . .Crunk- what else. Now for my snide comment. Lance- Whatchamacolit- what about Mississippi?! You say it only . . .every three words. And what about Woo Hoo and Poo Foo? I've never heard him say Whatshamacolit . . .

Sent in by Interflock

WHAT YOU WILL SEE AT AN 'N SYNC CONCERT: 1) FAT girls in tank tops; no not the Justin phat, the FAT Fat! Oh yeah I've scene it I've puked!

OH YEAH I can definitely relate. Not that I have anything about their weight, but what makes people think that tank tops will make Justin fall for them? Seriously? That just makes them slutty, in a way.

Sent in by Cindy

A Rather. . .98 Degrees Song

My friend Ryan, who lives in the Phillipines has a copy of this song, which is a bonus track and has not (and will be for that matter..) been released in the US for its suggestive content. Here are the lyrics to "Can I Touch You There"

Nice title, eh?

- - - -

You say you want a man, to give you good lovin',

You want the passion, with the kissing and the hugging,
Baby all I think is the way I'm going down with your sexuality..
[ Chorus ]:
Baby can I touch you there,
Baby can I touch you there,
I wanna get it everywhere,
Baby can I touch you there,
Can you push my head down there, (!)
Can I put my hand down there,
Are you ready for the next episode, love
I got some baby, if you didn't get enough, let me give you what you need,
While you got me on my knees, are you sure you can endure
[ Repeat chorus ]

Want to see these legs in the air, (!!!!)

Want to see them up in the air..
Listen to me, baby, everytime I think of you,
Girl, you blow my mind - blow my mind, 'cause I will never be the one,
Wastin' your time - your time,
Just come with it - come on,
I'm down with it - I'm down
Just come with it, if you're ready tonight..
We can do it by the refridgerator, and try some sh*t that we can trip off for later,
Let me lick you up and down, while we're makin' sexy sounds,
Can we set it off tonight..
[ Repeat Chorus ]

Oh baby,

Does it feel good to you?
I know it does, baby
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Baby, can I touch you there
Can you play my game?
Baby, can I touch you there
Oh, oh, oh, oh baby.........
- - - - - - -


Isn't 5ive or Ol' Dirty Bastard supposed to be singing this stuff..?
Well at least they're asking politely. Besides, who am I to refuse a gentleman? He he he he

Sent in by Jen

Need anything else from other people's concerts?

Well anyway mine was pretty much the same experience as you but the highlight of the show was when this 7 yr old girl was saying on her sign "J.C. Rocks My World" (i am sure J.C. really goes for 7 yr. olds) and J.C. winks at her and waves...then omigod this girl who was on the floor seats was screaming the heck out of her lungs when dumbass justin goes and throws off his shirt exposing his wife-beater shirt .... they sing all those songs blah blah blah but i loved in sailing they got on these moving seats and sang it (awwwww) by the way i had the jan.1,99 tickets row:AA seat:12 section:105 so i was close ..... but anyway are you going to the next one that comes to your hometown? There is only 14 more DAYS till' they come again! I got front row seats again with bsp i get to meet the guys! well anyway if you want me to tell you about me meeting them and junk just e-mail me back in the future:) see ya,jen

Unfortunately, the only one who will be going to a concert is Peachy **Peachy: Yay** . . .Daisy is trying her damnest to win tickets, and all the rest of us have just about given up. Oh well. That's life. **sniff**

Sent in by Maxine- really cool friend of ours!

(This was a post she wrote on a Message Board- watch for the crazy hatemail she got back!)

Eeeeewwwwww, do you girls how no respect for yourselves?? BSB is like the grossest, gayest, monkey-screwing, group of fags on the planet (w/ the exception of Brian & sometimes Kevin)!!! Here's a run-down off all the members:

Brian-the only FINE BSB member. I mean, why was he forced to join this group of fags?? I feel bad for him.

Kevin-also fine at times. Maybe I'd like him better if he had something called a personality!!!

A.J.-can we say freak?? I lost all respect for him when he started dating Miss Amanda Latona, YUCK!!!

Nick-3 words come to mind- Fat Ass Oompalooma!! He used to be so cute like in Quit Playing Games. What in the hell happened??? He blew up like the friggin' balloon.

And last and certainly last: Howie-I could right a friggin' novel about how nasty this bucktoothed, winking, drooling beaver is.

At the BSB concert I went to (Yes, I used to like them. Everyone makes mistakes.) I held up a poster of Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync (the finest man alive) during his solo becuz I despise Howie so much.

I sure hope he doesn't have kids cuz if Howie's that UGLY his kids will be hideous!!!!!!

Oh yeah! One more thing:BACKSTREET'S WACK ALRIGHT!!! 'N Sync And 5ive Rule Da World!!!!Email me at : CRUNKGRL77 OR NSync5Max

MRS. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE and the future MRS. RITCHIE NEVILLE Well, at least she has a sense of humor! Definitely the same opinion in Backstreet Boys. Keep the BSB pride alive **choke choke**


hey crunkboy,sorry crunkgrl, (Oww,the pain is horrible)

please read through and write back ASAP. i totally understand some of you have absolutly no zero taste, especally like N'sync, but its ok. (Ha ha ha, I have no taste! You like the Wackstreet boys.)

on the other hand u must have a heart full of shit and piss.(Try a heart full of blood, flesh and muscle)

get over it u stupid cheap hoe (Yep, I'm a huge prostitute. Joey's my pimp)

bsb is just to good for u and your moment of what u thought was intellagence but was really stupidity tells u Howie would never look twice at u.( I couldn't care less if he looked at me twice, I'm quite regretful for looking at him the first time. My poor eyes)

even though i've never seen your fat bitchy ass,(Yes, I'm so fat that I weigh 100lbs.Gosh, I'm massive)

i bet it is the size of your over wieght (really over wieght) mother (My mom weighs 120. Yeah, she's huge).

at first you site made me think u were just a jealous little boy but now i know u r just a lesbian (Oh yeah, I'm a lesbian who thinks Justin Timberlake is the finest person to ever grace the earth).

u wouldn't know a fine guy if it (Fine guys aren't things! You must refer to one as he, plus fine guys don't hit.)

hit u in your zit filled, mucus face.(if u call it a face) (No, I call it the thing on my head).

i feel real bad 4 your mom to have to look at your scanky body.(Yep, Huge slut. Jeans and tee-shirts are my skanky attire)

thanx. WRITE ME BACK SOON PLEASE AND MAYBE WE COULD HANG.(No,I won't be going to hell anytime soon)

LOVE YOUR FRIEND, (HOWIE'S WIFE) ANGEL.(Oh shit, In order to be married to Howie would your name has to be Nick Carter? Are you Nick Carter? Wow, I'm so not a fan)

PS mine & howie's kids r models (Oh good I'm gonna throw up. Howie and procreation do not belong in the same sentence)

Oh jeez. This cracks me up. Teenyboppers. Can't live with 'em, can't live . . .with 'em. They're only good for a laugh. And if you're a boyband, they're good for the Benjamins, baby!

Please send us more stuff. We love getting mail . .nice mail, people please
