Bad News About The Boys Of Summer Tour!

If you were lucky enough to score tix for 'N Sync's summer tour, this is something you need to read. I thought that 5ive and Jordan Knight were opening up for 'N Sync but that may be wrong. There is this guy named Billy Crawford. I'm tellin' ya, he is one ugly mo fo, and looks like a girl, no joke. He has more girlish features than Lance. Well on his web site, he has CONFIRMED dates for The Boys Of Summer throughout all of July and August. The dates are under the gigs section. His website is HERE. Oh but wait. The bad news continues. There is this other guy, Michael Affrick. You may have seen him on the Summer Jam Concert on ABC, they showed him with Britney for a second. Well this guy had 8 dates scheduled for 'N Sync's tour, and he's going on Brit's tour for August and September. You can read about it HERE. It also says there that it will be with 'N Sync and Jordan Knight. It says nothing about 5ive. I'm still not done. On Blaque's web site they have a week of dates confirmed for the 'N Sync tour. Check those HERE. That's all of the confirmed dates, but there is also a rumor that a girl trio called After Dark will be joining the tour also. But as of now, that is just a rumor, and rumors are just RUMORS. But the rest of those acts, well they're confirmed baby. So here is what I figure. On 5ive's official web site and on Jordan Knight's official web site there are still confirmed dates for almost all of summer. Blaque will be doing a week when 5ive cannot be on the tour. So here is what I'm guessing is gonna go down. Billy Crawford and Michael Africk will be opening the shows, and 5ive, Jordan Knight, and 'N Sync will have equal time. This sucks if you don't like 5ive or Jordan, because it looks like 'N Sync is not going to do a full concert set. Witth all of the other acts on the tour, they will not have time unless they run the concert long, which they probably will not. They may be doing this because 'N Sync got so wore out on their last tour. I don't really know. All I know for sure is that every mag I read it says Jordan and 5ive are 'N Sync's opening acts, and Michael is only confirmed for 8 dates, so if they're gonna have other people open, they have to get someone else on the tour because they have waaaayy more than 8 dates and need someone to fill in the space. I guess we'll just see won't we? I'll update for you as soon as i find out ANYTHING!!!