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The Fourth Sister Trivia

Forget this episode? Here are some episodes to refresh your memory...

How are you? I'm fine. Are you ready for some The Fourth Sister Trivia? This trivia is pretty hard, so make sure that you have seen the episode a few times. Here we go...write your answers down as you go...the correct answers are at the bottom of the page...Don't Cheat!!!

True or False

1. Before Aviva came Piper, Phoebe and Leo were going to a movie.

2. Kali gave Phoebe the power of astral projection.

3. To vanquish Kali they set her on fire.

Multiple Choice

4. What is the Halliwell's phone number?
a. 555-5555
b. 234-4546
c. 555-0198
d. 555-PRUE

5. Where was Aviva's mom?
a. Rehab
b. Jail
c. No one knew
d. Dead

6. What movie did Prue and Andy rent?
a. Top gun
b. Body Heat
c. Hocus Pocus
d. Sex and Flex

7. When Aviva stayed with the sisters where did she sleep?
a. Prue's room
b. Phoebe's room
c. Piper's room
d. The couch downstairs

8. What was Aviva going to do to Prue, but did to Phoebe by accident?
a. Stab her with a knife
b. Suffocate her
c. Push her off a skyscraper
d. Throw a fireball at her

Short Answer

9. According to this episode, what is the Halliwell's address?

10. Why did Piper think Phoebe was a boyfriend snatcher (hint, not Leo!)

11. What were the sister's feelings about Aviva?

12. Why was Andy mad at Prue?

13. What happened to Avivas Aunt Jackie?


True or False

1. Before Aviva came Piper, Phoebe and Leo were going to a movie.=TRUE

2. Kali gave Phoebe the power of astral projection.=FALSE, she gave her the power of heat.

3. To vanquish Kali they set her on fire.=FALSE, they had to shatter her image.

Multiple Choice

4. What is the Halliwell's phone number?
a. 555-5555
b. 234-4546
*c.* 555-0198*
d. 555-PRUE

5. Where was Aviva's mom?
*a.* Rehab*
b. Jail
c. No one knew
d. Dead

6. What movie did Prue and Andy rent?
a. Top gun
*b.* Body Heat*
c. Hocus Pocus
d. Sex and Flex

7. When Aviva stayed with the sisters where did she sleep?
a. Prue's room
*b.* Phoebe's room*
c. Piper's room
d. The couch downstairs

8. What was Aviva going to do to Prue, but did to Phoebe by accident?
a. Stab her with a knife
b. Suffocate her
c. Push her off a skyscraper
*d.* Throw a fireball at her*

Short Answer

9. According to this episode, what is the Halliwell's address?
*7571 Prescott St.*

10. Why did Piper think Phoebe was a boyfriend snatcher (hint, not Leo!)
*Because in the 8th grade Phoebe kissed Piper's boyfriend, Billy Wilson.*

11. What were the sister's feelings about Aviva?
*Prue=Cautious, Piper=Neutral and Phoebe=Accepting*

12. Why was Andy mad at Prue?
*She kept breaking dates with him*

13. What happened to Avivas Aunt Jackie?
*Aviva and Kali made her dress catch on fire and she rolled down a flight of steps.*

How did you do? Tell me. To do more trivia go here for season one and here for season two.


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