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Is there a Woogie In the House Trivia

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Are you ready for some Is there a woogie in the house trivia? Here it is...

I True or False

1. Prue didn't want to go into the basement because she was afraid of the woogie man.

2. The Woogie man gave Prue the power to make things materialize.

3. The Halliwell house is located on a spiritual necusus.

4. Beth Whitialseed choked Andy.

5. Twin Peaks is the highest point in San Fransico.

II Multiple Choice

6. Why did the gas man claim that he wanted Phoebe to come down in the basement?
a. He twisted his ankle
b. he sprained his ankle
c. he broke his ankle
d. his ankle fell off

7.What is the Halliwell's cat's name?
a. kit
b. fluffy
c. spot
d. mittens

8. What did Beth do to Josh?
a. hit him over the head
b. chocked him
c. stabbed him
d. shot him

9. What park did Patti take Prue and Piper to?
a. Maple tree park
b. San Fransico area park
c. Kinwood park
d. Oakland area park

10. What was the picture of that gave Phoebe a premintion that made her turn good?
a. grams
the sisters in the present time
c. the sisters when they were little
d. their mom, Patti

What was the firstthing that the sisters added to the Book of Shadows?


I True or False

1. Prue didn't want to go into the basement because she was afraid of the woogie man.=FALSE-PHOEBE WAS AFRAID OF THE WOOGIE MAN

2. The Woogie man gave Prue the power to make things materialize.=FALSE-HE GAVE PHOEBE THE POWER TO MAKE THINGS MATERIALIZE

3. The Halliwell house is located on a spiritual necusus.=TRUE

4. Beth Whitialseed choked Andy.=FALSE-SHE CHOKED JOSH

5. Twin Peaks is the highest point in San Fransico.=TRUE

I Multiple Choice

6. Why did the gas man claim that he wanted Phoebe to come down in the basement?
a. He twisted his ankle
*b. he sprained his ankle*
c. he broke his ankle
d. his ankle fell off

7.What is the Halliwell's cat's name?
*a. kit*
b. fluffy
c. spot
d. mittens

8. What did Beth do to Josh?
a. hit him over the head
*B. chocked him*
c. stabbed him
d. shot him

9. What park did Patti take Prue and Piper to?
a. Maple tree park
b. San Fransico area park
*c. Kinwood park*
d. Oakland area park

10. What was the picture of that gave Phoebe a premintion that made her turn good?
a. grams
the sisters in the present time
*c. the sisters when they were little*
d. their mom, Patti

What was the firstthing that the sisters added to the Book of Shadows?=ABOUT THE WOOGIE MAN

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