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De Ja Vu Trivia

Forget this episode? Here are some quotes to refresh your memory...

Are you ready for Deja Vu All Over Again trivia? I hope so! So, here is how it works. Right down your guesses as you go. Listed at the bottom are the correct answers. Good luck and don't cheat!

True or False?

1. Rodregis' task was to separate the sisters for a meeting.

2. When Phoebe touched the TV she had a premonition of Andy being killed.

3. The segment producer was Joanne Hurts.

4. Tempust stood outside of the store "Symphony of Time".

5. Rodregis' license plate number was 000000.

Multiple Choice

6. What was the forcast for that day?
a. A slight overcast
b. A beautiful day
c. Blizzard
d. Thunderstorm

7. Where was Piper at 8:00 that morning?
a. Quake
b. Home
c. Shopping
d. Dead

8. What was Andy charged with?
a. Vandelization
b. Grand Theft
c. Murder
d. Money Laundering

9. What is Morris' first name?
a. Dorian
b. Daryl
c. Gregory
d. Darren

10. According to this episode, in what year did Piper graduate?
a. 1989
b. 1990
d. 1992

11. What high school did Piper go to?
a. San Francisco Area High School (SFAHS)
b. Baker High
c. Bay Area High School
d. Catherdral Sisterhood Unionship

12. Who died day 1?
a. Prue
b. Piper
c. Phoebe
d. Andy

13. Who died day 2?
a. Prue
b. Piper
c. Phoebe
d. Andy

14. Who died day 3?
a. Prue
b. Piper
c. Phoebe
d. Andy

15. What did Prue put on Andy's casket?
a. Orcet
b. Rose
c. Daisey
d. A letter

Short Answer

16. What gift was sent to Rodregis?

17. How did Rogregis react to his gift?

18. Who's car got hit and how badly was it damaged.

19. For what reason did Prue think that IA had for setting up Andy?

20. In the meeting, what did Rodregis talk to Andy about?

21. How did Rodregis' attitude change every day?

22. Why did Andy accept his death?

23. What was the last thing Andy said to Prue?

24. Why did Piper quit Quake?

25. What was significant about the last scene?


True or False?

1. Rodregis' task was to separate the sisters for a meeting.=FALSE, HE HAD TO GET THEM TOGETHER

2. When Phoebe touched the TV she had a premonition of Andy being killed.=FALSE, SHE RECEIVED THE PREMONITION FROM THE NEWSPARER

3. The segment producer was Joanne Hurts.=TRUE

4. Tempust stood outside of the store "Symphony of Time".=TRUE

5. Rodregis' license plate number was 000000.=FALSE, IT WAS 999004.

Multiple Choice

6. What was the forcast for that day?
a. A slight overcast
*b.* A beautiful day*
c. Blizzard
d. Thunderstorm

7. Where was Piper at 8:00 that morning?
*a.* Quake*
b. Home
c. Shopping
d. Dead

8. What was Andy charged with?
a. Vandelization
b. Grand Theft
*c.* Murder*
d. Money Laundering

9. What is Morris' first name?
a. Dorian
*b.* Daryl*
c. Gregory
d. Darren

10. According to this episode, in what year did Piper graduate?
a. 1989
b. 1990
*d.* 1992*

11. What high school did Piper go to?
a. San Francisco Area High School (SFAHS)
*b.* Baker High*
c. Bay Area High School
d. Catherdral Sisterhood Unionship

12. Who died day 1?
a. Prue
b. Piper
*c.* Phoebe
d. Andy

13. Who died day 2?
a. Prue
*b.* Piper*
*c.* Phoebe*
d. Andy

14. Who died day 3?
a. Prue
b. Piper
c. Phoebe
*d.* Andy*

15. What did Prue put on Andy's casket?
a. Orcet
*b.* Rose*
c. Daisey
d. A letter

Short Answer

16. What gift was sent to Rodregis?=TEMPUST, A DEMON OF TIME

17. How did Rogregis react to his gift?=HE GOT COCKY

18. Who's car got hit and how badly was it damaged.=MRS. HENDERSON'S, A LITTLE FENDER BENDER

19. For what reason did Prue think that IA had for setting up Andy?=TO GET ANDY TO TELL THEM PRUE'S SECRET

20. In the meeting, what did Rodregis talk to Andy about?=PRUE'S SECRET

21. How did Rodregis' attitude change every day?=HE GOT MORE IMPATIENT AND MORE ANGRY

22. Why did Andy accept his death?=HE KNEW IT WAS HIS DESTINY

23. What was the last thing Andy said to Prue?="I'M ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU, PRUE"

24. Why did Piper quit Quake?=IT WASN'T HER DREAM

25. What was significant about the last scene?=PRUE USED HER POWER TO CLOSE THE DOOR, LIKE SHE DID IN THE FIRST EPISODE.

How did you do? E-mail me and tell me!

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