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Something Wicca This Way Comes Trivia

This is the beginning...the very first has only been played twice on television...think you have a handle on it? Find out! Here is Something Wicca This Way Comes trivia. Write down your answers as you go. The correct answers are at the bottom of the page. Don't cheat. Here we go...

True or False

1. Piper had an audition in North Beach.

2. The witch that died was about 80.

3. An aphromae is used for cutting purposes.

4. Jeremy worked as an inspector.

5. Phoebe payed for her cab.

6. Andy believed in witches.

7. Morris believed in witches.

8. Prue saw the pointer on the spirit board move.

9. Phoebe had a key to unlock the attic door.

10. Phoebe spent the night reading the BOS.

11.At first, Piper didn't believe that she was a witch.

12. Prue quit her job at the museum.

13. Roger was Piper's boss at the museum.

14. Phoebe got hurt rollerblading when she saved two bikers.

15. At first, Prue thought that witches were evil.

16. The BOS said that their powers would never grow.

17. Jeremy had known about the sisters for a year that the sisters were going to become witches before he attacked them.

18. The spell required 100 candles.

Muliple Choice

19. What kind of spell was the witch casting before she was killed?
a. A truth spell
b. A protection Spell
c. A spell to vanquish Jeremy
d. She wasn't casting any spell

20. What was the witches power?
a. Fire
b. To Freeze Time
c. Telekinesis
d. Clairvoyancy

21. What appliance was Prue attempting to fix?
a. Hairdryer
b. The outside light
c. The chandelier
d. The door to the attic

22. What was Piper late for?
a. Her dinner date with Prue
b. Meeting Leo, the handy man
c. Meeting the electrician
d. Her audition

23. What was Jeremy's last name?
a. Burns
b. Jones
c. Treaudough
d. Williams

24.Where was Phoebe living before moving to the manor?
a. Beverly Hills
c. New York
c. Pittsburgh
d. San Francisco

25. Why was Phoebe living in the answer to #24?
a. Her job was there
b. Looking for her mom
c. Looking for her dad
d. Because she hated Prue

26. For what reason did Prue assume Phoebe moved back?
a. She had a boyfriend who lived here
b. She wanted to turn her life around
c. She missed Prue and Piper
d. She wanted to sell the manor

27. What tatoo did all of the witches that died have?
a. A pentagram
b. A triquatre
c. "God and Goddess"
d. they didn't have tatoos, they all had cats

28. Why did Morris advise Andy not to hold Kit?
a. She was really ugly
b. She was bloody
c. She had rabies
d. She was clawing everyone

29. What did the spirit board spell out?
b. BOS

30. What happened after the spirit board pointer moved?
a. Jeremy called
b. Prue went to the museum
c. The power went out
d. Piper got more popcorn


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