Screw "Boys of Summer"

Hey all you happy people!
Well, yesterday (June 30) I attended the Vans Warped Tour. A far cry from my last 'N Sync concert, but I digress. It was definitely better (I know, I know. I'm being unfaithful to JC:), although during the course of the concert the word "fuck" has forever been embedded into my mind. I must admit that firstoff. I saw a few girls who weren't quite teenyboppers, but . . .let's just call them flirtyboppers. The kind of girls who wear pastel tank tops and short-shorts to rock concerts with glitter and flirt with every guy in their path. Flirtyboppers. Anyhoo, I digress again.

I guess the best part about it was that there were no asigned seats, which meant I had the FRONT row. Yup. It rocked. Actually, there were two stages, and we were at Stage 1. All the good bands were there except for Blink 182, but that's okay. I'll get to that part later. Anyway, first band was this German band called H Blokx, and they were pretty cool. Lotsa beer, smoking, and other shit like that, but I'm a good girl. :) There were lots of cool bands, including this other cool one called Grinspoon (*The lead singer was drunk off his wanker- it was hilari-ass to watch him trip all over the damn stage) and of course Sevendust, Lit, and Oh, it was the best. They were on our stage. And did I mention Eminem too? But we didn't want to stick around for him. **shrug**

The stages were facing the large grandstand, which was actually a racetrack for horses, so you must imagine how much it smelled like crap. There were lots of tents advertising stuff like the Kottonmouth Kings (One tyte band!) and Baby-G watches and stuff. I borrowed Weezer's camera for the event and I didn't want to ruin it in the mosh. But we went down to the mosh anyway,and it kicked major ass. I had to like protect myself from moshers and body surfers. The most fun was the Black Eyed Peas, 'cuz there wsa no moshing. But dancing. Jumping up and down.Oh, and I got their autographs too and pictures with them! They are so nice and I talked to thme a bit! See?

Peas and Love- pretty phat

Anyway, Sevendust. There was a major mosh there, and I was trying valiantly to shove them damn flirtyboppers away from stealing our seats, or stands, or whatever. This girl kept bouncing up and down to the music and pushed us all away. I ended up like ten feet away from my spot, but once the other stage was set, there was room to breathe and we saved our spots for Lit who was next. A word of advice, do NOT bring expensive electronics such as cameras to mosh pits. I'm glad Weezer's camera was out in one piece and I got killer pics, which I will soon show you later once I get them developed. Promise.

Okay, so on to Lit. I skipped about 11 bands, but Lit was cool. I miraculously along with my two friends were able to keep our spots by standing firmly against the wall thingie while everyone moshed. The damn guards kept standing directly in front of us (NOT a pretty sight, believe me!) and we missed "My Own Worst Enemy" because of it. But I was five feet away from them so it didn't matter!

Here are "the" pictures *L*

After that, I thought we should make it over to the other stage to get ready for Blink 182, but there was already a huge crowd there for Less Than Jake. We stood a bit off to the side trying our best not to inhale whatever shit fumes people were smoking there. [Side note: Lots of blown-up condoms in the trash bin]. Less Than Jake comes, and they sing, then suddenly they say, "I want a huge fucking mosh pit up in here. I-I don't even want to explain how you're going to do it, but I want a big fucking mosh pit now! Come on!"

Not wanting to lose our short lives there, we climbed up to the grandstand seats (just as people began to jump into the crowd from there! :) and lo and behold, our seats are directly facing the backstage. And who do I see? Mark Hoppus from Blink 182. Though I was too far to throw him some stuff to sign (my CD for example) He waved and I tried to ask him if I could just throw him my CD. He shrugged and said sorry, but I got good pix nonetheless.

Lookie here he is all close up and blurry

Here he isin the big-ass truck where all the supplies are, waiting for a pen to sign this board

And here is another blurry one as he walks past

I even saw him hugging his mommy.How sweet. He sure has a lot of friends. I saw' em all back there. And He signed more stuff, posed for more pics, and etc. etc. etc. He was checking out some pictures form a recent photo shoot I believe also.

And here is one of their cases- read it;hilari-ass

Then along comes Tom. He waves and I still don't get an autograph. He talks to a lot of people too. THEN Travis, the drummer, comes and hangs around a bit then goes onstage to practice while Pennywise is on stage 1. I see lots of stuff back there, so it's pretty cool.

And here is Tom backstage also :)

After a while they go onstage and perform. Me and my friend (we inadvertently ditched our other friend in the crowd- he was body surfing and we couldn't find him)try to find some seats or something but thne a HUGE crowd is there by then. Blink 182 was the main attraction for sure. We even go outside of the arena and missed "What's My Age Again?". Oh well. Then they sing all the tyte songs from their album, "Going Away to College", "Aliens Exist", "All the Small Things", and then they sing "Dammit." Woo hoo!

THEN they go, "Hey, let's make this a real rock concert! Ladies, throw us your bras and panties!" LOL It was hilari-ass. Blink 182 rules.

After their performance a few people left. We raced around to the back of the arena and I SAW MARK COMING OUT! He was walking out from the Backstage area, and I was like a foot, literally a foot away. I had nothing for him to sign!!! This guy pushes past me and like jumps in Mark's path and screams "You ROCK MAN!!!!!!" Mark and his friends laugh and girls come up to him and have him sign stuff. So I just let him pass while he signed a few panties for girls. Then his friend was like, "Okay, he's done. No more signing." But he kept signing and walked away. Dammit. Then we stood out ther for a few more minutes and I kept out my CD cover so maybe I could get it signed. Five minutes Later, Travis comes out. I stand next to him and ask him for an autograph (he was talking to a friend) so I'm like, "Excuse me, Travis? Can I get an autograph?"
So he's like, "Sure" and then he signs it! Woo hoo!

I was one happy bunny. He scribbles, no? He's the one with all the tattoos on the far right.

Then after ten more minutes Tom comes out andI ask him for an autograph and he signs my CD too!

Right on the face *L*

After that more people come and ask for autographs. I was literally so happy I didn't care about the rest of the concert. Apparently, neither did my friend, so we went to find our other pal who was still moshing. We get back into the arena and he's pissed because he ws purposely dropped on his head while body surfing. Oops. We walk around a bit while this other band is playing and get lots of free crap. The place smells like horseshit and sweat.

I get a few pics of Ice-T and Eminem and after that we leave. All in all, this was the best concert I've been to. Autographs, killer pics, moshing . . . Not what I'd usually see while attending "Boys of Summer."

He just don't give a f***

I figured I had to take a picture of him too

Did any of you go to the Warped Tour? If so, tell me what you thought of it! It was the bomb!!!
Pictures coming soon!


P.S. We stole this background from a friend of ours- visit his site here:Music Rocks!