The Making of the Ultimate Boyband

So we here at the Oasis have decided to fabricate a boyband of our own, manufactured by the fantasies of our own imaginations. To form such a band, we will need The Voice, The Muscles, The Button Cute Guy, The Blonde, and The Rap. Watch as they fight for the attention each deserves- almost more entertaining than watching a crowd of teenyboppers fight over who's really "Nick's Girl". Remember, only the choice members shall make the final cut . . .

Curious as to who we've selected to be our own Ultimate Boyband? Take a Looksee.....

The Voice

Comparing these two groups together, we couldn't decide who had the better voice-Brian "Damn I've got a big nose, but a big heart" Littrell, or JC "I've got a big nose and an even bigger ego" Chasez. So, why not both? All the better, in our eyes. Plus, these "second men" deserve their own turn in the limelight . . .depending on who gets there first and who gets more solos………..

The Muscle

We always need a buff guy in each group. That's what Jeff Timmons is for. Two times the Timberlake (it's true, and don't you deny it!!!) and with no annoying fetish for the color baby blue, to boot, Jeff would make the perfect member. Plus, he's a megaromantic who could teach these guys a thing or two about letting the world know of the girl you love.

The Button Cute

Every group needs their button cute guy. Sticking with our brown hair- blue eyes theme, we also needed a high pitched guy.
Enter Scott Robinson. He's got the cutesy lil' smile that always makes us wanna go "Awwwww". He'll also play the part of the horny little freak as well as the nutritionally deprived mate to fellow bandmate JC.

The Blonde

I know, I know. All of you were expecting Justin, right? Well, we've got enough ego as it is, so sweet-mannered Mississippi-born Lance Bass will have to do. Plus, we need our bass, and he's got quite a voice to fit. He's about as blonde as they come. Sure, he'll stick out like a sore thumb amongst the brunettes with blue eyes, but every group needs their freak, and Lance just answers the call.... "Girl were you alone?"

The Rap

Okay, so as a last minute installment, we needed a rap to tie it all in. In comes Abs, the culturally-confused homeboy wannabe who can actually rap. Although more than five group members is all but unheard of, he could help cause quite a stir. Puls, also the major ego of 5ive, it would be interesting to see them all duke it out for the spotlight. He and JC even share the same hand-motion problems :)

So we have our group, manufactured and with the best (in our opinion) guy from each one. Screamfest, anyone?
But what would we name our "Ultimate Boyband"? A few suggestions come to mind-- 6ix, Frontstreet Boys, 69 Degrees, 'N STEFA (BriaN, AbS, ScotT, LancE, JefF, JoshuA)-

We came up with our own name- Chronic. Why? It's about time a boyband like this came along (yes, I know.... that was stupid)

Watch for more of the Boyband Oasis's Own Chronic Stuff coming soon!
